Site News

Guest Artist Applications

Posted 4 months and 13 hours ago :: Last edited 4 months and 13 hours ago by Luca

Hello, Burrowgatory! Due to our upcoming vacation, we're opening applications a week early this season.

Guest artist applications for the May-August 2024 season are now open until April 5th.

You can read up on the rules, responsibilities, and rewards of being a guest artist on our Succubuns Guest Artists page. After thoroughly familiarizing yourself with the requirements, follow the link at the bottom of the page to submit your application!

Succubuns Guest Artist Info

Special Delivery! (Part 4)

Posted 4 months and 14 hours ago :: Last edited 4 months and 14 hours ago by Luca

Hello, Burrowgatory!

Our hard-working GA team has finished our fourth set of Special Deliveries.



Congratulations to comfyjean, Blesmol, lilyzann, Ou-sama, Pokibloodfallen, kingfauna, Shae, and mercurian on your new buns!

We'll also be uploading more offspring from Official Breeding Requests, so keep an eye on the masterlist if you want to check them out.

The deadline for GAs to take on new requests has passed, so we will be distributing offspring MYO slots to everyone whose Special Delivery request was not taken soon. If you have a pending request, but don't receive an MYO slot, keep your eyes open for one last Special Delivery at the end of the month! 😉

Upcoming Design Submission Vacation

Posted 4 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 4 months and 5 days ago by Yves

Hello, Burrowgatory!

The admin team will be taking a much-needed vacation in April to help us relax and refresh ourselves before diving back into working on all of the upcoming site content for the year.

During this time, MYO submissions, design updates, and design help tickets in the Discord will be closed. Prompts, general help tickets, and all other submissions will remain open as normal.

All design-related submissions will be closed April 8-23.

Please make use of this advanced notice to finish and submit any design updates you want to get approved before the 8th. We recommend aiming to have any pending designs submitted by April 1st, as designs submitted right before the deadline may take longer to be reviewed, and will not be able to be resubmitted until the 23rd if rejected.

During this vacation, there may be longer wait times for prompt approval (though we know our mod team will do great under Kingfauna's supervision!) and other inquires. Thank you for being patient with us!

The new April event will still be released as normal at the beginning of the month. We hope you're excited for what April brings!

(Don't forget to follow our Twitter to see little Shibani's adventures in Japan... part two!)

Special Delivery! (Part 3)

Posted 4 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 4 months and 1 week ago by Luca

Hello, Burrowgatory!

Our hard-working GA team has finished our third set of Special Deliveries.



Congratulations to fallen, Viipeach, ShiroDraws, NotDamien, deadlydeer, SaltyBirb, malkavian, and MimicPapaya on your new buns!

We'll also be uploading more offspring from Official Breeding Requests, so keep an eye on the masterlist if you want to check them out.

More Special Deliveries will be on their way throughout the month!

New Moderators

Posted 4 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 4 months and 2 weeks ago by Luca

Hello, Burrogatory!

You may have noticed some new faces in prompt approvals lately as we've been training our new mods. 

Today, we're excited to finally announce the new additions to the Succubuns team. Please join us in welcoming them!

Bambi, INDIG0TEA, and mmj will be approving art prompts.
apothecarum and PsychoticAmour will be approving writing prompts.
Additionally, Bambi and apothecarum will be providing Discord support.

We're also thrilled to (belatedly) announce that kingfauna is has been officially promoted to Assistant Administrator, stepping in to handle issues when the admins are unavailable. Denny is an amazing boon to our team, please make sure to show him some love as well!

Succubuns is always growing, so we hope this expansion to our mod team will allow us to maintain the quick turnaround time you've all come to expect from us. Thank you to everyone for your patience during our selection and training process, and thank you especially to everyone who applied to work as a moderator!

Special Delivery! (Part 2)

Posted 4 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 4 months and 2 weeks ago by Luca

Hello, Burrowgatory!

Our hard-working GA team has already finished our second set of Special Deliveries.



Congratulations to Peachiepeeps, VoiceofTime, EnglishPhoenix, miniifroggii, orirising, pinkuo, hypnautical, and sunpurr on your new buns!

We'll also be uploading more offspring from Official Breeding Requests, so keep an eye on the masterlist if you want to check them out.

More Special Deliveries will be on their way throughout the month!

Special Delivery! (Part 1)

Posted 4 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 4 months and 3 weeks ago by Luca

Hello, Burrowgatory!

Our GA team has already been hard at work in the Bunnery, and we're excited to bring you the first set of Special Deliveries.



Congratulations to ornamental, Oteibilitz, zachberrie, flayn, glizzrybear, articution, Frenkle, and gummygabbo on your new buns!

We've also started uploading offspring from Official Breeding Requests, so keep an eye on the masterlist if you want to check them out.

More Special Deliveries will be on their way throughout the month!

Breeding Season

Posted 5 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 4 months and 3 weeks ago by Luca

Content Warning: March's event contains themes of pregnancy and infant care.

As Matentines season ends, the Church of Sulfur is left to handle the aftermath...

Breeding Season

It's the busiest time of year for the Bunnery—baby buns are being born all throughout Burrowgatory, and it's the church's job to gather them all and care for them until it's time to turn them over to Murmur at the end of the month.

Breeding Season will end at 11pm EST on March 31st, when the site will go down for maintenance.

Check out the Breeding Season page for more information, and to collect your daily milk bottle.

Offspring MYOs

This month only, players can turn in a Positive Test to breed two of their succubuns and receive an offspring MYO!

If you're interested in breeding your succubun this Breeding Season, please thoroughly read through the Breeding info page below to find out how to earn a Positive Test and submit an Offspring MYO Claim.

♡ Breeding Info Page ♡

Offspring MYO claims will close at the end of March 31st


New Baby Imps

Several new imps are now available in the baby color!

Milk Mochi are back in stock at Dan's Dango, only for the month of March. They can also be purchased with milk bottles in the Breeding Season event shop.


Egghel Hunt

Egghel is back in the Breeding Season event shop, and it's available in 6 new springtime pastel colors!

Open an Unhatched Egghel from your inventory to recieve an egghel of a random color. These new egghel colors can also be obtained through feeding a dango to any color egghel, but egghel's original four unique colors can only be obtained through hatching!


Monthly Supporter Boxes

The Supporter Shop has been refreshed for the month! Show Succubuns your support and take home some extra goodies, such as items from the Breeding Season shop and Wagashi to spend at Pedigree Pets.


New Pedigree Imp

After our final patron vote, floracoon can now be purchased at Pedigree Pets! Aureluna has been cycled out—so long, aureluna.

While we work on getting our new subscription service set up, pedigree imp voting is available to all players! Click the link below to vote for April's pedigree imp.

April Pedigree Imp Poll


Milk Maid Raffle

Congratulations to @Jacyfox on winning February's Rose Bouquet Raffle!

This month's raffle bun has been busy harvesting milk from milkweed!


Tickets can be purchased with milk bottles in the Breeding Season event shop. Make sure to open the tickets in your inventory after purchasing, or you won't actually be entered in the raffle!



Seasonal Drinks

The Rabbit Hole is now serving spring seasonal drinks once more!

Additionally, the Heavenly Embassy has Floral Ambrosia in stock for the season.



Monthly Prompt

The March Monthly Prompt is now available.

Show us your succubun's lucky charm for 30 bonus carats!


MYO submission update

We've made some updates to the design submission process in an effort to further streamline it!

Trait items will now automatically add their associated trait when submitted in the "Add-Ons" section of an MYO submission or design update. To remove traits, you can attach a Drabsinthe, and then manually delete the trait(s) you wish to remove from the Traits page.

You can find details about this feature in our new and improved MYO Submission Guide! This is aimed at players submitting an MYO at the first time, but also contains information about the new trait item features.



We hope you all enjoyed the sexy fun in the Matentines event!

The Matentines event shop will remain open until March 7th, at which point all remaining love letters will disappear.

Supporter Shop

Posted 4 months and 4 weeks ago :: Last edited 4 months and 4 weeks ago by Luca

Hello, Burrowgatory! We have some good and bad news for you today regarding the issue with the Succubuns Patreon.

We have decided that it's not the right choice for Succubuns to continue to use Patreon's services, and we will not be re-launching the Succubuns Patreon. We're so grateful for everyone who subscribed to our Patreon and joined in on the fun there, and while we wish we could have given it a better send off, we hope you all enjoyed your time as a patron!


We've instead decided to make the most of this ordeal by creating a proprietary subscription service, hosted directly on This will allow us to offer all of the monthly polls and goodies you've grown to love in a much more direct way, without another website taking a cut!

It will take us at least a couple months to get this service up and running, but we're very excited about the possibilities it brings to the table. In the meanwhile, rather than asking everyone to go make an account on a different subscription website, we're opening a temporary Supporter Shop for you to get your monthly goodies.

The Supporter Shop offers boxes corresponding to the item-rewarding tiers of the old Succubuns Patreon, which will be available for purchase monthly. These boxes expire at the end of the month, so please make sure to open them right away!

For those who backed the Succubuns Patreon in February and were refunded, you're welcome to either re-purchase your previous tier and get double the rewards, or keep your money and enjoy the freebies for the month. Consider it a thank-you for your support.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to host polls, share previews, or offer a special Discord role and channel for supporters until our subscription service is ready. At the end of the month, we'll be retiring the Patron role and channel from our Discord server, to be replaced with a Supporter role and channel in the future. In place of our Patron pedigree imp suggestion posts and polls, we'll be sourcing ideas for our monthly pedigree imps from within our team, and then opening up voting to the entire playerbase!


From the bottom of our heart, thank you to everyone who's supported us in these trying times. You're the reason we have the motivation to keep going and build back up higher after being knocked down.


Merch Shop Vacation

Posted 5 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 5 months and 1 week ago by Yves

Hello, Burrowgatory!

We wanted to let you know that we'll be closing the Merch Shop for the next few months starting on Friday 2/23, as our team does not currently have the resources to keep it open permanently. We plan to take this time to focus on site development and creating new types of merch, so that we can hopefully reopen with even more offerings!

If you've been eyeing anything in the store, please make sure to place your order before 11:59pm EST on the 23rd, as we will not be able to accept orders after that until we reopen again.

If you're interested in the store, you can fill out a Survey of future merch you're interested in and snag a 10% discount coupon that will last until the 23rd.

Thank you to everyone who has brought a little piece of Burrowgatory into their homes!