Site News


Posted 1 year and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 1 year and 2 weeks ago by Luca

Content Warning:  February's event contains heavy themes of sex, sexuality, and romance, with mentions of pregnancy and breeding. Participation does not require directly engaging with these themes, but if they make you uncomfortable, there's nothing wrong with sitting this event out.

A strange heat is sweeping over Burrowgatory...


Pheromones hang heavy in the air as a wave of heat washes through Burrowgatory... It's the time of year when many succubuns fuck like rabbits, driven by their ancestral carnal instincts.

With Breeding Season on the horizon, now's the perfect time to refresh yourself on some Succubuns lore!

Sex, Sexuality, and Relationships
Family, Lineage, and Breeding

Check out the Matentines event page for more information, and to learn how to collect love letters.



The arrival of Matentines means that Breeding Season is just around the cornering, bearing the fruits of Burrowgatory's... ahem, "hard work" in February.

If you're interested in breeding your Succubun in March, please thoroughly read through the Breeding info page linked below so you can figure out how to prepare during Matentines.

♡ Upcoming Breeding Season Info ♡

Offspring MYO claims will not open until March, but Official Breeding Requests and Special Delivery Requests are open, and will close on February 25th.


New Pet Colors

Several new imps are now available in the lovedrunk color!

Rosewater Mochi are back in stock at Dan's Dango, only for the month of February. They can also be purchased with sparklers in the Matentines event shop.

Additionally, erose is now available in purple, orange, and yellow.


Rose Bouquet Raffle

Congratulations to MimicPapaya on winning January's Toasted Mochi Raffle!

This month's raffle bun has a gift for someone special...


Tickets can be purchased with love letters in the Matentines event shop. Make sure to open the tickets in your inventory after purchasing, or you won't actually be entered in the raffle!


New Pedigree Imp

Succubuns' patrons have voted, and sweetinea can now be purchased at Pedigree Pets! Fellantern has been cycled out—so long, fellantern.

Patrons at the $10 tier and above can suggest ideas and vote for the next pedigree imp, and will each receive one Wagashi a month to purchase any pedigree imp of their choosing. Join the Succubuns Patreon today to help choose March's pedigree imp!


Monthly Prompt

The February Monthly Prompt is now available.

Tuck your sick succubun into bed for 30 bonus carats!


Event Prompts

This month, event prompts other than the Blind Date collab prompt will be limited to one completion per week, and will close at 11:00pm EST on 2/29.

Please plan accordingly to ensure you're able to purchase everything you want! We hope that this will help avoid end of the month crunch for both players and moderators.

Additionally, the site will be starting maintenance an hour earlier than usual, going down at 11:00pm EST, so that we can bring you the new monthly update for Breeding Season right at midnight!


Mochi Moon

The Mochi Moon event shop will remain open until February 7th, at which point all remaining sparklers will disappear and the Mochi Moon award will no longer be craftable.

Envious Handbasket Raffle Results

Posted 1 year and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 1 year and 2 weeks ago by Yves

The carat raffle for envy baskets has been rolled-- you can check if you were one of the lucky winners here!
If you won, you've had a purchase ticket with a link to a private shop granted to your inventory. Please make sure you purchase it within the next 24 hours, or your slot will be re-rolled!

Thank you to everyone who made our MYO sale a success, and please look forward to monthly rollover and the adoptable advent coming soon!

Envious Handbasket Carat Raffle

Posted 1 year and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 1 year and 2 weeks ago by Yves

The carat raffle for Envious Handbaskets is now open, and tickets can be purchased in the Bunnery!

Please note that you need to go to your inventory and open the ticket item to be entered.

Tickets cost one carat, and are limited to one per player. Winners will be granted the opportunity to purchase an Envious Handbasket for 400 carats!

Please note that you must have 400 carats on hand and be able to pay within 24 hours of winning, or a strike will be applied to your account and the slot will be rerolled.

This raffle will be open until 9:00pm on 1/31/24, at which point tickets will be removed from the Bunnery and the raffle will be rolled.

Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you to everyone who purchased an MYO slot this sale!
You can view winners to the USD envious handbasket raffle here.

Sweet & Spicy Adoptable Advent

Posted 1 year and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 1 year and 2 weeks ago by Luca

Hello, Burrowgatory!

With February and Matentines right around the corner, we know you're all looking forward to cute and sexy Valentines-inspired designs... That's why we're excited to announce:

The Sweet & Spicy Adoptable Advent!

This advent features 38 sweet and spicy designs, made by artists from the Succubuns GA team, GA alums, and a selection of special guest artists!

Each day from February 1-18 at 8pm EST, one sweet design and one spicy design will go up for auction on our Sales page, with a special doubled sale for 2/14. If that wasn't enough for you, we'll cap things off with our third-ever cherubun auction on 2/18.

For previews of all these upcoming designs, check out our Twitter and Bluesky accounts over the next few weeks, or pledge to our Patreon to see them all immediately!

Our artists have worked incredibly hard to create this selection of incredible buns, so we hope you're all as excited to see them as we are to share them with you.

The Heavenly Embassy

Posted 1 year and 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 year and 3 weeks ago by Luca

It's been nearly a month since Dove revealed the truth about cherubuns...

Since then, more cherubuns have begun to take their leave of the heavenly meadow. Though escaping from the shadow of their overbearing guardian angel has been a positive change for most, their new lives in Burrowgatory haven't been without challenges. The flowers used to make ambrosia couldn't grow in Burrowgatory's soil, leaving cherubuns without a source of medicine.

Perhaps Melangel still held some feeling of mercy towards the children they'd forsaken, or perhaps they simply wanted to taunt the cherubuns in Burrowgatory with a pale imitation of the home they could never return to... Either way, Melangel gave a final parting gift to the fallen cherubuns, using their power to create a bed of heavenly clouds in the sky above Burrowgatory, positioned to catch those who fall from the heavenly meadow.

Upon these clouds, cherubuns have constructed the Heavenly Embassy—their own little slice of home away from home. 

The embassy holds greenhouses full of ambrosia flowers and temporary lodging for new arrivals, as well as permanent homes for cherubuns who choose to stay. Its small selection of shops and restaurants attract curious succubun tourists to visit, coming up the elevator tower that connects the embassy with the city below.


Heavenly Keys

Players can now create their own MYO cherubuns with a Heavenly Key.

In order to earn a Heavenly Key, players will need to collect all seven heavenly virtues and turn them in at the Garden of Virtues.

Can you prove that you have the pure heart needed to welcome a cherubun into Burrowgatory?



Cherubuns don't appear to be the only ones who've slipped through the door from the heavenly meadow to Burrowgatory...

Similar to imps, virtues are strange, tiny creatures made of excess heavenly energy, which coalesces around a concept that gives it its form. Melangel has shaped them into representations of their namesake virtues, and uses them to encourage those values in cherubuns.

The seven most highly regarded virtue species are referred to as heavenly virtues. Heavenly virtues are most easily found around the Heavenly Embassy, and are attracted to buns who strongly display their namesake merits. These seven are account-bound, and may be difficult to obtain.

Along with the heavenly virtues, a number of other virtues have begun popping up around Burrowgatory, hanging around locales associated with the merits they're attracted to. They seem to be a bit less fussy than the heavenly seven, and some succubuns have already begun keeping them as pets.

Despite their divine appearance, all virtues act much like any other pet after finding an owner, each possessing their own personalities and foibles. Unlike imps, they cannot eat, and don't seem to be capable of altering their forms. The halos and eyes that make up their "heads" are made of intangible light, the same as cherubun halos.


The Garden of Virtues

Tucked away in a greenhouse within the Heavenly Embassy, the Garden of Virtues allows cherubuns to contemplate the heavenly values they were raised with, and how those merits can still fit within the world of Burrowgatory.

Here, players can attempt to attract the seven heavenly virtues needed to obtain a Heavenly Key—or simply to keep as pets for their succubuns!


Diligentia can be earned by completing the Pursuit of Diligence prompt series.

Benevolia can be earned by trading in 12 Affection Tokens at the Statue of Kindness.

Patientia can be earned through an RNG daily at the Statue of Patience.

Humilitia can be earned by submitting gift art for 12 Succubun Spotlights.
If you have already submitted 12 or more, please submit a claim for your humilitia.

Charitia can be earned by donating a value of 400 carats at the Pillow Pile.
If your donation score is already above 400, you will need to make one more donation of any size in order to trigger the reward.

Temperantia can be earned by completing a collection of Drinks or Dango.
If you have already earned the Sommelier and/or Dango Head awards for completing these collections, please submit a claim for your temperantia(s).

Puritia can be earned by completing a new permanent plot that explores the impact cherubuns and virtues have had on Burrowgatory.
However, you may need to prove yourself to be virtuous before the rarest of virtues will show itself to you...


New NPC: Primrose


The prudish Primrose is the head of the Heavenly Embassy, and he takes great pains to ensure that the cherubuns in Burrowgatory are taken care of. However, his holier-than-thou attitude can grate unpleasantly on succubuns and the cherubuns who came to Burrowgatory to escape the puritanism of their old home...

Read more about Primrose on his profile, or get to know him in the new NPC prompt.



New NPC: Beanny


The eccentric Beanny is the proud owner and barista of Paradise Café. Jokingly referred to as the "mad scientist of coffee", she's dedicated to her craft—sometimes to the detriment of those who wind up the test subjects for experimental new brews.

Read more about Beanny on her profile, or get to know her in the new NPC prompt.



The Heavenly Embassy

Floating above the outskirts of the city on a bed a solid cloud, the Heavenly Embassy takes care of cherubuns living in Burrowgatory. The embassy's greenhouse gardens grow the flowers used to make ambrosia, allowing cherubuns to live in safety and comfort in Burrowgatory.

At the Heavenly Embassy, players can purchase Ambrosia items, which function as the equivalent to Drinks for cherubuns.



Cherubun Traits

Though cherubuns cannot display sinful traits, they have their own equivalent in saintly traits. These angelic features reflect cherubuns' divinely-influenced nature, and tend to draw quite a lot of eyes within Burrowgatory.

The Grand Halo, Feathered Wings, Ophanim, and Hagoromo traits can be obtained using Divine Ambrosia.

Cherubuns can also possess seasonal traits. These can be obtained with the corresponding seasonal ambrosias, which will be stocked in the Heavenly Embassy during their season.


Paradise Café

Located within the Heavenly Embassy's grounds, Paradise Café is the hottest new coffee shop in Burrowgatory. With drinks that appeal to both cherubuns and succubuns alike, even residents of the city will make the haul to the embassy for their Coffee.


New Traits

Since arriving in Burrowgatory, Beanny has been fascinated by the Rabbit Hole's fantastical drinks, and dreamed of concocting an equivalent that both succubuns and cherubuns could enjoy.

With a little help from Hops, Beanny has created Paradise Café's special menu. These Coffee drinks allow both succubuns and cherubuns to obtain special traits!


The Angora Fur trait has been reclassified from a sinful trait to a special trait, and is now available to both succubuns and cherubuns with an Angora Au Lait.

The new special traits Tailless, Long Ears, and Perky Ears are now available to both succubuns and cherubuns with corresponding Coffee from Paradise Café.


After collaborating with Beanny, Hops was also inspired to add a new drink, Iris Coffee, to the Rabbit Hole's permanent menu.

This drink allows succubuns to obtain a new sinful trait: Evil Eye.

After this update, the Angora Sour item will no longer be available for purchase at the Rabbit Hole, being replaced with Iris Coffee. Angora Au Lait will be available at Paradise Café for the same price, and Angora Sour will still be obtainable through crafting.

The Open Bar collection will now require an Iris Coffee rather than an Angora Sour to complete. Those who have already completed the collection will retain their collection and award.

Please note that even though Angora Fur is a special trait, cherubuns cannot consume Angora Sour, and can only obtain the trait with an Angora Au Lait.


Patreon Rewards

Starting in February, Succubuns Patreon Patrons of the Sinful Indulgence tier or higher will have the option to select a Café Coupon or Embassy Pass from their monthly coupon reward box. These coupons are good for 50% off at Paradise Café or the Heavenly Embassy, respectively. 

Cherubun Sales

In addition to Heavenly Keys, players will be able to obtain cherubuns through limited auctions on the Sales page. There will be one GA-designed cherubun auction per month, with an additional Luca-designed cherubun going up when possible. All official cherubuns will have doll forms, and will be an opportunity for our artists to flex their design skills to the best of their abilities.

The first cherubun auction is now up on the Sales page!


Winter MYO Sale

Succubuns will be holding its quarterly USD sale for Hell in a Handbasket MYO items from January 26-28. As always, Handbaskets cost $30 USD and are limited to one per person, with a raffle for $40 Envious Handbaskets being rolled after the sale has concluded. Keep an eye on the Sales page for more information!

[FIXED] Crafting error

Posted 1 year and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 1 year and 3 weeks ago by Yves

This should now be fixed! If you have continued issues with crafting, please let us know via a bugreport!


Hello all,

Unfortunately, a small update today seems to have broken crafting and associated pages temporarily.

We will work to get them back online as quickly as possible! Until then, please hold tight to your ingredients. We will update+bump this news post when they are back working.

Hope you're having a good week!

Scheduled Maintenance

Posted 1 year and 4 weeks ago :: Last edited 1 year and 4 weeks ago by Yves

Hello, Burrowgatory!

Succubuns will be going into scheduled maintenance from 8:00pm site time tomorrow, 1/19/24.

We expect this maintenance to last for around an hour, but as always, it may be longer if unexpected things happen!
The website will be unavailable during this time.

Thank you!

Moderator Applications Re-open

Posted 1 year and 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 year and 1 month ago by Yves

Hello all,

We'd like to apologize for the sudden disappearance of the moderator application post last week.

Unfortunately, the Succubuns team have been dealing with continued attempts at griefing, including an attempt to get the website taken down. For our own safety, we decided to remove the news post with links to the applications until the issues could be resolved.

We're hopeful that this will be the last time we have to deal with these issues, as they're becoming quite wearing on our small team. Thank you, as always, for your patience and understanding!

You can find moderator applications linked below. These contain all the necessary information about working with the Succubuns team as a freelance moderator. If you already applied last week, we still have and will be reviewing your application, no need to resubmit!

Art Prompt Moderator Application
Written Prompt Moderator Application
Discord Moderator Application

Applications have been extended for 5 days, and will now close on 1/15/2024 at 11:59pm site time.

If you have further questions, please feel free to use our Feedback Form, or open a help ticket in our Discord. Thank you to everyone who has applied, or is interested in doing so!

Guest Artist Announcement

Posted 1 year and 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 year and 1 month ago by Yves

Trial Guest Artists

Thank you to everyone who applied to be a Succubuns Guest Artist for the January-April 2024 season. We got so many amazing applications, and it was hard to narrow it down!

This season, we've decided to take on lymerikk and CandyLashes as new trial GAs. Please give them a warm welcome in the comments!

Due to the volume of applications received, we cannot issue responses to everyone who applied, but please know that every single one was reviewed and considered. You're welcome to apply again for the next GA opening in April!

For the January-April 2024 season, the GA team will also be welcoming back:
eroge, hannidrops, sxilin, Corn, miya, Veil, aketan, and Avyrice

We hope you all look forward to seeing the GA team's lovely designs this season!

Mochi Moon

Posted 1 year and 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 year and 1 month ago by Luca

It's time to ring in the new year!

Mochi Moon

Every new year, succubuns celebrate the holiday of Mochi Moon by feasting, partying, and drinking until they pass out. It's traditional to leave out high-quality mochi as an offering to Allocer in the hopes of being blessed with a vision of the moon, which is said to bring good luck for the coming year. 

To learn more about Mochi Moon, you can read last year's Year of the Bun Plot.


Check out the Mochi Moon event page for more information on this event, and to learn how to collect sparklers.


New Year, New Friends

Do you have a stash of Handbaskets with no MYO plans, and new hard-to-reach pet goals after the pet affection update?

From January 1st through January 7th, you can visit the New Year, New Friends page to trade in unused Handbasket items for your choice of any imp, dango, or mochi. This includes out of season mochi, retired pedigree imps, and limited event imps such as rabebe, bimble, and freign!

If you have an already opened MYO slot you would like to trade in, we recommend using the Trading Post or the trade channel in the official Succubuns Discord to swap it with someone who has an unopened Handbasket that they intend to open and use.

New Year, New Friends

Note: The New Friend Gift will expire at 11:59pm site time on January 31st. Please make your selection before the end of the month!


Mochi Recipes

Do you wish that you could enjoy Dan's tasty seasonal mochis at any time of year? Well, there's no time like Mochi Moon to learn how to pound your own mochi!

Players who have already completed Dango 101 can now complete the Mochi Master prompt to unlock recipes for seasonal mochi.

In order to craft mochi, you'll need to get your hands on some Rice, a Mochi Hammer from Dan's Dango, and a special ingredient to flavor your mochi. Dan will give you your first special ingredient to get you started, but in order to collect more, you'll need to increase your bond with certain event imps!


New Seasonal Drink

The Rabbit Hole is has added Moonshine to its winter seasonal drink menu. Moonshine can also be purchased with sparklers in the Mochi Moon event shop.


Drinking this strange but tasty concoction will allow a succubun to obtain our new seasonal trait: Shimmer. Let your succubun sparkle and shine!



New Pet Colors

After a year away, Glittery Mochi and Gold-Dusted Mochi are back in stock at Dan's Dango, only for the month of January. They can also be purchased with sparklers in the Mochi Moon event shop.

Impup, jestie, mamoo, and bulbug are now available in the lunar and festival colors.

By popular demand, rabebe now also has an albino variant!


New Event Imp

The new year has marked the appearance of a majestic new species of imp! Ryudra can be purchased in the Mochi Moon event shop. In addition to its standard form, ryudra can be found in red, green, blue, festival, and lunar variants.


Toasted Mochi Raffle

Congratulations to Esperoba on winning December's Sweater Weather Raffle!

This month's raffle bun is grilling up some tasty treats.


Tickets can be purchased with sparklers in the Mochi Moon event shop. Make sure to open the tickets in your inventory after purchasing, or you won't actually be entered in the raffle!


New Pedigree Imp

Succubuns' patrons have voted, and gargowl can now be purchased at Pedigree Pets! Phantomile has been cycled out—so long, phantomile.

Patrons at the $10 tier and above can suggest ideas and vote for the next pedigree imp, and will each receive one Wagashi a month to purchase any pedigree imp of their choosing. Join the Succubuns Patreon today to help choose February's pedigree imp!


Monthly Prompt

The January Monthly Prompt is now available.

Treat your succubun for a hot spring soak for 30 bonus carats!


Fallen Down

Thank you all for joining us on the ride in the Fallen Down plot event. We're so excited for all of the new things that cherubuns will soon bring to Burrowgatory!

The Fallen Down event shop will remain open until January 7th, at which point all remaining feathers will disappear.