Site News

Design Approvals Closed (Again)

Posted 11 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 11 months and 1 week ago by Luca

Hi, everyone—I was really hoping to avoid this after having to close MYO submissions and design updates last week, but I just can't keep up with the rate they've been coming in right now.

For those unaware, as a result of flying to my parents' house to say goodbye to my childhood cat last week, I caught covid for the first time. It's really been a bad week. Thanks to being up-to-date on vaccinations, and starting paxlovid within the first 24 hours of developing symptoms, I'm not in any danger, but I'm feeling pretty sick, and have a very limited amount of energy to put towards Succubuns work.  

This month, I still need to update the current event each week, judge the Create-an-Imp contest and put the finalists up for voting, select and onboard new GAs, and finish preparing the September event ( the best of my abilities), and I worry that I won't be able to get everything done on time if I spend hours on approvals every day. The only other person qualified to do approvals to site standards is Yves, who fortunately did not catch covid from me, but currently has their hands full with taking care of me and doing their actual job.

I'll chip away at the designs currently in the queue over the next few days, and will re-evaluate how I'm feeling and hopefully reopen the queue again on Monday. I don't like preventing people from submitting their buns, but I think it will be easier for me to rest and get other important work done without worrying about dozens of submissions piling up every day. 

Sorry to everyone who will be inconvenienced by this; I wish I could go back to work at full steam this week, too.

- Luca

Design Approvals Open

Posted 11 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 11 months and 2 weeks ago by Luca

MYO submissions and design approvals are open again. Thank you everyone for your patience.

A Harpup-date

Posted 11 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 11 months and 2 weeks ago by Yves

Hello all!
We're aware that many users used up their stamina before the lovely harpups made their way onto the scene!
Luca wanted to keep this a surprise from me, and so I couldn't give gameplay thoughts like that which I normally would when we put up a mini-event like this haha~

To remedy this, the Harpup migration errand will be extended till August 12th at rollover so everyone has a chance to do some more errands~

This should ensure every user has a chance to get some harpup pals~
Thank you for all the kind words and birthday wishes-- I love succubuns and this community so much, and I'm so happy to be able to celebrate with you all. Make sure you enjoy yourself today on my behalf!

Harpup Migration

Posted 11 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 11 months and 2 weeks ago by Luca

Hello, Burrowgatory!

Today is is an annual event known as the harpup migration. Towards the end of the summer as the tides shift, these cute little imps wiggle and roll their way from the Forneus Sea to distant caverns unknown, passing near the city of Burrowgatory on the way. For whatever reason, this day always seems to fall exactly on August 11th…

Only on August 11th, you can complete the Harpup Migration errand to catch harpups.



Everyone, please join me in wishing a very happy birthday to Yves.

Succubuns is made from lots of different things I love, but it wouldn’t exist at all without my love for Yves. I wanted to make a game that they would enjoy playing as much as all the other ARPGs we’ve played together, where they could make whatever storylines they wanted with their characters without worrying about them being inappropriate, and where I could design them as many little guys as they wanted without having to worry about getting MYO slots for other adoptable species. That last one may have fallen to the wayside as I’ve become too busy creating site content to design many buns, but it still makes me so happy to see how much fun they have collecting and creating succubuns!

None of this would be possible without Yves. They encouraged me to develop the idea of Succubuns when I was in a rut and unsure of where to go with my artistic career, they figured out how to use Lorekeeper and built for me, they helped to build and manage the community and the mechanical side of the game, and they supported me for the two years of development it took for Succubuns to start earning me a living wage. I am so, so grateful for everything Yves has done, and I’m so glad that a project that we created to make each other happy could inspire so many other people.

Happy birthday, Yves, and thank you for everything you’ve done for me, and for Succubuns!

- Luca

Design Approvals Closed Temporarily

Posted 11 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 11 months and 2 weeks ago by Luca

Content warning for pet death.

Hi, everyone, this is Luca. I just found out that my childhood cat has gotten very sick, and she's likely not going to hang on much longer. I'm flying out to my mom's house tonight to say goodbye to her while I can.

MYO submissions and Design Updates will be temporarily closed while I'm gone. I'll update you all again when they're back up in a few days. Thank you all for understanding.

Imp Training Camp Week 2

Posted 11 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 11 months and 2 weeks ago by Luca

The first week of the Imp Training Camp competition has come to an end, and the competitors have blown the week one goal out of the water! As Team Peach has taken a hefty lead, Quince has prepared a reward for you all.

"Good work out there, everyone! I've whipped up a little treat to keep your energy up—dessert before dinner's always a winner!"

Click the button above to claim your week 1 milestone reward.

The week 2 milestone is 4000 imp tricks. Good luck, everyone!

Coming Soon: Succubun Trade-Ins

Posted 11 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 11 months and 2 weeks ago by Luca

Hello, Burrowgatory!

This is a reminder that guest artist applications close three days from now. Don't forget to get your applications in if you're interested in joining the Succubuns guest artist team!


Succubun Trade-Ins

We'd also like to announce a new feature that will be coming to the site on September 1st, when the new GA system comes into effect: Succubun Trade-Ins.

Once a month, players will be able to trade in an unwanted official succubun for a Hell in a Handbasket. These traded-in succubuns will be held on the admin account to later be resold, raffled, or used as contest prizes. (Note: MYO succubuns will not be eligible for trade-ins.)

We hope that this feature will both allow us to offer more free succubun opportunities for our players, and will allow players to have an easy way to trade designs they've lost attachment to in exchange for an opportunity create new designs they'll love!

With the addition of the Succubun Trade-In feature on September 1st, we will no longer be allowing official succubuns (those with IDs starting with BUN-###) to be redesigned, unless done by the original artist. Doll forms and MYO buns will still be able to be changed freely, but official bun art will no longer be able to be replaced with art by a different artist. We understand that some players may be upset by this change, so Luca has prepared a statement explaining the reasoning behind our decision.

Hi, everyone! After thinking it over for several months, it has ultimately been our decision to disallow official succubuns to be redesigned freely. I hope you can understand why the following list of reasons would lead us to make this decision.

- Masterlist consistency. The official masterlist is the first example of succubun design variety that most new players will see, and it only contains designs by myself and our hand-selected guest artists, creating consistency of style and giving me a higher level of control over the designs displayed there. Many users reference these designs when creating their own, and it's easier to maintain the necessary level of consistency when working with a set group of artists. When players redesign the buns on this masterlist, it creates inconsistencies where a single succubun has a completely different style from anything else on the masterlist. It also allows for the theme of the design to completely change from what was initially approved for that succubun, which has the potential to break design series like the Pride charity rainbow series.

- Difficulty of obtaining official succubuns. There are far, far more MYOs (both designed and undesigned) than official succubuns available on the market right now, and the complete redesign of official succubuns only makes those hard-to-get designs even more scarce. This should help users who don't feel comfortable making designs or who aren't artists be able to get a succubun, while talented designers can collect our readily available MYOs to make amazing designs of their own.

- Official artist motivation. This reason is more emotional than practical, and while I always try to avoid making rulings solely for emotional reasons, I think it's worth including on this list. It can be very demotivating for any artist to see a design get heavily edited or redrawn by the purchaser, and can lead to feelings of anxiety and like their work isn't good enough as-is. While we all need to deal with this part of selling designs, all the artists who do official bun designs work incredibly hard. As admins, we try to make things as stress-free to Succubuns artists as possible for all of us, myself included.

This is something we've been considering as a team for awhile, and with the new GA system beginning on September 1st, I decided that this would be the best time to finally change this rule so that we wouldn't have to continue to deal with the concerns listed above as Succubuns continues to grow to new scales.

I hope that the addition of the Succubun Trade-In system helps those of you who may have unused officials to breathe life into a new design, and we look forward to putting those officials back into the community via raffles and other fun events!

- Luca

Guest Artist Applications

Posted 11 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 11 months and 3 weeks ago by Luca

Hello, Burrowgatory!

As promised, guest artist applications for the September-December 2023 season are now open until August 10th. We're so excited to welcome some new members to the team for the first time since last December!

You can read up on the rules, responsibilities, and rewards of being a guest artist on our Succubuns Guest Artists page. After thoroughly familiarizing yourself with the requirements, follow the link at the bottom of the page to submit your application!

Succubuns Guest Artist Info

Imp Training Camp

Posted 1 year and 1 week ago :: Last edited 11 months and 3 weeks ago by Yves

Before we get to this month's event, we have an exciting announcment:

Succubuns is now on Patreon!

If you've ever wanted the chance to give Succubuns a little extra support, you can pledge to a variety of monthly tiers to receive an exclusive award for your profile, previews of upcoming events and adopts, access to a patron-only channel in our Discord server, NSFW illustrations of the NPCs, and all sorts of in-game goodies.

Funds from our Patreon will pay for our moderator team, site coders, rising site maintenance costs, new types of merchandise, and other incidental expenses. Anything left over will help the site creators earn a more consistent income for full-time work on the site than adoptable sales are able to provide.

Click the badge above to pledge today!


Let's spend some quality time with bun's best friend!

Imp Training Camp

A rival pet has shop moved in across the street from the Imporium, and Hutch has decided to host a free imp training event to drum up business. Unfortunately, this seems to have done the opposite of deterring Quince, the owner of Pedigree Pets, whom Hutch seems to have some history with...

This event will be our first ever team competition event. Pick a side and earn points for your team to effect the outcome of the event!

For the duration of this event, the Imporium will be accessible without the Imporium Key. Take this chance to adopt a new imp friend today!

Check out the Imp Training Camp page for more information, and to collect your daily sesame treat.


New NPC: Quince

The headstrong Quince has always been passionate about food and sweets. After being introduced to the world of imp care by Hutch a few years back, she became fascinated by the strange effects her sweets had on imps, and threw herself into experimenting with the new imp species that evolved as a result.

Read more about Quince on her profile, or get to know her in the new NPC prompt.



Pedigree Pets

Pedigree Pets has opened its doors, offering a variety of fanciful and bizarre "pedigree imps" to discerning imp owners. Would you like to take home a cribbit, lepidaisy, stellaram, or stroodle?

Every month, a new pedigree imp will be released based on Patreon poll results, and the oldest imp in stock will be cycled out. (Since the starting stock of 4 imps is being released all at once, cribbit will be the first to be cycled out in September, followed by lepidaisy, and so on.)

Though the average customer may get sticker shock at the price Quince charges for these cuties, she'll gladly trade one in exchange for some of Dan's limited deluxe sweets...

Patrons who pledge $10 or more a month will receive one Wagashi, which functions as a coupon allowing the purchase of any imp currently in stock at Pedigree Pets. All players can also purchase one Wagashi a month for carats at Dan's Dango.

Create-An-Imp Contest

Since imps were first introduced to, there have been twelve species permanently available to adopt at the Imporium. For the Succubuns anniversary in October, we'll be adding four new basic imps to this lineup. Three of these imps will be designed and voted on by you!

Check out the Create-An-Imp Contest page for more information.


Meet Impup!

Impup is a new standard imp, now available in the Imp Training Camp event shop, and as a reward for participating in the imp competition event. During this event, you can collect drops from your impups to earn points for your team!

Impup will join the three winners of the Create-An-Imp contest in the Imporium this October.

New Dango Flavors


Dan's Dango is now carrying Watermelon, Peach, Yuzu, and Raspberry Dango. Treat any standard imp (including impup!) to one of these fruity, summery sweets to change them into one of four new colors: Magenta, Orange, Yellow, or Cyan.

The recipes for these dango have also been added to Dan's Recipe Book. If you've already completed the prompt Dango 101 and have opened the recipe book to unlock the dango recipes, please submit a claim with a link to your submission approval to receive the additional recipes.


Imp Tamer RAFFLE

Congratulations to @ WulfLynn for winning BUN-403 in the Ocean Shallows Raffle, and to Baldrek for winning BUN-404 in the Deep Sea Raffle!

This month's free raffle succubun comes with an attached chirop, phloof, and impup!


Tickets can be purchased with sesame treats in the Imp Training Camp event shop. Make sure to open the tickets in your inventory after purchasing, or you won't actually be entered in the raffle.




The August Monthly Prompt is now available.

Have some fun at a summer fair or festival for 30 bonus carats!


Swimsuit Season

Thank you to everyone who filled out our Summer Feedback Form in June and July—your responses were incredibly helpful to us in determining how to handle future site content, merchandise, and Patreon. We hope you all enjoyed the longer, quieter event, and feel refreshed and ready to jump into the Imp Training Camp.

The Swimsuit Season event shop will remain open until August 7th, at which point all remaining seashells will disappear.



Emoji Contest 2 Winners

Posted 1 year and 6 days ago :: Last edited 1 year and 6 days ago by Luca

Thank you to everyone who entered the Emoji Contest 2! We received nearly 300 hilarious and adorable emoji entries, and judging was no easy task.

The Succubuns team kept 3 main criteria in mind while judging:

1) Does the artwork show skill and effort?

2) Will the artwork read clearly when scaled down to in-line emoji size?

3) Does the emoji convey an emotion, action, or sentiment that our server members are likely to use to express themselves?

We also kept other factors in mind, such as "Is this in character for the NPC depicted?", "Is there another Succubuns emoji or winning entry that conveys the same emotion?", and "Does this entrant have another winning entry in the same tier already?" 


We think that the 60 new emojis we've selected from this contest will be an amazing addition to the official Succubuns Discord server, and we hope you're all excited to put them to use!

Withou further ado, the winners!


Top 10 Winners



Congratulations to Yasha, behemutt, Blesmol, Kunamei, Eyeris, NiarBytes, hannidrops, freychuu, Yuukitsunee, and cavellain for winning a Hell in a Handbasket for your amazing animated emojis!







Congratulations to cavellain, SaltyBirb, Sweets, mizumihisui, sugarpandasart, Yuukitsunee, Ace, Kunamei, ttamagoya, asuraSleeping, pinkuo, intrepidloves, Calanthe, roromimii, KurimiTea, GlitterPaper, ornamental, Jun, Yasha, and OssuaryAmbience for winning your choice of a Drink Ticket, Adoption Voucher, or Dango Punchcard!


Additional Emojis




Each additional emoji we've decided to add to the server will receive 100 carats!


Prizes will be distributed shortly, and the new emojis will be added to the official Succubuns Discord server within the next few days. Congratulations again to our winners!

Additionally, the free merch raffle has been rolled and distributed! Thank you to everyone for your interest in Succubuns merch, and we hope to see your adorable pics of your merch once it ships.