7 March 2023 (1 year and 11 months ago)
joanna · 30 · she/her

hey there!! i'm joanna, an art prompt mod + fellow bunny enjoyer <3 i'm korean american, work full-time as a ui/ux designer and i'm in love with fushiguro toji ✨
158 Carats
92 Favor
8 Love Letters
Positive Test
Porto Drip


Estuary Avatar

The giddy smile I had at seeing Toji was funny, thank you for the review and telling me how to fix it I super appreciate it !!!
alsoIi saw your job and had flashbacks to some of my course work :')

2024-11-08 00:32:52

joanna Avatar
joanna Staff Member

omg i totally forgot to reply to this comment but first of all, i just wanted to say thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a sweet comment on my profile! <3 that is so genuinely kind of you and i'm always so happy to help whenever i can! second of all, i am so down bad for fushiguro toji you have no idea LOL thank you again for the kind words, i look forward to seeing such lovely art submissions from you in the future as well! <3

2024-11-10 00:08:25

Estuary Avatar

HES JUST SOOOO FINEE!!!!! I understand whole heartedly

and thank you!! youre so sweet!!

2024-11-10 19:15:46

NotDamien Avatar

Your buns are SO CUTE, I love your profile ( ノ^ω^)ノ Thank you so much for your review ! I'm so happy you like my colors 。・゚・(ノ∀`)・゚・。 The imps were the most time consuming to draw (*;д;)ノThank you ♡ !!

2024-01-26 20:03:49

joanna Avatar
joanna Staff Member

AW of course!! your piece was such a delight to look at and admire <3 thank you for the kind words about my profile + my beloved buns!!

2024-01-26 20:05:06

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