Site News

MYO & Design Approval Temporary Closure

Posted 1 year and 5 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 5 months ago by Luca

Hello, everyone! In preparation for new code we're adding to the MYO and Design Approval submission systems, MYO and design submissions are temporarily closed. They will reopen in 24-48 hours, after we've added and tested the new code. Thank you for your patience!

Cottontail Couture

Posted 1 year and 5 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 5 months ago by Luca


The long-awaited companion feature to our base shop is here!

Outfits are designed to fit on characters using one of the official Succubuns bases. On-base succubuns can be instantly dressed up in one of these outfits by layering the PSDs in the art program of your choice.

Outfits come with a default color palette, but have separated layers for easy recoloring. You're welcome to mix and match outfit pieces from one or more outfits that you own like a virtual paper doll, or make alterations to the outfits to better fit your characters! 

>> Outfits Info Page <<


New NPC: Peter

The soft and friendly Peter has loved sewing since an early age. With Velveteen as his model and muse, his fashion designs have become quite popular in Burrowgatory.

Read more about Peter on his profile, or get to know him in the new NPC prompt.


Cottontail Couture

Peter owns Cottontail Couture, a trendy fashion label and clothing store. Here, users can buy outfit gift bags with USD, which can be traded to other users or opened into account-bound items that will allow you to download the outfit PSDs directly from your inventory. These outfits will fit all four official bases unless otherwise specified in the description.

For the event of the season, Peter has designed a gorgeous Gossamer Gown and a stunning Sylvan Suit. Pick up your own at Cottontail Couture to get your succubun ready for the Gossamer Gala!


Gossamer Gala

Posted 1 year and 5 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 5 months ago by Luca

It's time for a taste of the finer things in life...

Gossamer Gala

Every year, Angora holds one of Burrowgatory's fanciest parties at her private estate as a way for the elite to socialize and network... and to flaunt her immense wealth. Inspired by the successful hazebloom harvest and all of Hops' stories about the fey, this year's gala is bedecked in glittering fairy wings.

Check out the Gossamer Gala page for more information, and to learn how to collect champagne glasses.


Belle of the Ball Contest

Draw your succubun in their gala finery for a chance to win a variety of prizes, including the top prize of an Envious Handbasket! All participants will receive the Gala Guest award, as well as 5 champagne glasses. See the contest page below for details on how to enter.

>> Belle of the Ball Contest <<


Guides & Lore

With spring clothing lines coming out and the gala coming up, fashion trends are on everyone's mind. Check out the new official Succubuns lore page on clothing in Burrowgatory to learn about how succubuns' shapeshifting and promiscuous culture have affected their fashion.

>> Fashion and Clothing <<


To help you with your ear styling and succubun design needs, we've also created a Visual Guide to Succubun Ears. This extension to the Design Guide is the first in a small series of visual guides intended to help users draw succubuns and clear up common points of confusion.

>> Visual Guide to Succubun Ears <<


Seasonal Drinks

The Rabbit Hole is now serving two new spring seasonal drinks: Fairy Sherry and Gold Fashioned.

Drinking one of these strange but tasty concoctions will allow a succubun to obtain one of our two new seasonal traits: Gossamer Wings and Gilded.

These two drinks are seasonal drinks, which means that Hops will only serve them during the spring. They can also be purchased from the Gossamer Gala event shop. Make sure to stock up on them while you can!



Angora has commissioned Dan to craft a new, decadent type of mochi to serve as refreshments at the gala, but some imps seem to have gotten into a shipment... At least now they're fit for the gala's fairy theme.


Sparkling Wine Mochi is available for purchase with champagne glasses in the Gossamer Gala event shop. It can also be purchased with carats at Dan's Dango, only in the month of May.


Event Imp

A dainty-looking imp known as a uniqor has been spotted around Angora's gardens as the gala preparations are underway. Uniqors are available in standard, albino, and fairy colors, and can be purchased in the Gossamer Gala event shop.


Fairy Queen RAFFLE

Congratulations to @Kinarymo for winning BUN-315 in the Hazy Dream Raffle!

This month's free succubun raffle is all decked out for the gala.


Tickets can be purchased with champagne glasses in the Gossamer Gala event shop. Make sure to open the tickets in your inventory after purchasing, or you won't actually be entered in the raffle!



The May Monthly Prompt is now available.

April showers brings May flowers, and now your succubun can show off their flower-weaving skills for 30 bonus carats.


Hazebloom Harvest

Last month's Hazebloom Harvest event was so much fun! Thank you to everyone who helped Hops protect the gardens and introduce envy succubuns to Burrowgatory.

Congratulations to yeena for winning BUN-355 in the Green-Eyed raffle!

Additionally, the following users have won an Envious Handbasket: PocketSized, moif, Yams, G_H_O_S_T_I_N_G, rakija, Del, Zubat, and Pooch. Congratulations!


If you missed out on participating in the Hazebloom Harvest, you can still read through the story in the Hazebloom Harvest Index.

The Hazebloom Harvest event shop will and the hazebloom crafting recipe will remain open until May 7th, at which point all remaining hazeblooms will disappear.


Vacation Time

Luca and Yves, the site creators and primary management of, are going on vacation in the latter half of May! As they won't be available to roll the site over to a new event right at the beginning of June, the May event will be one week longer than usual, ending on June 7th.

From approximately May 15th to June 7th, Sydney, Oneiir, and temporary moderator eroge will be stepping up to manage prompt and design approvals. Please be patient with them, especially if they need to wait for Yves and Luca to weigh in on anything.

In order to give the userbase a chance to take a break and catch their breath as well, the event following the Gossamer Gala will be a relaxed, low-content event covering the remainder of June and all of July. Luca will be using the extra month without a new event to work on a variety of permanent site content—we hope you're looking forward to it!


Spring MYO Sale

Posted 1 year and 6 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 6 months ago by Luca

Our Spring MYO Sale has started out with a bang! And by a bang, we unfortunately mean a couple errors.

As this is our first time selling MYO slots for USD through the site, we ran into a glitch in the code that prevented users from purchasing a USD slot if they had ever previously purchased one with carats. Fixing this issue caused users who were mid-purchase during the fix to not receive their item after processing their payment.

All issues have now been fixed, and hopefully no further purchases should be affected.

 If you purchased a Hell in a Handbasket for USD and have not received the item in your inventory, please make a ticket in the Private Help channel of our Discord Server or send in a Report (please note that tickets will receive a faster response). You must include a link to your inventory, as well as the name and/or email associated with the PayPal or card used to make the purchase. Once we've confirmed your payment, we'll make sure to get you your Hell in a Handbasket ASAP!

Thank you for your patience while we get this sorted.

Hazebloom Harvest Wrap

Posted 1 year and 6 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 6 months ago by Luca

Hazebloom Harvest WRAP

Thank you so much to everyone who played through the Hazebloom Harvest plot! All of your excitement and reactions to the finale are what make the work of creating these plots worth it.

For those who want to reread their favorite parts or revisit the plot at a later date, we've created an index of all of the plot pages.

>> Hazebloom Harvest Index <<


The plot rewards will be available until the end of April 30th.

If you have yet to finish playing through the plot, we recommend you do so before reading the rest of this news post to avoid being spoiled!


Event Imp

With the conclusion of the Hazebloom Harvest plot, the event imp Bimble has been released.

This imp is available in the Hazebloom Harvest event shop, where it can be purchased for 10 hazeblooms (limited to 1 per user).

From now until the end of April, Bimble will drop 1-2 Hazebloom Seeds a day, which can be sold for carats in your inventory. These drops will start the rollover after you purchase your Bimble, so if you're interested in taking this fuzzy friend home, make sure to do so as soon as you can!


New NPC: Jackal

Introduced in the finale of the Hazebloom Harvest plot, the foul-mouthed punk Jackal has joined our NPC roster.

As the de-facto leader of the group of envy succubuns abandoned by Gremory, Jackal's anger and resentment have led her to putting up some high walls... But could that tough and prickly demeanor be hiding something softer inside?

As a plot NPC, Jackal doesn't have her own shop or game mechanic to run, but we hope you'll enjoy her presence all the same. You can read more about her in her profile, or get to know her in the new NPC prompt.


New Subtype: ENvy

The envy subtype is now available for succubuns. These jealous and resentful buns have horns resembling small, single-pronged antlers. You can read all about the envy subtype in the page linked below.

>> Envy Succubuns <<

Succubuns of this subtype have only recently appeared as the result of the questionable care of demons like Gremory, and did not exist in Burrowgatory before April of Year 100. As a result, they're currently quite rare.

To create your own envy succubun, you'll need an Envious Handbasket.

Limited numbers of these special MYO items will be randomly stocked in the Bunnery for 400 carats. They will also be obtainable through $40 raffle sales whenever a USD MYO sale occurs, and as prizes in contests and free raffles.

Please note that Envious Handbaskets obtained through any means, as well as the Envy Succubun MYO Slots they produce, may not be resold for more than $40.


The official Succubuns bases will be updated with envy horns within the next few weeks.


Envy Raffle

We're giving away a free envy succubun designed by Luca, along with several Envious Handbaskets!

To enter, purchase a Green-Eyed Raffle Ticket from the Hazebloom Harvest event shop. Please make sure that you open the ticket from your inventory after purchasing, or you won't be entered in the raffle.

This raffle will be open until the end of April, and will be rolled alongside the Hazy Dream raffle.




To celebrate the end of the Hazebloom Harvest and the addition of a new subtype, Succubuns will be holding a 48-hour USD sale for MYOs this weekend!

Hell in a Handbaskets will be available for $30 in the Bunnery, from 4/21 at 10pm EST to 4/23 at 10pm EST.

These baskets are limited to one per user, but are unlimited in number. You can pay with either PayPal or card directly through our website to instantly receive your Hell in a Handbasket item.


For every 10 Hell in a Handbaskets sold in this sale, we will also raffle off one Envious Handbasket for $40.

To enter the raffle for a chance to purchase an Envious Handbasket, please purchase the Envious Handbasket Raffle Ticket available in the Bunnery for 1 carat, which will be refunded to you upon opening the ticket. Please make sure that you open the ticket from your inventory after purchasing, or you won't be entered in the raffle.

Envious Handbaskets do not count against the 1 per user limit, so those who purchase a regular Hell in a Handbasket in this sale may still enter the raffle. Raffle winners will be sent an invoice for $40, which they have 24 hours to pay; please do not enter the raffle if you do not intend to purchase an Envious Handbasket upon winning.

To prevent the scalping of limited items, Envious Handbaskets may not be resold for more than $40. Please only enter if you want an Envious Handbasket for your own use.

Hazebloom Harvest Finale

Posted 1 year and 6 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 6 months ago by Luca

Content Warning: April's event contains content related to fantasy drug use. The plot and prompts do not require participating in any drug use, but characters in the plot have brief scenes where they discuss or use magical hallucinogenics. 

Hops is determined to protect the hazeblooms...

The final chapter of the Hazebloom Harvest plot has been released. Will you be able to catch the culprit before the flowers bloom?

Start from the Beginning

>> Play the Hazebloom Harvest Finale <<


A followup news post covering the results of this plot will go up tomorrow on 4/20 at 8pm EST.

Please make sure to finish the story before then to avoid being spoiled, and keep all conversation about the Hazebloom Harvest finale to the appropriate channel in the Discord Server to avoid spoiling others!


Posted 1 year and 6 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 6 months ago by Luca

The final part of the Hazebloom Harvest plot will be releasing tonight at midnight (EST). 

What in Burrowgatory will Hops' stakeout turn up...?

Hazebloom Harvest Chapter 3

Posted 1 year and 6 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 6 months ago by Luca

Content Warning: April's event contains content related to fantasy drug use. The plot and prompts do not require participating in any drug use, but characters in the plot have brief scenes where they discuss or use magical hallucinogenics. 

The stakes are getting higher, and time is running out...

The third chapter of the Hazebloom Harvest plot has been released, alongside a new event prompt. It's time to help Hops settle this problem once and for all...

Hazebloom Harvest is a plot event, meaning that you can play through the event story to earn rewards and learn more about the world of Burrowgatory. New chapters of the story will release each week, with the final installment releasing on April 20th.

Start from the Beginning

>> Play Hazebloom Harvest Chapter 3 <<

Hazebloom Harvest Chapter 2

Posted 1 year and 6 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 6 months ago by Luca

Content Warning: April's event contains content related to fantasy drug use. The plot and prompts do not require participating in any drug use, but characters in the plot have brief scenes where they discuss or use magical hallucinogenics. 

Is something wrong at Wonderland Casino?

The second chapter of the Hazebloom Harvest plot has been released, alongside a new event prompt. What exactly has been happening in the hazebloom beds since you last stopped by to help Hops?

Hazebloom Harvest is a plot event, meaning that you can play through the event story to earn rewards and learn more about the world of Burrowgatory. New chapters of the story will release each week, with the final installment releasing on April 20th.

Start from the Beginning

>> Play Hazebloom Harvest Chapter 2 <<



The Breeding Season event shop is now closed for the year! All remaining event currency has disappeared, and the Bun in the Oven award can no longer be obtained.

Leftover Negative Tests can now be sold for 1 carat each, and Positive Tests can be sold for 100 carats each. Simply select the item in your inventory and click "Sell."

Due to the multiple methods of obtaining the Bun in the Oven award, many users wound up with 2 or even 3 of the same award, which was not intended to be possible. We won't take them away from people who enjoy having multiple, but if you would like to clean up your awards page, you can exchange your duplicate Bun in the Oven awards for 10 carats each by clicking the image below.

This exchange can be made once daily, so users who want to reduce 3 rewards down to 1 will need to make the exchange on two different days. Please be warned that this button does not distinguish between duplicate and single awards—if you only have one Bun in the Oven award and click this button, you will lose the award completely.

This exchange will be open until the end of the month.

Hazebloom Harvest

Posted 1 year and 7 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 6 months ago by Luca

Happy April Fool's!

Thanks to all of you who've paid your taxes, Burrowgatory can afford to host an April event as planned. Those who have yet to pay their taxes can do so here until midnight tonight.

Content Warning: April's event contains content related to fantasy drug use. The plot and prompts do not require participating in any drug use, but characters in the plot have brief scenes where they discuss or use magical hallucinogenics. 

Hops seems to be up to something in the gardens of the Wonderland Casino...

Hazebloom Harvest

An otherworldly, hallucinogenic flower is blooming at Wonderland Casino this year, and Hops needs your help to make it a successful harvest.

Hazebloom Harvest is a plot event like the Year of the Bun event, meaning that you can play through the event story to earn rewards and learn more about the world of Burrowgatory. New chapters of the story will release each week, with the final installment releasing on April 20th.


>> Start Hazebloom Harvest Chapter 1 <<


Check out the Hazebloom Harvest page for more information, and to learn how to collect hazeblooms.


Seasonal Drinks

The Rabbit Hole is now serving two new spring seasonal drinks: Mint Tulep and Glowjito.

Drinking one of these strange but tasty concoctions will allow a succubun to obtain one of our two new seasonal traits: Flora and Glow.

These two drinks are seasonal drinks, which means that Hops will only serve them during the spring. They can also be purchased from the Hazebloom Harvest event shop. Make sure to stock up on them while you can!



To celebrate the beginning of spring, Dan has created a new mochi full of delicate floral flavors. It's always annoying when imps steal your snacks, but at least these blooming imps are as refreshing as a spring breeze.


Floral Mochi is available for purchase with hazeblooms in the Hazebloom Harvest event shop. It can also be purchased with carats at Dan's Dango, only in the month of April.


Hazy Dream RAFFLE

Congratulations to Nik-L-Nips for winning BUN-216 and GrauOrchidee for winning BUN-274 in the Nursery Nun Raffle!

This month's free succubun raffle is ready to celebrate the hazebloom harvest in style.


Tickets can be purchased with hazeblooms in the Hazebloom Harvest event shop. Make sure to open the tickets in your inventory after purchasing, or you won't actually be entered in the raffle!



The April Monthly Prompt is now available.

Even if you get caught in a sudden rain shower, at least you can earn 30 bonus carats!


Private Messages finally has an on-site private messaging system! We're so excited to be able to allow private communication between players without requiring the use of third-party websites.

You can access PMs through the Inbox link under the Account tab. 

This is newly created code, so please let us know through a Bug Report or in our Discord bug report channel if you run into any errors or issues when sending PMs.


Breeding Season

We had so much fun seeing all of the creative offspring designs you submitted and requested from GAs, and all of the adorable baby bun art you created.

Claims for offspring MYOs are now closed. Breeding Season will return next March, when you'll have the chance to claim another offspring MYO and request official breedings.

The Breeding Season event shop and Bun in the Oven award recipe will remain open until April 7th, at which point all remaining milk bottles will disappear. After this, you will be able to sell Negative Tests for 1 carat each, and Positive Tests for 100 carats each from your inventory. (Remember, if you have leftover Positive Tests, you can always save them to turn in for an offspring MYO next March!)

We can't wait to see you all again for next year's Breeding Season!