Site News

Moderator Applications

Posted 1 year and 3 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 3 months ago by Luca

Succubuns is accepting applications for new moderators!

We're currently looking to double the size of our moderator team with at least two art prompt mods, one written prompt mod, and a flex position.

Art and written prompt moderators will process player submissions. All moderators are expected to spend approximately 1-2 hours a week on these jobs, spread out throughout the week, and will be paid $15/hour for an estimated total of $75-150 a month.

For the specific responsibilities and requirements of each position, please check out the application forms. Please feel free to apply for multiple positions if qualified!


Art Prompt Moderator Application
Written Prompt Moderator Application


Moderator applications will be open for 1 week, closing on November 13th.


We'll also be opening Guest Artist applications once again in December. You can read our Guest Artist page for information on what to prepare for your portfolio.

Design Approvals Open

Posted 1 year and 3 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 3 months ago by Luca

Hello, Burrowgatory!

We hope you all had a wonderful Halloween weekend. Thank you for your patience with design approvals closing so that we could enjoy the holiday, too!

Design approvals and MYO submissions are now open again. If you have more than one MYO to submit, please do so one at a time to reduce queue crowding.

Help tickets for design checks have also reopened in our official Discord server. Please make sure to heed the notice there if you utilize these tickets.

Happy designing, everyone!

The Great Burrowgatory Bake Off

Posted 1 year and 5 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 3 months ago by Yves

In some places, it's called "The Great Burrowgatory Baking Show."

The Great Burrowgatory Bake Off

We hope you're hungry, because Burrowgatory is busy baking up a storm in preparation for the Great Burrowgatory Bake Off. This baking competition welcomes amateur and expert bakers alike to enter their very best cakes, pies, and pastries for a chance at glory. Though some succubuns care a great deal about winning a trophy, the real winners are every who gets to stuff their faces with delicious baked goods.

Check out the Great Burrowgatory Bake Off page for more information, and to learn how to collect whisks.


Bake Off challenge

In the spirit of the Great Burrowgatory Bake Off, we're challenging you to bring a Succubuns food item to life, or create a dish that looks like a succubun!

Check out the Bake Off Challenge page for details!


New Lore Page

A short new lore page about Food and Farming in Burrowgatory has been added to the encyclopedia.


Pumpkin Picking

For the duration of November, you can spend your errand stamina at the Pumpkin Patch to collect Pumpkins. Bake them into Pumpkin Pie with a November-only recipe and sell them for extra carats!


Event Mochi

In preparation for the Bake Off, Dan has whipped up his most sugary, decadent mochi yet. It's so creamy and chocolatey that even imps who sneak a bite wind up looking a bit like dessert themselves...


Chocolate Sprinkle Mochi is available for purchase with whisks in the Great Burrowgatory Bake Off event shop. It can also be purchased with carats at Dan's Dango, only in the month of November.


Event Imp

The fall harvests seem to have turned up a new imp species... Pampki can be purchased in the Great Burrowgatory Bake Off event shop. In addition to its standard form, pampki can be obtained in green, orange, and dessert variants.


Piemaker Raffle

This month's raffle bun is cooking up something tasty!


Tickets can be purchased with whisk in the Great Burrowgatory Bake Off event shop. Make sure to open the tickets in your inventory after purchasing, or you won't actually be entered in the raffle!


Pedigree Imp

Succubuns' patrons have voted, and aureluna can now be purchased at Pedigree Pets! Stellaram has been cycled out—so long, stellaram.

Patrons at the $10 tier and above can suggest ideas and vote for the next pedigree imp, and will each receive one Wagashi a month to purchase any pedigree imp of their choosing. Join the Succubuns Patreon today to help choose December's pedigree imp!


Monthly Prompt

The November Monthly Prompt is now available.

Take in the beautiful autumn foliage for 30 bonus carats!


All Sinners' Day

Thank you for celebrating our first anniversary with us! Here's to another amazing year of Succubuns.

The All Sinners' Day event shop and Burrowgatober event shop will remain open until November 7th, at which point all remaining wicks and ink drops will disappear.

November Event Release

Posted 1 year and 3 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 3 months ago by Yves

Happy Halloween, Burrowgatory!

This is just a quick announcement that, due to the holiday, the November event update will not be going live at midnight tonight. Please look forward to the update tomorrow afternoon.

 Wick collection and October prompts will still end tonight at midnight.

Please have lots of fun this Halloween, and look get ready for some sweet treats tomorrow!

First Anniversary Raffle Winners

Posted 1 year and 3 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 3 months ago by Luca

Thank you to everyone for your overwhelming support on the First Anniversary Raffle!

We had 3278 tickets from hundreds of players, which is more than we ever could have expected. The tickets have been closed, and the winners have been rolled—scroll down to see if you are one of the lucky 51!

Grand Prize


Our grand prize winner of BUN-600 is osteosarcoma!

Additional Prizes

Check out the winners of these 10 incredible buns below!

BUN-599 was won by @Rynnu

BUN-598 was won by @oleaspur

  BUN-597 was won by @puresilverAg

 BUN-596 was won by @HiddenHibiscus

 BUN-595 was won by @Buccusus

BUN-594 was won by @kaijuqid

BUN-593 was won by @SnailArtist

  BUN-592 was won by @Coga_Nito

BUN-591 was won by @Abbys_Buns

BUN-590 was won by @asuraSleeping

The fifteen lucky winners of a hell in a handbasket are:
@13thAsylum, @vale, @Zombigeist, @starforgery, @Bogwood, @Jun, @skllyr, @zachberrie, @Dicti-tm, @Softsah, @vellichordays, @RinDinDesignz, @glizzrybear, @PsychoticAmour, @SketchRide


The twenty-five lucky winners of a coupon of their choice are:
@LokiWolf, @Meep, @AriaHideaki, @Jagga-Chan, @Zero8426, @BlazingRose, @Lollilumi, @vovscurial, @magicalcattime, @Viipeach, @KenjiSnow, @apothecarum, @Aurilliax0, @honeybutterroll, @sephiroth, @Puricella, @PuffinDoodle, @CryptidSkullz, @articution, @TheOmniFinn, @Kirudon, @dreamylights, @EvioLight, @Ace, @sunflowerdreamer

Thank you to everyone who entered, got the word out, and helped to spread the Succubuns love everywhere! We hope all the winners are happy with their prizes, which will be distributed shortly.

For those of you who didn't win, look forward to more raffles coming very soon!

Happy 1 Year anniversary!



Advent Calendar Hotfix

Posted 1 year and 3 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 3 months ago by Yves

Hello all!
Thank you for your celebration and love for the first anniversairy!

As you may have seen, we were having some minor errors with the advent calendar feature distributing the bonus prize correctly. As with all things being used for the first time, bugs are bound to pop up from time to time!

If you collected every day of the advent, you should now be able to claim your bonus prize. Happy first anniversary, and thanks for your patience tonight.

(If you are just claiming your final prize now, it will automatically distribute the bonus prize to you! no need to click both)

Some users recieved more than one cake/award due to heavy lag! these have been manually removed by a mod. If you recieved more than one cake slice, please submit a claim letting us know!

1st Anniversary

Posted 1 year and 3 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 3 months ago by Luca

Over 2,500 succubuns...

2,000 players...

1,000 server members...

250 new items...

30 new imps...

10 new events...

7 new NPCs...

One year.


We are so incredibly excited and thankful to be celebrating Succubuns' first anniversary with all of you. 

This time last year, Yves and I were both sick with a cold over Halloween weekend as we launched Succubuns to an audience of about 50 people. After spending the previous year slowly piecing together the site in the face of numerous real life hardships, and then having to delay launch by several months after I injured my wrist drawing site assets, we had very modest expectations for Succubuns.

To our shock, Succubuns exploded in popularity. This site has exceeded everyone's expectations, spreading like wildfire through word of mouth and becoming one of the most popular games in its niche in just one year!

 I don't have the words to explain how special it is to see hundreds, even thousands of people falling in love with and being inspired by something I created. Succubuns has become successful enough that working on this site is now my full time job, and I feel so thankful every time I start my day and sit down to work on the next game update. I have so, so many ideas for things that I want to see in Succubuns, and knowing that it's up to me to make those ideas a reality has made me more motivated than I've ever been before.

Running Succubuns has definitely not been easy. We weren't expecting this kind of explosive growth, and we've had to learn a lot, constantly making adjustments as the playerbase grows and changes from month to month. Yves and I rarely take even a day away from administrative work for the site, and the hundreds of player conflicts we've managed throughout the past year have led to more than our share of stress and tears. Despite the difficulties, though, I have never once regretted creating Succubuns, and the good that it's brought to our lives has far outweighed the bad.

Though I've always been the kind of person who enjoys making characters and stories as a hobby, running Succubuns has made me realize that I find it even more fulfilling to build new spaces for others to play in. When players started saying that Succubuns helped them break years-long art blocks, or start drawing or writing for the first time since they were children, or try a new medium or style they had never considered before, I realized that my "smutty bunny site" (as my mom calls it) had the potential to be more meaningful than I ever realized. As the social media giants crumble and become increasingly hostile towards anything that isn't "advertiser-friendly", I am so glad that we can provide a place for off-color, queer, and adult content.

We have so much more that we want to bring you in our next year, and we hope you'll stick with us to see it all. Let's take the foundations we laid this year and make Succubuns' second year even better than its first!

Happy birthday, Succubuns!

- Luca

Design Approvals Holiday

Posted 1 year and 3 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 3 months ago by Luca

Hello, Burrowgatory!

This is Luca here to let you know that MYO Submissions, Design Approvals, and design checks via Discord help tickets will be closed from October 28th through November 1st.

Yves and I have lots of plans to celebrate the anniversary and Halloween, so we've decided to take a break from (most) Succubuns work for our long weekend.

Claims, prompt submissions, and help tickets for non-design related issues will remain open, and design approvals will reopen like normal on November 2nd. Thank you for understanding, and we hope you're excited to finish off October with a bang before we begin the next event in November!

What are your plans for the Halloween weekend?

Envious Basket Re-rolls and Bug Fixes!

Posted 1 year and 3 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 3 months ago by Yves

Hi all, Yves here with a mini-update!

Three carat Envious Handbaskets were left unclaimed from this sale, and have been rerolled. Congratulations to the new winners RedHotValor, floralbled, and 91Blanks !
Tickets have already gone out, so make sure you purchase them before they disappear tomorrow.

Additionally, we've got some bug fixes that have gone live today! These are minor issues that most likely have not affected most players, but we wanted to update you all.

  1. Users who have been unable to open their safety deposit boxes due to them containing deleted items should find that they are accessible again! If you're still having issues, please let me know via a bug report or a ticket in our discord.
  2. Some users were having issues purchasing items with long names (such as Hop's Secret Ingredient) from user shops that also had long names. This should be fixed as well, so please feel free to shop around to your heart's content!
  3. Now, when the admin team deletes an item, the item logs should tell you that it was deleted by staff. This is especially useful for when we clear out old items to prevent bloat in our database, like with old raffle tickets. Hopefully this will help provide more clarity about what may have happened to all those imp tricks in the future.

As usual, we're continuing to work hard to make Succubuns better. Please let us know about any other bugs you run into around the site so we can fix them. Thank you!

Envious Handbasket Raffle Results

Posted 1 year and 4 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 4 months ago by Yves

Thank you to everyone who entered our Envious Handbasket Raffles, for both USD and carats!

Three USD Handbaskets went unclaimed, and have been re-raffled! Congratulations to NiarBytes , cruel , and P_anda ! You have won a USD handbasket and have had an envious purchase ticket sent to your account. Please make sure to purchase it within 24 hours.

Additionally, we have rolled the winners for the Carat handbasket raffle, thank you to everyone for your patience!
You can see a list of winners for the Carat Envious Handbasket Raffle here!
One winner was a repeat and has been re-rolled via our discord. The new winner in Jun

Purchase tickets will be going out in 24 hours, when the USD sale is officially closed. We know you all have had to wait a bit longer than expected, and we greatly appreciate your patience! Between the influx of prompts/myo approvals, IRL commitments, and the added complication of re-rolling a few USD raffles, we were set a bit behind schedule.

That's all for now! Thank you for all of your support during the MYO sale and following raffles, and we hope you look forward to the start of the adoptable advent tomorrow!