10 June 2022 (2 years and 8 months ago)


art by Xarthiel

bulletin board
toyhouse: bearwithglasses
customs: closed (prices)
bun edits: open!
discord: @gelatobear
commissions: closed (vgen)
info also in bun discord
status: The cherubun grind begins... also currently updating my custom pricing / commissions page!
πŸ€ bearwithglasses they/she
Hello! I'm Renee / Bear and you probably know me as a Succubuns GA! I love OCs, stories, and making things! I'm very busy, but I love buns ;v;
✦ Can I draw your buns?Yes! I'd also love to see them if you'd like to share! Feel free to message me if their gift art setting is off, I'll update it!
✦ Sometimes I like to draw random fanart for cute buns I find onsite! Feel free to save the art and upload them to Toyhouse and such~
Links For Me

πŸ“– dailies: favors β€’ pillow fort β€’ errands β€’ patience ✨menageries: cedar β€’ wadako β€’ lucien β€’ finn β€’ mallow β€’ adelaide β€’ wolfe β€’ bridget β€’ bay β€’ grisha β€’ rove β€’ mousse β€’ mimi β€’ tidesong β€’ phantom β€’ meadow β€’ rusty β€’ nikos β€’ rusty β€’ charlotte β€’ uchin

🌱 hometown ✨
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🌴 the great sea 🌊
94568709_wwcSPmz1pSuhEjy.png?1737517558 75500258_mjtF7PHttc9lRVz.png 70734330_a3WJirD6Y6xkLPi.png 75500259_K7x9VKE54cRKvDO.png 93735392_DXk71MPtxhAbWF6.png 78875773_IL46cim2T4vxlib.png 93735391_rJCBigninATfqSU.png 70126171_HSKR0EgTyVKM2Mx.png 89796801_Mr2o0kySmNCcYOr.png 88775706_KC1uibB9KcR4MPX.png 92778196_E5R0jeJd1fgfBMA.png 92778232_N7yDSwp6aAptW58.png 86427253_NNRidqVoLarsVxW.png
🍰 its food time 🍊
92778279_QehjVZb6p2S4rU4.png 82632192_2dI6lJ9lXySKmAN.png 93671289_rNI4Ktbw1H4tp09.png?1737529000 87638087_5KarsBBmB2mnZzh.png 39444_d9VelOkFdu_th.png
πŸ—» the kingdoms βš”οΈ
92470003_Lw9ffSlHGZ2Uhsm.png 92470004_QNMUwqEvWN9QqXk.png 92780162_J9wUfKI4opKL7wO.png 92469999_gKxYbmDAV3EnHAv.png 92469998_I78uFZ1VtolTcTH.png 93525659_TbH3jFziLUGCqID.png 93671294_vhTAcdYf5LwLo3b.png?1737527491 94575381_uXLCOhWr3IilsWg.png 83004522_M8LLfqUdBeNCWGK.png 78327549_oU4na4oQ2GxCNSK.png 86663870_vLEYAiU4nzQKXdF.png 81412128_RZH1msN5XBB6eHc.png 93525657_GMUwjDKFq8QuLHZ.png
🧭 around the world πŸ—ΊοΈ
93671292_dW3vUC2JyUMOPzP.png?1737528251 89796814_o48C3cEcy3ULuzT.png 74829569_HEDhXmOjxPJRS5R.png 93778770_OXK9CxcppRv1Qw1.png 75592648_Dp7W4gMTS3sby2u.png 75662904_J1mB17N7SigTkW0.png 82292256_IftDr7ewnw4SckZ.png 88775567_jqPNNieQYgLuKeu.png?1737529221 75500261_y4SfWGwtiSSvYQi.png 78783326_xGSX9ffZs6i60Xr.png?1712846367 77224257_YP1qddQLwxORPku.png 42157_2VKs6h9rPI_th.png 41462_8MsQ7cTrEk_th.png

featured artwork by:
xarthiel, Hanni, ttamagoya, keito
Kyurikai, coffeebean, mmj, bweepy, Umi-Chann, CIRCUSPOPPET, YuuKitsunee, smolroe
fishnbacon, SalSethoover996, Cornspiracy, Usakii, smolroe, rineagard
smolroe, mmj, lotlity, cloudfaun, roromimii, apatetite, Usakii, keito, comfyjean, mimin
arasukai, roromimii, smolroe, padpa
( I have to reorganize this aaaaaaa )

1359 Carats
3 Favor
15 Love Letters
Cocktail Glass
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