[Closed] [Auction] Lilies and Lollys

Posted 1 year and 8 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 8 months ago by Sydney
Auction: BUN-048[Closed]
Design: sxilin ・ Art: sxilin
Starting Bid: $80
Minimum Increment: $5
24 hours after last bid

Auction: BUN-042[Closed]
Design: bearwithglasses ・ Art: bearwithglasses
Starting Bid: $80
Minimum Increment: $5
24 hours after last bid

An auction pair by sxilin and bearwithglasses!
Whether you prefer sweet treats or sweet flowers, you're covered with this auction.

$80 SB each! Reply to the appropriate comments below. Auctions will end 24 hours after final bid!


Once the artist responds, you have 24 hours to pay. Make sure to read our TOS!




Oneiir Avatar
Featured by Owner

Bid here for Bun-042~!

2022-10-31 20:00:48 (Edited 2022-10-31 20:00:57)

denimlich Avatar


2022-10-31 20:02:14

bearwithglasses Avatar

Hi Barry!! Thank you so much for bidding! ;v; You can send payment over on my ko-fi (https://ko-fi.com/gelatobear) and just let me know when its paid!

2022-11-01 23:01:19

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Oneiir Avatar
Featured by Owner

Bid here for Bun-048~!

2022-10-31 20:00:26 (Edited 2022-10-31 20:00:31)

Oneiir Avatar


2022-11-01 13:24:06

Sydney Avatar

Congratulations, you've won the auction! I'll make sure Jelli knows to reach out to you~

2022-11-02 13:47:43

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