Comments on [Closed] [Auction] Lilies and Lollys

Oneiir Avatar
Featured by Owner

Bid here for Bun-042~!

2022-10-31 20:00:48 (Edited 2022-10-31 20:00:57)

denimlich Avatar


2022-10-31 20:02:14

bearwithglasses Avatar

Hi Barry!! Thank you so much for bidding! ;v; You can send payment over on my ko-fi ( and just let me know when its paid!

2022-11-01 23:01:19

denimlich Avatar

Hi! No problem, they were just too cute! 💜 I just sent the payment, ty!

2022-11-02 07:56:07

Sydney Avatar

Congratulations, you've won the auction! We'll make sure the artist knows to get in touch with you

2022-11-01 20:07:04