MYO-3612: Irvyll

Owned by AcedKuma



He / Him • Greed • The Stoic Analyst •

5'9"/175 cm • Grey Hair • Blue Eye • Cold

Friend: Arrie

Arrie is his favourite gaming partner. She makes everything they do together fun.


Irvyll is a man of subtlety. Appreciating fine detail and thoughtful expressions. When exploring the world, he looks for the why's of everything. This can come across as intense on his part, as his tendency to stay expressionless doesn't quite give away his own intentions. But in most situations, he is simply trying to learn and understand those around him. 

Most interactions with Irvyll tend to be meaningful and thought provoking. He is interested in interpersonal psychology and has a long time hobby playing horror games. Being able to analyze and pick up on nuanced detail helps him in figuring out the meaning of others sinful vices thoroughly, even detailing that his own greed horns allude to his need to understand any and everything. If he isn't discussing theories or narrative plot holes in a game, he is more than likely psychoanalyzing you. Finding common ground should be easy if you don't mind questioning on potentially uncomfortable topics. 


Irvyll takes incredible pride in the art of journalism. Taking on a variety of stories including news of current events, or dealings within the underbelly of Burrowgatory. Focusing on things like crime and corruption, he takes deep dives into the psyche of his subjects. Sometimes interviewing victims, or even occasionally criminals themselves to pick their brains and further understand their goals. This feeds into his need to read people and reveal deeper seated psychology in those around him, but also spreads awareness of the unseen darkness of society. His work under the pseudonym "Stoic Analyst" has garnered a fan base of readers. Selling his pieces as True Crime has made his personal research a profitable venture. 

Aside from his work, Irvyll finds himself drifting between various gaming channels. Seeking out fellow horror game enthusiast to theorize and play with. After finding Arrie, when she played a game he quite enjoyed, he found himself as one of her primary moderators and a deep rooted member in her personal circle of friends. Regularly playing games outside of his usual taste to suit her streams demands on any given day. The balance between his gaming life and his journalism keeps him home more often than not.


As a young bun, Irvyll was more than given his fair share of strange looks and clear rejections. His direct and emotionless approach was off-putting to those around him. Murmur tried his hardest with showing affection to Irvyll, but the seeming lack of reciprocation made all attempts feel moot. Irvyll was still intent on interacting with others, even when they didn't want to interact with him. Spontaneous questions that felt too personal were a staple, his precise language always came across as sounding robotic and malicious. But one thing stood true. He never lied about his feelings.

As Irvyll grew older, he began to repress his inherent urge to ask inappropriate questions. Finding his curiosity hindered his ability to form bonds with others, putting up boundaries would make it easier to tear them back down once trust was established. He never did change his blunt way of speaking, but primarily did so by telling his own opinions on topics. Gauging the reaction of those around him was the safest way to get the information he wanted. 

Once he was finally released into Burrowgatory, it was night and day. The weakly opinionated littermates were now replaced by strong and viceful individuals. Confident buns with drive and direction. The childish friends he'd made growing up felt like a stepping stone in his journey. He now wanted to understand the well lived and wise minds that called this place home. But further more, he sought to rediscover himself. Who was Irvyll, and what truly made him tick. 

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