MYO-4081: Arrie

Owned by AcedKuma



She / Her • Lust • The Motherly Healer •

5'6"/167cm • White Hair • Red Eye • Empathetic

Roommate: Darlet

Darlet is the hardest worker she knows. She hates how often he spends time away.

Roommate: Jousah

Jousah is her partner in crime. No matter how much he messes up their apartment.

Friend: Irvyll

Irvyll is one of her loyal moderators. Though perhaps she wishes they were more.


Arrie is the glue that holds things together. Being easily the most responsible person in any room given her ability to deescalate most situations. Tending to poor drunks, cleaning up the aftermath of fraternal degeneracy, and maintaining an entire apartment building practically by herself has led to her being the parental figure amongst her friends.

Most interactions with Arrie will be sweet and casual. Making everyone feel welcome, and joining together even the most dissimilar of people for one reason or another. With her heart on her sleeve approach to things, she can break through even the most stony and disagreeable personalities. She doesn't shy away from her lustful roots, flirting with those close to her; although reciprocation can lead her to get flustered more often than not. Playing games and streaming is her main hobby and career, but she loves anime and is an avid part in various pop culture fandoms.


Arrie is a gamer, streamer, and all around group mom. She is no stranger to being the center of attention, and usually ends up being the one people come to for help, advice, or when they accidentally make a mess on the carpet. When she isn't doing all the cooking, cleaning, carpentry, medicine, and anything else deemed necessary to keep a house party from putting her apartment into disrepair. She has a dedicated community online that follow her gaming live streams, and the closest of these friends are tasked as moderators in her chat. 

Finding joy in meeting all of the buns that come in and out of her streams, she also ends up keeping better track of the names and faces that come into her apartment than her roommates. While she isn't the host, she does leave an impression on everyone she meets that indicates that she has a better handle on things than Jousah does. All that aside, Arrie rarely dabbles in any of the drugs that are offered to guests. Opting to instead take the responsible high road of being the sober friend that stops bad decisions.


From the moment she was introduced to video games, Arrie liked playing anything she could find. Murmur supplied the more techy buns with hand held devices and toys that challenged them more than the less study interested buns, and while Arrie definitely wouldn't call herself studious, she was very interested in these devices. Some buns enjoyed playing puzzle games, others found RPGs and branching stories entertaining. Arrie wanted to try them all, even if she wasn't great at them right away. Over time she began to gather a group of buns that enjoyed playing games together, Arrie even began urging Murmur to bring a console capable of multiplayer for the lot of them. Caving to their demands, an XBun 720 was brought in from a thrift shop in Burrowgatory. Being the head of their group, Arrie started hosting game nights where any bun was invited to play. Bringing together even the most hard headed or shy buns together for nights of fun and play. 

The first time Arrie had to deal with conflict amongst her friends, it was a split in the interest of what games to play for game night. The gamer buns she had come to play with were adamant on a game with challenging mechanics and puzzles, while the more physically active buns wanted to play something more sporty and less complicated. While she understood both of their needs, what she couldn't understand was the overwhelming aggression that this split in interests would cause. With both sides willing to fight each other to determine which would win. When a much bigger bun began to approach a previously quiet and harmless bun with violent intent, she knew she had to shut this down. Arrie shouted, and or the first time the group fell entirely silent. The argument seemed to dissolve, and all parties included sheepishly apologized to one another. Her displeasure with their actions was enough to deter further in fighting, as disappointing Arrie was the last thing anyone wanted to do. 

She continued to host game nights, establishing a system for voting and even tournaments to pair up buns in unique ways. In no time at all, the friend group wasn't just a mash of different interests, but one community that respected each other. Arrie didn't like the idea of being seen as their leader, she saw herself as just another friend amongst them. But there was an immense pressure on her to be the one to give ultimatums and settle disputes. Even after she was released into Burrowgatory, she couldn't help but feel like she had to keep everything on her shoulders. A long path ahead would lead her to finding a middle ground between building a community, and the mental weight of being idolized. 

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