MYO-3089: Truffle

Owned by Aesthetic-Static
2024 Breeding Partner: N/A
HAS permission to breed this succubun )



"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Ignore me!!"

Truffle is a very shy and anxious bun! Despite his virtue, he's not a very lustful individual and has maybe has a lustful interaction twice. Romance however, is what Truffle craves and he wants to be loved by someone.

Truffle runs a coffee shop, its solely run by him as he never wanted to bother people with having to work under him as he's a pretty pathetic bun in his eyes. He puts a lot of love into his work as it owner, all his  pasteries and coffees having some sweetness to it from him. 

He's got a lot of anxiety and struggles to talk to people. He has cried at people remembering who he is and is also a huge huge huge crybaby.

Alcohol Tolerance









Coriander - Partner?

Truffle goes to Cori's shop a lot for flowers, flower care and such. He loves to go here and be around the larger glut bun, enjoying his company and his time.
Over time he grew a crush on Cori but was too shy and just assumed the other didn't know who he was. Only to find out, Cori does! It was embaressing, and he cried realizing someone remembered him but since then he's been very attached.

He understands Coriander is as shy as he is, and will be patient and caring with him. He likes to spend time with him and gets very flustered. He brings pastries from his coffee shop to Cori's often to show his love.

Oleander - Friend

Oleander is a flourist that helps Truffe keep his little shop pretty and will care for his flowers is truffle is away

He's not super close to him as Oleander is more of a shut in than he is! But he appreciates him as a friend and will contuine to keep him as a friend.

Primrose - Best friend

The one person who tends to get truffle out of his shell and is constantly encouraging him to get out more. He also encourages him to insue his relationship with Cori and is pushing them together like barbies most day.

Primrose is a bitch but he is sort of nice with Truffle and it shows

What's this..? This looks like it might have some saucy stuff in it. NSFW headcanons ahead, open if you dare!

Truffle is not super nsfw, he's a heavy demisexual with two expections during malentines

While not super nsfw, he does like the idea of it and reads erotic novels. He truthfully just wants to be held by someone lovingly.

Kinks include: Body Worship, Cockwarming, Very vanilla honestly


- Truffle is short, about 5'6 and he knows he is quiet pathetic looking

- He loves to make coffee drinks as a coffee shop owner 

- He owns two imps who are always around him, his Avia most of all is either on his head, hand or shoulder.

Character Relationships
Feel free to dm me on Discord if you ever want a realtionship with my characters!!
I like ramblings! Headcannons such and such, I wouldn't mind an rp but i dont do it a lot now.
NSFW is always ok!!

code by osteoh
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