MYO-2613: Oleander

Owned by Aesthetic-Static


  Oleander   He/They/Flower   Adult   Sloth   Gender-Fluid   Pansexual   Amour ♥   Voice Claim   5'8   Florist   The Moon Will Sing


Shy· Intelligent· Caring· Wallflower
Oleander is a well known florist who works all year round to give flowers to not only small and large buisnesses, but also cater to events for a good majority of large events. However its very uncommon to see the bun!

Oleander was a known wallflower of his litter, too shy to do much talking but not neglected enough to make him envious as he loved to see others having a good time, but they were far to scared to speak up. In burrowgatory, this deveolped with some advanced stages of social anxiety as flower isn't seen out of his shop much as their apartment is right above it.
When in the shop, its always covered in fresh and lively flowers of any kind and its known that Oleander has a greenhouse in the country esc sides of Burrowgartory.

If you get through flowers very nervous wall though, you will find out flower's a dork.
He loves imps, and tends to rescues them and foster fails for all of theirs. He loves flowers, specifically the history of most  flora but flowers special interest is deadly flowers.  He loves music and dance, playing piano and the violin on the side while knowing slow dance.
But he also loves his partner and his friends with a heart on flowers sleeve.


  • Oleander loves flowers and plants in general, the green thumb on this bun is insane
  • He loves imps!! They have 4 as of now but loves to rescue and commonly fails to foster them off.
  • Rambling is very special thing to flower as he loves to hear a person talk about something they do or love. But also being able to ramble themselves makes them giddy
  • Lipgloss! Its a random thing but flower loves to cover Amour in kisses


  • Crowds. Outside is increadibly hard for Oleander as flowers social anxiety can be crippling at times, but crowds will cause him to not leave for weeks.
  • Winter/cold months. Not a general hate but he hates to see plants struggle in these months and commonly their objectification will make him steal other people's outdoor plants.
  • Yelling/Violence. It's a general trigger for them, and if someone was to yell at him he'd have a break down.


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant


Oleander's spirit motes are always seeming in low spirits, but can commonly be put into a good mood when spoken to or pet. They represent parts of Oleander's anxiety and to sooth them, sooths him.

Flower has bows on the bun form but doesn't like them in their hair in reality, and just likes how it looks!

I almost always draw Oleander with his imps as he brings them everywhere!!
His imps will always be on him, with his Sceil on his arm, Rabebe on his shoulder, Bearly on the other shoulder or around flowers leg and the Erose is commonly on his head. But you are free to draw them elsewear!


  • Oleander names all his imps after his special interest!! Which is Deadly flowers!!! Larkspure, Belladonna (Nightshade),  Amaryllis and Lily! Each one of them are doted on!!
  • Flower is increadibly shy and rarely goes out but he will go all the way to his best friend Truffle's coffee shop and its the one place he goes without issue!!
  • He loves to ramble about flower facts  and if you ask, he will talk.


He/Him  32

"I love him dearly, he's someone who has been so patient and kind with me. To think this man fell for me when I loved him the moment I saw him! So smart, so sweet, he deserves so much love."

Oleander met Amour by chance  and once a friendship formed, Oleanders very romantic ass had fallen head over heels. Amour listened to him and indulged him and now Oleander does the same to him by making him lunches, giving him gifts and doting on Amour when he's overworked himself (Again). He's enamoured by him.

            Close Friend
 He/Him  Adult

Truffle and Oleander became friends when  Truffle reached out, out of his comfort zone, to arrange a monthly shipment of flowers to decorate his coffee shop.  Both being antisocial buns, it was a bit hard but eventually the two became close and the two gossip about their partners.

 He/Him  Adult

Sebastian is Oleander's 'boss' as he owns the property of both Oleander's flower shop but also the undisclosed location of Oleanders greenhouse. Thankfully, he's not a cruel building manager and just occasionally has Oleander send him flowers and plants as his 'rent'.

HTML by LeafJelly
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