MYO-1776: Jousah

Owned by AcedKuma



He / Him • Pride • The Fraternity Kingpin •

6'1"/185 cm • Blue/Green Hair • Grey Eye • Addicted

Roommate: Arrie

Arrie is someone he trusts entirely. Even as a hot headed jerk, she saw him as redeemable.

Roommate: Darlet

Darlet and Jousah would go to war for eachother, the respect is mutual. Although he can't hold liquor for shit.


Jousah is the type to in fit well with different crowds. He passions himself on being somewhat well versed in any topics he can learn about or half decent in physical activities. His athletic passions, as well as his down to earth mindset help him adapt to anyone. 

Most intractions with Jousah will consist of a lot of drugs, alcohol, and good vibes. He is always looking to have a good time, and will often offer gifts to friends and strangers alike to get everyone up to where he is. He finds the intoxication enlightening and uses psychedelics to further delve into all of his passions on a deeper level. When using these drugs, he never tends to be in a bad mood. Having used differing substances so thoroughly, experimenting with various highs and their mind altering effects, he is extremely well adapted to the way he feels and thinks under the influence. Now guiding others through their drug trips with understanding a patience, and doing his best not to pressure others into doing substances they aren't ready for. He wants the world to party forever. 


Jousah is a former fútbol star, and currently host of the longest continuous house party in Burrowgatory. He is hospitable to all who enter his neverending drug filled bender, and a friend to any who indulge in his stash while in his company. He is also owner of the largest amassed stash of psychedelics in Burrowgatory. When trying to understand Jousah's infatigueable energy, it's best to take a trip with him to really see what he is about.

He often spends his time at home tending to the party. Where most go out to get the things they need, he opts to send out invites regularly to people throughout Burrowgatory in exchange for favours. This could be something to eat, alcohol to replenish for the party, or even a drug trade to keep everyone at their peaks. Some would see his home as a drug den, as dealers often came in and out, selling their goods privately to Jousah and other partygoers. He shares his home with two other buns, although one never tends to be around much. Regardless, their assistance with things such as bills and home upkeep allow him to continue his neverending party at full force. The party gets especially rambunctious around holidays, as amidst the constant influx of guests, he still somehow finds a way to keep fresh decorations and themed activities for those attending. Ranging from games like beer pong, and group truth or dare, to flash bulb rave nights where he hires DJs to come in and play for the entire building. 


Jousah was a rough bun in his youth. Playing sports and fighting amongst his peers to be the strongest and most importantly, the coolest. He felt he had something to prove, and took it out on those around him. He was considered a bully to some, and a leader to most. When he was finally released into Burrowgatory, he persued sports full on to see just what his competition was. He tried many different sports. Swimming, track, gymnastics, but finally he settled on fútbol. A sport he felt most attuned to. 

While playing casually with others, he was approached by a recruiter that led one of the main teams in that part of the city. He showed potential to be a star, never backing down from any opponent no matter what the scores looked like. When he had the ball, he aimed for the goal with or without help from his team. This would lead to his first of many issues joining the professional leagues. His lack of teamwork and cooperation with others led to a lot of bumping horns with much more serious athletes. People that were on his level, people he had to earn the respect of. 

As he learned how to be a better team player, he found a love for fútbol more than just as an outlet to be the best. But becoming a true fan of the sport, watching other teams play in his spare time and even joining fantasy leagues for other sports to learn more about the intricacies of their game. Doing so led him to winning lot of money, more than he ever got paid by his manager. His teammates urged him to party with his winnings, and for the first time since entering Burrowgatory, Jousah smoked and drank like it was going out of style. Letting his body embrace all of the chemicals and having a great time. 

When he finally sobered up. He felt something new. A craving that was similar to his want to be the best. Only, instead of wanting to prove himself as physical strong. Jousah craved to be mentally strong. His time fighting his abrasive childhood habits with his team made him appreciate the person he had become, and those drugs influenced his mind in a way that felt liberating of the self imposed pressures to succeed that he'd always had nagging at him. Instead, he wanted to be friendly, social, and find Zen. He sought out psychedelics from one of his teammates, who claimed taking them helped him focus during training. 

Jousah found them exhilarating, and he wanted more. 

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