


Displays as: 0 Carats
Held by: Users

Carats are the primary currency in Succubun society. These rosy crystals are frequently dug up during burrow expansions, and are then cut into a standard oblong shape that buns find oddly appealing.

Champagne Glass

Champagne Glass

Displays as: 0 Champagne Glass
Held by: Users

This exquisite champagne comes from Angora's favorite vinyard.

Champagne glasses are account locked, and can only be collected and used during the Gossamer Gala event.



Displays as: 0 Favor
Held by: Users

Favor is an intangible measure of the demonic energies that bring good fortune. Some believe they come from earning the favor of demons through prayer and sinful deeds, while others believe they are cultivated simply through living in harmony with their hellish environment.

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