All Prompts

Working Hard

Category: General Prompts

Draw your succubun performing their profession.


While Burrowgatory encourages indulgence for all its inhabitants, everyone has to earn those carats somehow. There are jobs in Burrowgatory for every kind of succubun... How does your bun earn their carats?

For this prompt, display your succubun, an NPC, or another bun (with the owner's permission) doing their job. Are they a businessman, an exhausted retail worker, or a streamer collecting carats from their huge fans? Any kind of job is fair game.

Note: Sexual work may not be depicted with bun form succubuns.


Art Requirements: Minimum 1 full-body bun OR 1 half-body doll
Writing Requirements:  Minimum 400 words

Please host your submission in the Prompt Gallery. (If you prefer to keep your art private, you may upload it to an external host and link it in Submit Prompt.)


Reward Amount
Carats 10

Guilty Pleasure

Category: General Prompts

What does your bun secretly adore?


In Burrowgatory, very little is taboo—but that doesn't mean some things aren't embarassing! Almost everyone has something they love that they don't want other people to know about...

For this prompt, display your succubun, an NPC, or another bun (with the owner's permission) engaging in their most secretive or shameful desire. This can be anything from dipping their french fries in chocolate pudding to indulging in an embarrassing kink.

Note: Sexual content may not be depicted with bun form succubuns.

If submitting kink-related content, please make sure it follows the User-Submitted Conduct section of our Rules.


Art Requirements: Minimum 1 full-body bun OR 1 half-body doll
Writing Requirements:  Minimum 400 words

Please host your submission in the Prompt Gallery. (If you prefer to keep your art private, you may upload it to an external host and link it in Submit Prompt.)


Reward Amount
Carats 10

Pick Your Poison

Category: General Prompts

What is your succubun's favorite drink?


Alcohol is many succubuns' beverage of choice, and there's a huge variety of drinks to suit anyone's taste. Of course, just as every succubun has their own drink preferences, everyone has a different alcohol tolerance.

For this prompt, display your succubun, an NPC, or another bun (with the owner's permission) enjoying a drink from the Drinks or Seasonal Drinks item categories. Does your succubun wait all year to guzzle their favorite seasonal special, or do they prefer to nurse a Sin and Tonic all night and save their carats?


Art Requirements: Minimum 1 full-body bun OR 1 half-body doll, a Drink or Seasonal Drink item
Writing Requirements:  Minimum 400 words

Please host your submission in the Prompt Gallery. (If you prefer to keep your art private, you may upload it to an external host and link it in Submit Prompt.)


Reward Amount
Carats 10

Feeling Horny?

Category: General Prompts

Decorate your succubun's horns!


Succubuns' horns mark their transition into adulthood and what kind of person they were when they came of age, making them an incredibly important and distinct part of every bun. From the nubbiest sloth horns to the tallest grand greed horns, all succubuns want to take good care of their horns, and maybe even show them off.

For this prompt, display your succubun, an NPC, or another bun (with the owner's permission) accessorizing their horns. Do they want to cover their horns in ornate jewelry, or adorable stickers?


Art Requirements: Minimum 1 full-body bun OR 1 half-body doll
Writing Requirements:  Minimum 400 words

Please host your submission in the Prompt Gallery. (If you prefer to keep your art private, you may upload it to an external host and link it in Submit Prompt.)


Reward Amount
Carats 10

General Succubuns Submissions

General Succubuns Submissions

This is a place to submit any and all general succubuns art and writing.


Submit your promptless Succubuns art or writing here to claim your carats.

Please upload your piece to the General Gallery (or NSFW Gallery) before submitting it here. If you wish to keep your piece private from the community, you may submit a or imgur link instead.


Art pieces must have at least flat colors to count for carats. Dolls must be at least half-body, and buns must be full-body.

Written pieces must be at least 300 words.

Commissioned pieces may be submitted for 1/3rd carats—please make sure you credit the artist in your submission.

Collaborations (both art and roleplay) are allowed for this prompt!


Please use the carat calculator in the submission form underneath 'Criteria Rewards' to determine your carat total. The calculated total will automatically be applied to your submission.

This is not a true prompt and does not come with a base reward—you will earn carats according to your calculated total only. There is no limit to the number of times you can submit your work here.


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