All Prompts

Guilty Pleasure

Category: General Prompts

What does your bun secretly adore?


In Burrowgatory, very little is taboo—but that doesn't mean some things aren't embarassing! Almost everyone has something they love that they don't want other people to know about...

For this prompt, display your succubun, an NPC, or another bun (with the owner's permission) engaging in their most secretive or shameful desire. This can be anything from dipping their french fries in chocolate pudding to indulging in an embarrassing kink.

Note: Sexual content may not be depicted with bun form succubuns.

If submitting kink-related content, please make sure it follows the User-Submitted Conduct section of our Rules.


Art Requirements: Minimum 1 full-body bun OR 1 half-body doll
Writing Requirements:  Minimum 400 words

Please host your submission in the Prompt Gallery. (If you prefer to keep your art private, you may upload it to an external host and link it in Submit Prompt.)


Reward Amount
Carats 10

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