MYO Approvals Open

Posted 10 months and 4 weeks ago :: Last edited 10 months and 4 weeks ago by Luca

Luca here again! It seems like I'm finally on the path to a full recovery, so it's time to try opening MYO approvals back up.

As I'm anticipating that we'll get over a hundred submissions with this reopening, I have a couple requests for you to follow to help keep the flow of submissions more manageable:

1) For the first 24 hours, please only submit if this is your first ever MYO. This will make sure that players waiting to get their first succubun will get them approved first, so they can still have a couple days to do August prompts with them.

2) If you have more than one MYO to submit, please wait until the first one has been approved to submit the second one. This will keep the pace of approvals more fair for everyone who's been waiting.

Thank you all again for your patience!



steviatea Avatar

glad to hear you're feeling better, luca!

2023-08-28 16:14:57

Champurrito Avatar

Thanks for the opportunity for FTOs ;w;)b
(im gonna be part of the submission wave today and hoping it doesn't get too big :'3 sorry)

Still sending good wishes to you and your complete recovery ^^)b

2023-08-28 14:25:44


I love the staggering for the FTOs!!! I'm glad you're doing better, Luca!

2023-08-28 14:07:34

CreativeRed Avatar

Yay! So glad to hear you're starting to feel better. <3

2023-08-28 13:39:05

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