Design Submissions Update

Posted 1 year and 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 year and 1 month ago by Luca

Hello, Burrowgatory!

Our revamp of the MYO & Design Update submission system is complete, and design submissions are open again.

With our new system, players can upload bun-only, doll-only, and duo images directly to, without needing to link to an external host. These images will all be tagged according to the form(s) they contain, and the masterlist will automatically pull the bun image for the masterlist thumbnail—which means no more cropping, so it no longer matters how much space is present between the bun and doll forms on the duo image!

The new image formatting & tagging system will not be retroactively applied to existing succubuns (as we would have to do so by hand for 800+ buns), but will affect all new or redesigned succubuns moving forwards.


You can view the step-by-step guide to using the new system under the new Submitting Your Design section of the Design Guide. Please remember to always review the Design Guide before submitting a new design.


As this code was developed specially for Succubuns, it's likely that some bugs or hiccups will occur during player use. Please be patient and submit all issues to Bug Reports, or the #bug-reports channel of our Discord, so that we can fix them.

We hope that this new system will make design submissions quicker, easier, and less confusing for our players, while allowing the admin team to maintain our speedy rate of approvals as numbers continue to grow.

Thank you for playing Succubuns!


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