Spring MYO Sale

Posted 1 year and 2 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 2 months ago by Luca

Our Spring MYO Sale has started out with a bang! And by a bang, we unfortunately mean a couple errors.

As this is our first time selling MYO slots for USD through the site, we ran into a glitch in the code that prevented users from purchasing a USD slot if they had ever previously purchased one with carats. Fixing this issue caused users who were mid-purchase during the fix to not receive their item after processing their payment.

All issues have now been fixed, and hopefully no further purchases should be affected.

 If you purchased a Hell in a Handbasket for USD and have not received the item in your inventory, please make a ticket in the Private Help channel of our Discord Server or send in a Report (please note that tickets will receive a faster response). You must include a link to your inventory, as well as the name and/or email associated with the PayPal or card used to make the purchase. Once we've confirmed your payment, we'll make sure to get you your Hell in a Handbasket ASAP!

Thank you for your patience while we get this sorted.


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