Upcoming Downtime & Miscellaneous Updates

Posted 1 year and 5 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 5 months ago by Luca
Good afternoon, Burrowgatory!

We hope everyone has been enjoying Matentines thus so far. The prompts you've all been submitting have been an extra delight to approve this month, and we're looking forward to see everything else you'll submit before the end of the event.


As we're sure many of you have noticed, the site has gone down a couple of times recently when putting up design sales. Yves and Moif have been working hard to stabilize the site before the Sweet & Spicy Gacha goes live on the 13th, and they believe that they've isolated the shortcomings in our server, which will require some downtime to improve.

On Saturday 2/11, Moif and Yves will be taking down the site for a short period to upgrade our RAM and run some updates that will hopefully keep the site from crashing again.

We're expecting this to happen between 1-4pm site time, and we'll post a warning in the Discord and on Twitter a few minutes before it happens. Please don't be alarmed if you try to check the site and it's down tomorrow!


Drinks Update

In other news, we've made some adjustments to the uses for the miscellaneous Rabbit Hole drinks to better align with the way that Succubuns players use our Design Update system.

Drabsinthe has been updated to cover both its original use, as well as Sin and Tonic's original use. In addition to using a Drabsinthe to revert a succubun to a previous design, you can now use it to remove any number of traits from a succubun when redesigning them.

Bourbun has been adjusted from being used for all color changes, to being used for any type of small change to both colors and markings. Its price has been reduced from 50 to 30 carats. Hopefully this will make design tweaks more accessible without worrying about whether you need one or two 50 carat drinks!

Hopscotch has been adjusted from being used for all marking changes, to being used for large changes to both colors and markings, or complete design overhauls. The price has been raised from 50 to 120 carats to cover its increased versatility, and to better cover cases of players using existing designs like MYO slots when doing complete redesigns.

Sin and Tonic now costs only 15 carats, and can be used to make art updates that don't require another item. If you want to update your succubun's art without changing any traits/colors/markings, or you want to add a new reference image to their official Images tab, you will need to attach a Sin and Tonic to your design submission. (This does not apply to submitting a doll form for a succubun that previously lacked one, which is still free.)

When creating these drinks initially, we didn't intend for redesigns without item usage to be a part of our Design Update system at all, but realized it was unreasonable to prevent people from updating their characters' art once we started getting submissions for it. However, updating artwork still takes just as much work for the admin team even when no trait changes are involved, so we've decided that there needs to be an item requirement to do so.


If they so wish, users who own one of these items obtained before February 10th may submit a claim with the item attached to receive a refund of the item's old price in carats (yes, even for Drabsinthe or Hopscotch, which are technically more valuable now).

There will also be a one week grace period for submitting masterlist art updates without a Sin and Tonic for players who were working on new artwork before this update was made, ending at midnight February 17th.


Miscellaneous Updates

To help players submitting the Blind Date prompt or other collaborative pieces, we've added a Collaboration checkbox to the carat calculator. Please make sure you check it when submitting art collabs and roleplays to automatically split your carat earnings. (Both collaborators will still need to submit the prompt separately to get their carats.)

As you may have already seen, we've added permission toggle icons to succubun masterlist pages. These icons let you tell at a glance if a succubun is open for trade offers, gift art, gift writing, or breeding. Each permission can be set to YES, NO, or ASK FIRST on the succubun's profile page. Please do not ever contact someone about trades or breeding for a succubun whose permission is set to NO.

You may need to clear your cache or hard refresh to see the custom colors we have set for it, as the default ones don't quite suit our site's pallete. We don't want you to get blinded by that highlighter yellow!



Don't forget that breeding requests are open until the end of the month. If you want a precious baby designed by our amazing GA team, there's no time to waste submitting a form!

The Sweet & Spicy Gacha will be going live in just a few days. $300 preclaims will open at 11pm on February 13th, and $150 gacha rolls will open at 11pm on February 14th. The GA team has cooked up over 20 gorgeous cute and sexy designs to share with you, and we hope you're as excited to see them as we are to show them!


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