Comments on [Closed] [FTO only] Fruity buns Flatsale raffle

Yves Avatar
Yves Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Enter here for bun-317 (Sweet Strawberry)!

2023-04-02 20:01:29

HowlingViolist Avatar

entering please! thanks for the chance!

2023-04-03 18:33:29

Astraea Avatar


2023-04-03 10:43:17

Wishful-Krissy Avatar
Featured by Owner

Entering <3

2023-04-03 05:50:29

Yves Avatar
Yves Staff Member

Congratulations, you won this raffle! Please send milkat a dm on site ( with your paypal email, and we'll get the bun added to your account :)

2023-04-03 20:18:29

Grimbiddies Avatar


2023-04-02 20:56:21