Comments on [Gift] cham-pain but i made it gay

BonefydSkeleton Avatar


For as rushed as you claim this to be, it actually looks phenomenal to me 😭 I am always so fascinated by the texture you capture in your work and the brushstrokes. It looks so lively and full of movement. And their body language is everything to me. Leo might be the one asking this half masked completely recognizable Mysterious Stranger to come home with him, but Percy’s tail wrapped up around Leo’s leg is just asking him to stay in this moment a little longer. If they are married at this point in the timeline I’m imagining he is taking every opportunity to flirt like they’ve never met just to experience falling in love with Leo all over again. Trying to be romantic but also very aware of Leo’s knee between his thighs like “get a few more glasses of champagne in me and by the end of the night this party could really get started” jerhbfjrhbfrhjfbrjhfbjrhb

ALSO YOU NAILED THE OUTFIT CONCEPT I HAD FOR HIM. Like 100% it’s what I had in mind with butterfly frills. Sorry I’m super bad with descriptions but you combined the concept and references into the vision inside my mind. I’m also very obsessed with the frill angle on the leg because the butterflies feel so alive. They just hitched a ride on this guy to get into the gala and at the end of the night will flutter away leaving him nothing but A Man.

Thank you so much for this sweet gift you absolute mad lad. I hope exhaustion finally caught up to you after all the projects you finished last night and you get some good sleep as a treat.

2024-05-28 11:19:42

kingfauna Avatar
kingfauna Staff Member

Oh my fucking god sorry but my brain just suddenly awoke me like; think about it -- the juxtaposition of flirting like strangers but familiar touches of longtime lovers

2024-05-29 00:43:30

kingfauna Avatar
kingfauna Staff Member

ggsdgdhffhfhhdjdhfhdhdhfnfbdjd aaaaaAAAAAAAAA stop im so weak just thinking about them falling in love all over again 😭 In my mind they just be doing that every wednesday or smth. fall in love all over again All The Time. Not tuesday however, ofc. We know what tuesday is for :)

2024-05-28 19:26:03 (Edited 2024-05-28 19:26:24)