Comments on [Gift] me when im in a cave [gif]

kingfauna Avatar
kingfauna Staff Member

I have been in complete shock over this every day since first laying eyes on it. I am just. EXTREMELY flattered you would do this for me!?!?! You ability to do 3d AND animate it just has my jaw on the damn floor for real. This is a piece I will undoubtedly be thinking about for years. Like, a couple years will pass and I'll be like "hey do you guys wanna see this really cool piece I got once" and this will be THE piece I show them. 100%. Because holy fuck. This is the coolest thing I have ever gotten!?! I'm like. Extremely flattered and I hope I'm conveying that properly. You did such a phenomenal job with this, the movement of the gif is so soft and satisfying in its sway, and the sheen on the crystals are a genuine joy. Like I really truly cannot get over how fucking incredible this is and how much it means to me. ;o; You completely knocked this out of the park and this is the best possible note to be ending 2023 on.

THANK YOU. Thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means so much to me that you did this for me. I am absolutely positively in love with this and I will undoubtedly treasure this for years to come.

2023-12-31 19:17:52

zinnia Avatar

preface i just got out of an awful migraine so brain's a lil foggier than normal so dont mind the potential typos ASDFGHJK

BUT!! IM SO SO GLAD , THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY TO HEAR ;___;!!!! i had a lot of fun with it and got to learn new stuff to do it (ie how to properly use geometry nodes + the crystal effect)

i hope your 2024 is epicswag!!!!!!

2023-12-31 20:59:51