Comments on mizumihisui

squish Avatar

Congrats on the DTA bun! I knew your first bun would be such a cutie <3

2023-01-25 20:53:47

mizumihisui Avatar

AAA TY SQUISH I'm super happy with them!! And I loved your piece so much it makes me smile! Longing for their somebunny to love //clutches chest🌙💙

2023-01-25 22:12:53

squish Avatar

Aww thank you! I had fun with their little story~
Here's me hoping Juuri will own Lune's somebunny hehe
(totally not stalking your guys OTPs or anything -ahem- //shy (/▽\) )

2023-01-25 22:36:35

mizumihisui Avatar

ASDFGH DEFINITELY I'll make this happen I promise 🥺💖 (AND I'M HONOURED HEHE Same with me looking at all your cute characters //////) !

2023-01-25 23:23:07