MYO-6024: Circe

Owned by planter



She/Her | Pansexual (No preference) | Poly

Circe is a rather fun loving and playful lust bun who enjoys living her life in sin. Indulging in alcohol, sex and drugs anytime she can without a second thought. She has very little impulse control and due to this often finds herself in situations that may end badly, something you think she would learn to stop but she still has yet to find her way out of this habit. As long as a bun isn’t judgmental there is a very good chance they will get along, enjoying attention from anyone around her.

She enjoys teasing those around her, usually in a more playful manner but every so often there may be a slight bite in her words if the bun has irritated her. She doesn’t mind putting a random bun down if it means making herself feel better and often does it when chatting to friends on a bench, judging outfits with a whisper. Think of her as that one mean girl from high school who never grew up, only nice to those she likes or is receiving money from.

Circe enjoys shopping for new outfits and toys for her OnlyBuns account, only ever wearing more revealing outfits to ‘advertise herself’. She enjoys making friends and loves finding new companions to make content with, often shifting her body to match their needs during their intimate moments. She has dated in the past but often finds herself in relationships with buns who wanted to settle down, making Circe feel uneasy. It seems she has an attraction to buns that are rather controlling.

NSFW Information

A switch who enjoys bringing pleasure to her partner, no lean finding herself just wanting to do whatever her partner wants. Usually meaning she experiences a good amount of kinks.

She will praise those who need it, degrade those who deserve it and submit to those who earn it. Switching her parts to make sure her partners needs are filled.

Very loud and utterly useless at muffling her sound!

When in doll form for herself and not to be intimate or fill needs for her OnlyBun subscribers she is large chested enjoying the size and shape of them


Play Partners & Friends

Viktor - Play Partner

A very aggressive play partner of hers that she honestly shouldn’t play with but finds herself coming back no matter how toxic it is. They are rather extreme when it comes to playing and their kinks and due to this after time spent with Viktor, Circe will hide away for a little to take some time to heal physically but also mentally. She enjoys feeling like nothing with him, something about the fact she can’t turn off her brain making her come back each and every time.

Kane - Play Partner

Still exploring this but Circe enjoys showering him with praise when they play, loving how he reacts to the attention from her and her camera.

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