MYO-5982: Talo

Owned by RottsonRosen

A rather unflitered man, Talo often seems to have fluff in place of any semblance of a brain. He's far more likely to speak his mind than hold his tongue, often to his own detriment- though he's inclined to argue otherwise. To Talo, keeping quiet is deeply uncomfortable, and he heavily prefers to make how he feels known, to prevent any miscommunication of his intentions. Of course, this often lands him in trouble with people he has less than favourable views towards, which Talo tends to take in stride. He knows he can't win everyone over, and doesn't make an effort to- instead content to keep to a small circle of friends and loved ones who can appreciate (or at least tolerate) his habit of speaking his mind.

-Name's pronounced "tay-low," and acceptable nicknames (in his opinion) are Tal and Tay. Granted, he'll answer to about anything these days.
-Personally I'd classify him as "himbo supreme." Buff, well-meaning, genuinely super sweet, and also so. So Stupid. No braincells in this man.
-Though he tends to come off as the cocky, confident sort, under the surface Talo is a rather good-natured- if a little awkward- man.
-Quick to befriend, yet very hard to anger. Those that earn Talo's ire have well and truly earned it, and he's a man who can hold a grudge for a lifetime. If a relationship sours with him, it's gone for good.
-Secret love of gardening! He takes great joy in raising and caring for plants, but tends to keep his hobby under wraps. Mostly so people don't bother him.
-He names all his pets after flowers- typically what kind of flower their Blooming varients take on.

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