MYO-5102: Merlina “Mer”

Owned by KristFullmetal

she/her - Female

S/O - Canis

intelligent, and calculating, a dancer who is also willing to join a patron in the bedroom if they can pay, stand up for herself/takes nothing from no one but not in an outright aggressive way, she’s very tactical and professional in how she carries herself at all times, she’s closed off and does not let her emotions show, has a hard time dissociating from her professional persona and herself, a hard worker, her persona is a cold, dominant lady who cares little for emotion and everything for the moment, on the inside she's sweet and enjoys the little things in life, keeps her smile hidden unless she's with someone she feels safe enough with to let her guard down, her persona built her and she "relies" on it (blurs the line between herself and her persona), she thinks she owes everything to the persona she created rather then to herself

Met Canis at a formal party she was paid to perform, Canis was enthralled with her dancing and decided to strike up a conversation (perhaps he could convince her to be a part of his business empire, she was good at what she did and would bring about great revenue), she easily saw through his manipulation and using nothing but words threw it right back at him, he got pissy/fussy and started to lose some of his tact and she called him out on it, little did she know at time that he under the layer of anger at losing he was developing a respect for her (or rather the persona) the one thing he couldn’t catch with his manipulative prowess, but he was going to do it one way or another, through all of his trying they actually opened up to one another bun to bun rather than business owner to potential acquisition and through that caught feelings for each other, She helps to level Canis out and make him more “human” in his business transactions and he helps her to be her true self rather then the professional persona she forced herself to be (he liked the persona at first, but fell in love with the actual bun inside)

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