MYO-4664: Sajjita

Owned by Xeluna

Sajjita Ruia

he/him . Toyhouse

Theme Park Attraction Designer for "Bungeon Dungeon"
Part-time LARPer and Professional Adventurer

Wannabe Scary | "Not Nice" | Melodramatic
| Playful
Patient | Boastful | Venturesome
 | Defiant

Sajjita believes he is one scary and dangerous bun. However! Because he is a lot kinder than he ever likes to admit, he often struggles to convince others to take his intimidation efforts seriously. He understands he's not the biggest baddest bun out there. But come on! It makes him happy if people at least play along a little.

He's not that gullible truthfully. Just a bit silly. Loves to play. And he doesn't mind pretending to be the "bad guy" if it means having a good time. He can even be low-key sadistic, since he likes watching people struggle or at least put up some kind of fight in the face of challenges. But as he's a bit of a softy at heart, he tends to let his bravado slip whenever someone seems genuinely distressed. At which point? He sort of awkwardly checks on people, drops lil hints, or tries to help somehow (without outright saying that's what he's doing, if he can get away with it).

Secretly scholarly, he also views the world in a romantic light, such that dreams are precious, life is filled with undiscovered beautiful experiences, and knowledge of the wide world is the treasure he seeks most of all. When he's not trying too hard to be scary? He loves swapping stories and sharing pieces of what he discovers from his journeys.

PS- he easily shakes off being called most mean things. He's even fine with most compliments. But somehow he panics and gets feisty when called nice, sweet, or kind. He fears that people thinking he is nice and treating him with kindness will make him more vulnerable to--- surprise attacks! Might relax around people he trusts though.

PSS- Despite his menacing, Sajjita likes rewarding people for being brave and trying hard enough at something. May or may not be suggestive as he declares, "Good job! Ready for your reward?" He worriedly tries to console people if they're hurt with things like, "Shoot... Will a kiss make you feel better?" Awkward comforting attempts ahoy.

Bun Size: Super middle of the pack. Doesn't stand out especially.
Doll Height: As big or small as he thinks he has to be to terrorize people really. But his default is not all that extreme. 6'0" on the dot.

Main Vice:

To stay inspired, Sajjita goes on vacation regularly to travel outside of the Burrowgatory, seeking worldly experiences and inspiration that he can bring back to share. His greed is all about desiring things in the wider world. For he has cravings that simply are not available to him within the Burrowgatory, and he is willing to travel far outside of his homeland to experience them. Sure he could settle for the usual comforts. But no. Every little thing his heart desires? He wants it all.

About Bungeon Dungeon
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Sajjita works at an adventuring theme park called Bungeon Dungeon, in which the staff roleplays various characters to create entire simulated experiences for its visitors. The park itself is a sprawling property with outdoor and indoor zones.

According to Sajjita, it was initially built by ancient demon warlords, then abandoned after a few hellish wars, after which it fell into disrepair. The succubuns rediscovered it as part of the Burrowgatory's expansion efforts. But it wasn't until more recently that Sajjita and his crew of companions were crazy enough to claim the ruined property and try to make something of it. The gang is still struggling to improve the greenery in some places to make it feel like miniature forests on the surface world. And there's a bit of an imp infestation. But in general, they say they're living the dream!

While there are many park duties, Sajjita's favorite contributions include designing exhibits and events. He's quite the handy builder! And he and his companions have a blast getting to play with their customers. As far as roles, Sajjita's crew keeps assigning him to be things like the bad guy, the bad guy's henchman, or a vigilante hero. Mostly because he gets the most into character for stuff like that.

Customers are also issued optional rental costumes, fake weapons, and fake magic item props that contain tiny computer chips. Customers can use these various props to interact with different staged exhibit effects, such as using a "magic staff" (remote) to activate the room's smoke machine or flashing lights. There are even a few obviously holographic enemies that prop weapons can be used to fight. Unless people would rather fight the flesh and blood staff.

[ Park Attractions ]

There are plenty of side attractions like the Dragon Claw, Diving for McGuffins, Potion Tasting, Swapping Bottled Messages, or Hundred Hidden Doors Hunt. But the core activities are various narrarated experiences that are less like carnival games/ festivities and more like emersive live action role play experiences.

*Dragon Claw:  a contraption that is a giant version of one of those doll grabbing claw games, except it is meant for catching customers that want to take on the 5-15 minute obstacle course. Make it to the different check pounts without getting scooped by the "dragon" and you win shiny prizes from its hoard.

* Diving for McGuffins: This is a huge pool. With lots of underwater 'sunken ships and hidden caves'. Hidden down there in all sorts of ways are various knick-knacks and pretty bobbles. You can rent equipment to help you dive and explore. Or you can chill and play in the pool at your own pace. There's probably a snack bar. Just don't puke in the water, please.

* Potion Tasting: A mixed drink exhibit that lets you sample various beverages, from non alcoholic to alcoholic... Except things are presented in potion bottles. There are the nicely labeled safe ones as well as the 'surprise' ones. Taste at your own risk. But if you guess the ingrediants of what went into those, your prize is a free whole bottle of whatever flavor you want here and a meal to go with it.

* Hundred Hidden Doors Hunt: There are, in fact, 100 hidden doors of various sizes tucked around the park, containing tiny keys. Depending on how many keys a customer brings to a 'gatekeeper' at different shops around the park? They'll get access to additional gifts or entry into private exhibits.

* Dueling Theater: There is also the dueling theater, for people who want to either pretend to fight each other with prop weapons or actually fight each other, hah. Two different leagues. People who don't want to fight have seats to watch.

* Sculpture Garden: Employees dressed as living statues give customers sculpting tools and supplies. Anything they make can either go up for display for the next 3 days, be taken home, or used as target practice in a demolition game. Customer's choice.


(Raised by a group of traveling demons. I have more detailed thoughts written down for this. Just need to clean them up and migrate them to the site.)

Other Notes
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Skills and General Interests: 
- Navigating, camping, and being rather self-sufficient.
- Various handy repairs and building things. Enjoys figuring out how to make stuff. Good with his hands in general.
- Trap mastery. He’s good at making them, disarming them, and manipulating them for funsies.
- Collecting various maps, tools for traveling, tiny model ships (sometimes in bottles), books, sea glass, landscape paintings, and fragrant spices. (He hoards his treasures in hidden places around the theme park.)
- Academia, especially related to Archeology, Geography, Geology, Language, and Architecture. 
- Watching sports tournaments. (Wrestling and sword fighting best.)

Not Good At:
- Driving. (He has fun, but he is notoriously bad at it. Never lend him your land vehicle. Also, he doesn't like small cars nearly as much as trucks, since those have way more storage space.)
- Music and Singing (Again. He enjoys it. Really gets passionate at karaoke. But definitely can't hold a note.)
- Programming. (Better at dealing with hardware than software. )
- Medical Science (can handle first aid, but hell if he knows how doctors and nurses do their thing.)
- Being tummy tickled. (It's a major weakness! Completely undermines his terrifying visage.)

- Taking Medicine (he'll do it.... very reluctantly... if he has to... But it's gross.)
- Long Movies (makes him sleepy)
- Getting too intimate with random strangers.
- Dream killers.

Self-taught fighter:
Mostly learned from watching the traveling demons who raised him to fight off thieves on the road. They never encouraged him to get involved. But he very quickly learned to pick up a big stick and start swinging.
Turns out he has a gift for it. And it comes in handy, both for defending himself and entertaining customers. So while battling was never his passion, he keeps up his so-called "special training" to be sure his skills don't dull too much.
He prefers to swing around improvised weapons. Anything from furniture and props to shoes and spoons.
Sajjita doesn't have a proper house, but he camps out wherever he can get away with it. This often means his fancy tent is set up somewhere on work property (at least until his crew comes to shoo him out to make space for the next attraction). Now and then, he will crash at friends'places too. And while he wouldn't mind staying at a proper hotel, inn, or hostel? Most of the time, if he's staying on his own anyway, he'd rather not pay for it. He's a surprisingly hardy bun that can fall asleep pretty much anywhere.

- He drops lil nicknames on the targets of his menacing, which kiiiiinda diminishes his scary factor.  Sometimes it possibly comes across as flirty instead. i.e. "Hey, cute stuff. Prepare to die." Because, "What? Don't people deserve to hear that before they go?" (Sugarpuff. Bright-eyes. Sassy-butt. Petal. Kitten. Hotcakes. Tall glass. Sweets. Precious. Buttercup. etc...) He'll also use more neutral ones like "short stack" and "thunder."

- Be it in bunny or doll form, he gently touches his nose to people as a sign of affection. Or simply to show he wants something. Take a guess!
- He's open to possibilities. Just not a random flings kind of guy. 
- Likes to tease. But he's selective about his bedmates and quite careful with the feelings of people he actually cares about.
- It's important to him to really get to know people for anything more intimate than cuddles, kisses, and hand holding.
- Values companionship, so that's what he usually looks for first.
- When it does come down to intimacy? He's more of a pleasure giver. Loves making his partner happy more than anything.
- Does tend to be caught off guard when he is aroused though, and may act slightly awkward and embarrassed as he tries to figure out what he wants to do about it.
- All of that said, he's never been in love. But being a romantic dork, he dreams of falling in love someday. Not something he advertises, but he's not shy talking about it if asked. What? It could happen!
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