MYO-4642: Renn’yu

Owned by Summerfox9


  Nickname: Renn   Pronouns: He/Him   Age: ??   Type: Greed   Gender :Masc   Sexuality: Masc Leaning  Single but Open   Deep Voice   Height: 5'9   Occupation: Professional Loser   Theme Song (N/A)



Selfish, Lazy, and unapologetically a mess. Often finds himself rooming with others to have a comfy place to sleep for the night, but will also drink directly from the milk carton and put back the empty container without a second thought, then go back to bed. Yet somehow despite all the complaints others have of him, he rarely has to pay rent or owe anything in return. Unrelated, he is very skilled at using his tongue.

While in Bun-Form, will sometimes use his long ears as a blanket or cushion to make any place a good napping place. Doesn't appear to own a lot of nice clothes as he doesn't go out often, much less in his Doll-Form, but will occasionally be seen somewhere more high-profile and well dressed... What exactly is his job again?


  • Milk
  • Naps & Sleeping
  • Games
  • Midnight Snacks


  • Being Cold
  • Physical Labor
  • Hard Floors
  • Pants


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes




  • Loves sweets, will break out of his laziness if it's worthwhile to him
  • Prefers to top but doesn't mind being a pillow princess every now and then
  • A very messy eater, if not told to he will not wash his fur unless it's inconvenient
HTML by LeafJelly
  • Gift art is allowed