MYO-4230: Nathan

Owned by Shrimplicity


Nathan  Malachi   Williams









Trans Male



Naturally shy and incredibly awkward Nathan is well known for how easy it is to send him into a fit of hiccups be it through kindness, nervousness or pretty much anything. Nathan rarely ever speaks out when he is around others and tends to be quiet getting flustered when spoken to and touched. Nathan however when overly stimulated will lose a bit of his timid and shy nature and become far more affectionate though when he realizes after he has calmed down he will become far more flustered and around that person and be prone to hiccups just by seeing them. Nathan is  very passionate about the things he is interested in another way to break down his timid barrier is to get him talking about something he is passionate about he will go on and on for as long as the person is willing to listen though he will be hiccuping  the entire time.  Overall he is a pretty shy timid and awkward dude and will often times try to avoid being in the spotlight but under the right circumstances he can be a little more excited or even fall into the sin that he is a type of though afterwards he might just get even more nervous.

Fun Facts:

1.) Is never seen without his striped sweater jacket thing he can be seen without the scarf at times but the jacket never leaves he pairs it with a blue top in his doll form.

2.) He has many many freckles in doll form they are the same colour as on his fur and just as numerous.

3.) He has a fascination with bugs and other insectoid creatures particularly bees he can go on about them for ages and bugs are known to land on him and he doesn't mind.

4.) In doll form he always has his hooves.

5.) Nathan always shivers no matter the season he is just naturally incredibly shakey and this becomes harder to manage when he goes into his hiccuping fits.

6.) Nathan is all about comfortable clothes he never wears anything that isnt at least 3 times bigger than he is in both bun and doll form.

7.) Nathan being a lust type of succubun has a more lustful side to him that is pretty easy to coax out in the right situations but Nathan is incredibly embarrassed by this when it happens thus anything that could set this off absolutely makes him a hiccuping mess.

8.) Nathan has a slight southern accent.

9.) Nathan's favorite food is curry buns he learned how to make them being as he had a hard time finding the kind he likes its about the only food he can actually cook reliably everytime!

10.) Nathan can knit and crochet he is better at it in doll form but he can do a chunkier more messy version in bun form and often makes random little crochet items that he leaves places as gifts for others to find hoping they make fellow buns days a little bit brighter!

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