MYO-1526: Nova

Owned by Sunnie

  • pronouns: she / they
  • height: 5'0"
  • nsfw: m-maybe...!
  • relationships: perhaps...
alcohol tolerance drunk from the smell
libido not super high
credit score heavenly

If you hear a little squeak but can't figure out where it came from, chances are that it's Nova hiding somewhere nearby.  They're extremely shy, but they do have a desire to go out and make friends - this tends to result in them sneaking away to gather up the courage to socialize.  While it takes time, once Nova gets used to someone, they'll stick to their side (almost literally, as they're prone to being clingy).  

She finds the strength to combat her shyness in her faith in Allocer, a demon of the moon and stars who blessed Succubuns with visions of the night sky (in exchange for some tasty mochi).  She believes that the star motes floating around her were a gift from Allocer, and that she, too, should shine brightly with others around her.  If only talking to other buns wasn't so scary...!

When they're not hanging around groups of people hoping that someone will speak to them, they're into things like fortune telling (the stars hold our fates!), stone/crystal collecting, and reading the books written by demons at the Church of Sulfur library.  They love hearing about what other buns are passionate about, and can even info-dump themselves if they really bond with someone.  It can take time to kindle, but a friendship (or more)  with Nova will burn brightly for years to come.

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