BUN-735: Penny Royale

Owned by Valentine

little miss penny royale! she's a younger bun, freshly turned up in buttowgatory. a little naive, generally very sweet unless you ask her to share her chocolate which she does not take kindly to. really into riding public transit places and falling asleep! weird hobby, but it's just her thing. doesn't have a job or anything, just rides trains and buses and such around the city and stares at the window in complete peace, then falls asleep. her little bag always has some snacks, a change of clothes, and a toothbrush. mercy from the nunnery probably packed it for her because they were worried she wouldn't have what she needed otherwise. contrary to what the buns who stare at her on the bus might think, she isn't homeless! but only because buttowgatory is a utopia that provides subsidized housing for lazy little buns like her. she has a pet Bearly named Theo who comes with her EVERYWHERE!!! little dude is her best friend. Penny is gentle and easygoing, so she's pleasant to talk to, but doesn't really have any long standing connections because she doesn't have a phone, doesn't go home, and doesn't really remember faces or names after you've met her, either. she's just living in the moment.... :)

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