MYO-777: Abigail

Owned by Eyeris
  "Abby"   He/Him   ???   Greed   Male   Bisexual   Open   5'11"   Designer/Photographer   Song 1 | Song 2


Passionate · Caring · Responsible · Coy

Abigail is a freespirited bun with a love of life and a passion for living said life to its absolute fullest. He's a rather confident, charming, and outgoing socialite who enjoys mingling at parties and meeting/learning about new individuals, with a special interest in fashion and figuring out what makes certain buns tick. He loves teasing others playfully and is actually quite the loving friend to those he cares about. While he certainly always means well, it doesn't mean Abby can't be a little bratty if he wants to be. He has a hobby of making clothes, be it for cosplay or fashion, and he loves nothing more than to make others look lovely in them~

He's quite forward and never hesitates to say whatever's on his mind, especially if it's in regard to someone's health and wellbeing. If a friend has been doing nothing but laying around and feeling bad, Abigail will take them outside, he will take them out for a nice meal, and he will make sure they're looking they're absolute best when they do so. He's a bun who intends to always get what he wants, and turns out he very much would like the best, not just for him but for you too~

Be it partying, eating nice meals, wearing nice clothes, or sleeping around, life's about having fun! Just as the devil intended. ;)


  • Dressing People Up
  • Playful Teasing/Casual Flirting
  • Sharing Meals
  • Concerts
  • Fruity Drinks


  • "All Work, No Play" Types
  • Pessimism
  • Smoking
  • Being Bored
  • Needing to be the Most Responsible Sibling


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

Abby has white and pink markings under his eyes and a beauty mark just below his lip like his bun form! While his nails are naturally white like his hooves, he loves painting them hot pink~

He actually has a simplified spine pattern similar to his horns going down his back too, which translate to a tattoo in doll form.

His pupils are actually skull shaped! Though it isn't really obvious unless he opens his eyes wider. His tail pattern is also a skull but with lil markings under the eyes like his face, though it kind of just makes it look like its blushing, pffft-

Typically his hair is tied into two large braids because he thinks it's cute, but he's happy to wear his hair in any style so long as his ears remain tied up. He ties his ears up because it keeps them out of the way.


  • Abby is littermates with Donna, Avery, & Nemesis.
  • Despite not being the oldest in the litter, he's considered the most functional and ends up taking on the responsibility of making sure the rest are properly taking care of themselves.
  • Him teaching Minim social etiquette is probably the main reason Minim knows to asks people politely before she bites anyone.
  • He has a decent amount of wealth from finding success within his field, though a not insignificant amount was conned from his original demon caretaker after being taught how to do them.
  • He wears a collar because he likes being pulled around sometimes.


 He/They  ???

Abigail loves Avery very much and, while they can't seem to acknowledge it, Avery loves and cares about Abigail just as much, if not more so. While the two are twins, they have personalities that made it difficult to get along while growing up. Despite this, Abigail has always wanted to stay by Avery's side, if for nothing else but to tease him. They've always been a physically larger bun more than capable of defending themselves in physical confrontations than Abby, who moreso deals in social conflicts, and Abby regards him as a very reliable bun who's both headstrong and steadfast in their actions; though they could certainly benefit from being a bit more openminded sometimes. While Avery has a frustrating habit of thinking nothing he does matters, Abigail nonetheless believes in him and wants to see him prosper in his own way. And by all of Hell, he's going to see to it that they will.

Abigail lovingly calls him "Vree", and is happy to call them his brother. Even if he feels more like a nagging mother to them sometimes. He wishes Avery would just realize that the only thing he wants from him is for them to stop dwelling on things and go live a better life.

 She/They  ???

As much as the two find eachother a little insufferable at times, Donna being someone who prefers a stable and routine work life while Abby patently prefers the exact opposite, they nonetheless care very deeply about one another. Having grown up under the same dysfunctional caretaker, the two have an established level of understanding that likely forms the basis of their long standing friendship. Which is why, when Abby recognized how absolutely miserable ole Bella was during an extended period in her life, he couldn't just stand by and let that happen. With his support and encouragement, Donna managed to get out of the awful rut she was stuck in and find new purpose at the Church of Sulfur. To his credit, Donna considers him to be the main reason her life has since changed for the better, and definitely does appreciate that fact, even if they don't really show it.

Abigail likes to call her "Bella" because he knows she doesn't want to be referred to by her full name "Belladonna", but he's too much of a brat to actually call her "Donna" the way she wants him to. When it's the two of them, Abigail actually feels like a little brother.

            Roommate/Close Friend
 She/They/It  ???

Abigail finds Minim adorable in a clueless, funny kind of way, with a specific kind of fire in her eyes when she really wants something that he finds strangely alluring. He met Minim at a party around the time she first returned to Burrowgatory and left the care of her demon, where it was immedietely obvious to Abby that there was something a little weird about the lil bun, and decided to approach them to figure them out. As it turns out, they were indeed very strange, and Abigail happily offered to help her along with acclimating to her new home in order to know her better. They've been great friends ever since and kept in touch over the years, with Abby eventually suggesting they share the appartment they now reside in together.

He often helps Minim with general social norms and proper ways to conduct social interactions, seeing as how they both love meeting new people, but they remain very different in terms of approach. Once he got used to and understood all her lil quirks though, he decided to trust that Minim can do just fine on her own, if not still needing a helping hand or gentle reminder here and there. Despite the two's differences, they actually find themselves to be quite compatible.

            Friend in Law
 He/him  ???

Honestly, as soon as he first laid eyes on him Abigail knew he was no fun, and that wasn't surprising considering what a big and well-known business guy Vikram is. Having heard many a rumor about his more cutthroat reputation, both through the grapevine as well as from Donna's own personal accounts of their brief encounters, Abby considered him someone he'd never associate with if they didn't have to, and for quite a long time it seemed like there would never be a need to do so at all. That was, until Minim got thrown into the mix. While at first Abby was slightly worried for Minim's wellbeing, it quickly became clear to him that there wasn't actually anything to worry about. He finds the whole thing rather amusing now, and thinks the two of them can at least get along, even if Vikram still isn't particularly fun.

While Abby has since begun to think better of him, he's still of the opinion that no, Vikram isn't cute. The guy definitely needs a spa day.


 Growing Up

Abigail, along with his littermates, were adopted and raised by the demon Malfeasance who, true to their name, wasn't exactly the best influence; nor caretaker, for that matter. In fact, Malfeasance adopted them all in the first place to appease his own boredom, as well as to enjoy a twisted sense of control over what they saw as puny, weak, and lesser beings, thinking that they could perhaps impart onto them some more practical skills and knowledge under his watch. Unfortunately for these buns, the only thing Malfeasance was proficient in was crime. Despite his original intentions, the demon eventually found themselves somewhat fond of the bunnies once they were adopted, but that fact did not make them any better as a caretaker.

Abigail is the third oldest in the litter, a few minutes apart from his twin Avery and a few months behind Belladonna. He was always noticibly more playful and energetic than his fellow littermates since they were young, but his particularly amicable nature and bright pink coat had made him significantly more obnoxious to their mostly unimpressed guardian. It's assumed that he was given his notably feminine name as a way to demean him, but Abby wound up quite liking it anyways. Abigail's persistent optimism and unfettered joy for life was perhaps the main reason he came out of Mal's care the least scathed amongst his littermates, as Mal often paid the least amount of attention to him as a result, but perhaps that was a blessing in disguise. His outwardly simple and cheerful deameanor masked the fact that he was actually quite cunning from their caretaker; a fact that Abby took ample advantage of when eventually swindling the very demon who raised him. Living with Mal was a rather turbulent experience to say the least, with every month hailing yet another mess the demon would find themselves entangled in, along with the various underhanded tactics that he would use to worm his way back out of them. Each bun under his care naturally wound up picking up different skills from his arsenal, be it from Mal's deliberate teachings, general observation, or necessity for survival. Abigail personally became the most proficient in social skills and engineering, being able to effectively recognize and identify lies and weaknesses in others while utilizing charisma to his advantage.

Despite their circumstances, Abigail's main priority was and still is maintaining the wellbeing of the people he cares about. While him and his littermates could not be decribed as getting along well in childhood, he could never find it within him to dislike them. In fact, Abigail loved them. He has a rather big heart that held a deep understanding of the poor environment him and his littermates lived in and, having seen the negative impacts of their poor upbringing on each of them firsthand, could not fully blame them for the ways they acted under Mal's guidance. Even when one of Nemesis' destructive tantrums resulted in him breaking a horn, his concern for her never waned. In a way, while it's clear Abigail had a lot of love to give even back then, it was perhaps a reflection of how much he had wanted to be loved too. His genuine fondness for the buns he considers family was what ultimately made him decide to be the one to make sure they all remained safe and well cared for, and was likely what kept them all together in the end, regardless of how unpleasant their attitudes may have been in return. His greed manifested as a need to gather as many resources as he possibly could so that he may offer his loved ones the world, even if that meant he himself had to steal from others to do so. His friends and family should always deserve the very very best, and he will do whatever he can to provide that for them. Abigail isn't a criminal at heart however, and remains the one with the cleanest hands between his littermates. Though while he's neither malicious nor manipulative, if it would prevent his loved ones from harm, he is fully willing to be both.

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