MYO-589: Minim

Owned by Eyeris
  "Minnie"   [She]/They/It   ???   Gluttony   Female   ???   Undefined   5'2"   Floater   Theme Song /j


· Odd Little Thing ·

Minim is a rather strange individual who speaks in short sentences and whose preferred method of communication appears to be prolongued eye contact. They're what some folk would describe as "airheaded",  and what others would call "off-putting". Truth be told, they're rather harmless, amicable even! Once you get to know her just a lil more anyways...that is to say, hang around them long enough for their behavior to seem normal.

Minim was raised as the only bun of a doting demon who provided her with all the treats she could ever want. Though while the demon spoiled her rotten, they also had a tendency to leave the bun unattended for extended periods of time, which they make up for by always returning with gifts and delectable foods as a reward for her behaving well in their absence. Arguably this is how Minim developed such an odd personality along with her generally poor understanding of common social norms, but it's also very likely that she was simply born that way.

Despite possessing gluttony horns, at a glance it doesn't seem like Minim is much of a glutton at all, aside from the casual mindless snacking perhaps. Get to know her and you'll soon realize that Minim actually translates any and all emotions and desires directly into hunger, though what that means to Minim appears to be a lot more abstract and broad than the average bun. This view of the world is perhaps the main reason there's such a disconnect in the way she communicates; it's simply describing things in her own way.

Careful though! If they think you're cute, they might just wanna eat you up, one way or another~


  • Chips
  • Spicy/Savory Flavors
  • People
  • Biting Said People


  • Bitter Flavors
  • Pushy People
  • Very Loud Noises
  • Being Ignored


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

I prefer her to always have the exact same blank, neutral head empty expression at all times. Minim very rarely changes expressions, and even when she does, it's subtle and mostly in the eyes.

The tag on her horn has the chinese character for "eat" written on it. They have other tags with different characters on them which they change around depending on the occasion, however it's typically that one. It's akin to a good luck charm, and she feels somewhat lonely without it.

The inside of/underlayer of Minim's hair in doll form is white. They also prefer to always keep her ears tied unless in circumstances where they get in the way. Her rabebe Chi's favorite place to sit is right between her ears and below her chin.

Minim has a tattoo of a set of sharp teeth on the side of her right thigh. It's not very visible in bun form as it is a similar color to her fur, and usually covered by her shorts in doll form.


  • Minim has a surprisingly good memory when it comes to faces, though part of it may have to do with her association of people to various tastes.
  • The term "something to chew on" is taken literally. Minim chews on things as a stim instead of for flavor when in thought.
  • Minim experiences everything through hunger. When she claims to be hungry, it's not necessarily always a desire for food; though interestingly, any desire can be sated with it.
  • Wealthy individuals are oddly charmed by her, resulting in her presence at fancy events and solacious gatherings.
  • I genuinely really want a pair of Minim's socks with dismembered stick figures on them; I wish they were real.


            Roommate/Close Friend
 He/Him  ???

The two have been friends for many years, and it was originally Abigail who suggested they live together to begin with. He often invites her out to gatherings and helps them find new job opportunities if he believes she'd enjoy them, and is probably the bun who understands her the most when it comes to the peculiar way she communicates. In fact, Abigail tends to be the one explaining her actions and intentions to others when necessary, and continuously advises her on important social etiquette. Despite her poor retention of such information she's actually been seeing quite a reasonable amount of progress!

Minim knows Abby is well off enough to live on his own, but for some reason or another chose to live with her instead. They do appreciate that though, as it's allowed her a lot more freedom in her day to day life. Especially since he's very understanding of the way she is. Minim considers him a very good roommate since he cooks and cleans a lot more, and frankly a lot better, than she does. She considers him a very good friend because he's fun, caring, and lets her bite him. He apparently tastes like strawberries; the flavor.

            Tasty Friend
 He/him  ???

An arguably dangerous individual for her to have even approached let alone associate with, not that Minim knew or cared when she did, but apparently he's incredibly delicious (whatever that means). The two had a chance encounter at a gala and have seemingly gotten along surprisingly well ever since; to the confusion of many, seeing as how said encounter entailed Minim asking if she could see what he tasted like and most likely taking a bite of him thereafter. She's since made it a habit to nibble him every chance she gets, which Vikram bizarrely never seems to truly mind despite the odd complaint about touching his ears. Minim has grown quite fond of him.

He has yet to actually say no to anything Minim does, which means it's pretty likely that things will simply continue escalating in whatever way Minim intends to go about that. He supposedly has a spicy and savory sort of taste; a bit reminiscent of rice cakes.

            Good Friend
 She/Her  ???

Minim's rather excitable friend and an overall charming lady. The two often go out together in ways that might seem like dates, or perhaps simple girly outings, which is probably the most normal Minim will ever seem from a distance. Minim quite likes Dotti's company on account of the other bun's very generous offerings of food and willing understanding of her stranger habits, but sometimes she also finds Dotti's general demeanor somewhat nostalgic. Even if Minim doesn't quite relate to having any grand ambitions, she nontheless hopes the cheery bun can achieve her dreams some day, however big or small they are.

Minim thinks Dotti tastes somewhat minty but mostly sweet, like a candycane with an undertone of coffee or chocolate.


 Growing Up

Born under debatably mysterious circumstances, it actually isn't very clear where Minim came from. She seemingly just wound up at the church and into Murmur's care one day, and no one thought much of it; an extra bun never hurt anybody. Before he could get any of the newly received buns settled however, a rather unexpected visitor had decided to drop by on a whim, and just as impulsively decided to adopt a bun of their own. Murmur, as expected, enthusiastically complied with such a request, which was how Minim got adopted by the flashy and fanciful demon known as Belvamena; an individual Minim has always referred to as just "Lena". While Minim doesn't particularly remember, Belvamena insists that they had picked her out of the available litter because they were charmed by the way she had looked at them, and knew immediately that they had to take her home.

For a year, Minim got to call Belvamena's extravagant and opulent mansion her home. The whimsical demon never stopped doting on her, and made sure she was offered absolutely everything she could ever want, especially delicious treats. Above all else, Belvamena taught Minim that the most important things in life were simple: eat well, sleep well, and do whatever makes you happy. Unfortunately, despite Lena's overflowing love for the odd little bun, they never stopped being an impulsive and self-indulgent individual who loved to party and go on all sorts of impromptu trips on a whim. This naturally led to Minim often spending hours and at times even days all on her own and, while the treats were always abundant and her living space cushy and comfortable, there wasn't much for the little bun to do aside from sit and stare during these long periods of time. The first few times this happened Lena had worriedly asked Minim if she was upset in any way by such occurrences, to which Minim would consistently only answer with the phrase "I'm hungry". So began a routine where eventually, Belvamena will remember their darling bunny and rush home with exorbitant amounts of food and a few tearful apologies for making her wait so long, before inevitably doing it again some weeks later.

In truth, Minim was likely lonely, and she might've described it as such had she had any concept of what that emotion was. Minim however, has only ever been hungry. Neither her nor her demon recognized this as an abnormality at the time, but Minim did have a vague sense that her loving caretaker wasn't particularly understanding her needs despite communicating them in the way she best understood them. The food did typically make the hunger go away though, so she believed it to be an adequate solution, and trusted Lena enough to simply set the thought aside. Slowly over time, Minim began to understand that not all of her hunger could actually be fully satiated with food but, having no idea how to resolve such an issue, resigned to the fact she was not going to be understood, and continued to live in such a way with Lena until she fully matured. Belvamena was actually rather hesitant on letting Minim go even after she reached maturity, but even they came to the realization that continued lack of actual socialization for the already strange bun wasn't going to do her any favors. After finally acknowledging the fact that they did not actually have enough time to be looking after another living thing, they reluctantly said their goodbyes before returning Minim to burrowgatory.

Minim to this day remains rather fond of Belvamena despite the demon's obvious flaws and blatantly neglectful behavior. It does not seem like Minim faults Lena for the way she was treated whatsoever. After all, they were simply doing what made them happy, weren't they? In a lot of ways, how Minim acts today still reflects those original ideals that she had been taught. And she continues to hold them close to her heart because she knows that no matter how imperfect they may have been, her demon wanted her to be happy.

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