MYO-841: Miss Donna

Owned by Eyeris
  "Donna", "Belle", "Bella"   She/They   ???   Sloth   Female   Aromantic/Greysexual   Single   5'9"   Nun/Nurse   Song 1 | Song 2


Apathetic · Diligent · Shrewd · Efficient

Donna is known as the kind, hardworking, yet at times slightly sinister bun that always seems to have something up her sleeves despite not actually having any ulterior motives as far as anyone's concerned. Despite having a vague and likely spotty past, she's a genuine, true, and upstanding member of the Church of Sulfur who does her best to keep everything in working order, and that all of its members are kept safe and sound. She may come across as a bit strict at times, but you'll never find her without a smile on her face! And perhaps that's why some buns find her a little intimidating... Maybe try to stay in her good graces.

Donna is a dilligent bun who always appears to be in the middle of some task; a bun who many describe as more befitting of pride horns than the sloth ones they currently possess. She has a rather direct approach to conflict, and doesn't mind other buns coming to her for help in resolving them if need be; a gentle and typically patient bun who isn't afraid of being a stern (and possibly a bit threatening) when necessary. They have a particular interest in medicinal herbs and tends to a small personal garden as a hobby, which also includes vegetables which they use in baked treats. She also happens to be someone with extensive medical expertise and intimate knowledge on poisons, the latter being something she considers a strange hobby of sorts.

It's speculated that Donna has a handful of old ties to something more criminal, but who's to say?


  • Strong Teas/Alchohols
  • "Cute" Things
  • Gardening/Experimenting
  • Routine Work
  • Straightfoward Answers


  • Disruptions
  • Whining
  • Incompetence
  • Cowards
  • Nosy Individuals


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

Donna's design is themed after turnips, her tail is made of roots.

Her eyes are a solid gold color with white Xs as pupils. When they're open, they tend to be the first thing people notice in dim settings.

She actually has rather long hair with a purple gradient near the tips, which her ears are tied over.

She has a beauty mark beneath her right eye, and two rather large birthmarks on her face that match the spots on her bun form (One on the lower right side of her face, and the other over her left eye).

It seems like she prefers more simplistic outfits and typically thinks about things in terms of practicality. She always wears gloves and keeps plentiful spares on her for this exact reason.


  • Donna is littermates with Abigail, Avery, & Nemesis.
  • Belladonna was once a backalley doctor who'd also concoct all sorts of elixirs with your desired effects so long as you paid and kept her out of your business. If you didn't, it tended to find its way back to you.
  • As a baseline, she actually feels very little emotion and struggled with anhedonia for most of her life.
  • In recent years she's been making an honest attempt to have genuine connection with others with Abigail's encouragement.
  • Crocus the guyst acts as a personal assistance who fetches her both small items as well as people if need be.


 He/Him  ???

In childhood, Belladonna did not think much of him. Though frankly, they didn't think of anyone else much at all. Overtime however, Donna came to acknowledge the fact that she was at least mildly appreciative of his efforts to lift the mood; something that she admits made their whole situation just a touch more bearable. As adults returning to burrowgatory, they all grew apart for a some time, which is where Donna had wound up apathetically working as a back-alley doctor seemingly to just pass the time and waste the days away. Her skills and expertise weren't put to much good use when the only lifestyle she was truly familiar with had been entirely crime-ridden, and her general apathy had made her entirely disinterested in other pursuits, much to her own detriment. When Abigail eventually found his way to her office it was both a both pleasant yet confusing surprise, and the subsequent lecture he showed up to give her about taking care of herself arguably even moreso.

Nowadays, Donna still gets visits from Abby while she works at the church. While she still finds Abigail a touch obnoxious, there's a much more apparent fondness in the way the two interact.


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