MYO-2936: Vikram

Owned by FullofBones

2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-589
Eyeris has permission to breed this succubun.

  "Mister Vainglory"   He/him   ???   Greed   Male   Bisexual   Single   Voice Claim   6' 8½"   Executive   Kiss Me, Son of God - They Might Be Giants

Vikram V. Glory

Ambitious · Diplomatic · Resentful · Workaholic

Vikram is rather well-known for his establishments that cater to and draw in wealthy demon clientele, from brothels and bars to extravagant hotels and organized events. He has his fingers in just about every major industry, leaving his free time to be rather sparse in turn. There's rarely a moment spent where he isn't negotiating, sorting disputes, or otherwise preoccupied with the latest issue. Despite his attempts to delegate in the past, he can never quite bring himself to let loose the control on too many things.

He's perfectly capable of maintaining a charismatic countenance in public- and often does irregardless of his personal feelings. It's when Vikram is in one on one settings without much pressure to act that his more curt, tired, and generally abrasive moods come out. He doesn't tolerate incompetence very well, and those that gain the focus of his ire find themselves in dire straits- he has something of a reputation in the seedier areas of Burrowgatory for both his militant expectations and extravagant rewards to match for those that march to his step.

Despite- or perhaps because of- his incredibly rigid standards for himself, he often gravitates to and chooses to surround himself with buns that are relatively simple in his personal life, be it in thought or life goals.


  • Organization
  • Beau
  • Quiet Mornings
  • Live Music
  • Saunas


  • Crowded Spaces
  • Demons
  • Chocolate
  • Cocktails
  • Winter


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

I would prefer it if he isn't drawn with his bad eye visible! You can give him an eyepatch if his hair is brushed out of the way, but generally he isn't fond of people being able to see it.

You're welcome to draw him in other outfits. He favors formal masculine clothes and fine jewlery, but it isn't uncommon to catch him in casual wear if he's somewhere he thinks he won't be recognized.

His bun form is usually significantly smaller than others! He doesn't ever associate his bun form with his doll form- when he's out as a bun, it's purely for anonymous leisure.


  • This is more of a funny aside, but he wears high heels because he doesn't like not being the tallest bun in a room at any given time. He's coordial about it, but it is definitely intentional.


            It's... Complicated? But simple. Don't worry about it.
 She/her  ???

A strange Succubun that Vikram has only recently made the acquaintance of, yet one that seems to have effectively wormed her way into his packed schedule without batting an eye. He's always been fond of the strange ones, and Minim is nothing if not... an interesting character. The windows screensaver that comprises that head of hers doesn't hurt, either. He finds it charming.

Now if only he could convince her to lay off the ears...

HTML by LeafJelly
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