Faw-n's Item Logs
Blackjack Hand (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from Wonderland Casino by Faw-n for 10 Carats.)
3 months and 1 week ago
Wagashi (×1)
Coupon Used (Coupon used in purchase of Carousea from Pedigree Pets)
4 months and 2 weeks ago
Pet Carrier (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from Imp Training Camp by Faw-n for 1 Imp Treats.)
4 months and 2 weeks ago
Salty Grog (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from Swimsuit Season by Faw-n for 15 Seashells.)
5 months and 4 weeks ago
Blackjack Hand (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from Wonderland Casino by Faw-n for 10 Carats.)
6 months and 5 days ago
Gin (×1)
Collected from Donation Shop (Received rewards for errands from Liquor Store.)
6 months and 1 week ago
Blackjack Hand (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from Wonderland Casino by Faw-n for 10 Carats.)
6 months and 1 week ago
Garlic (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Grocery Store.)
6 months and 1 week ago
Sin and Tonic (×1)
Character Design Updated (Item used in Character design update (#15435))
6 months and 2 weeks ago
Sin and Tonic (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from The Rabbit Hole by Faw-n for 15 Carats.)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
Tomatoes (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Grocery Store.)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
Red Bean Paste (×1)
Collected from Donation Shop (Received rewards for errands from Grocery Store.)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
Raspberries (×1)
Collected from Donation Shop (Received rewards for errands from Grocery Store.)
6 months and 3 weeks ago
Watermelon (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Grocery Store.)
6 months and 3 weeks ago
Liquer (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Liquor Store.)
6 months and 4 weeks ago