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Couture and Brochures

Couture and Brochures

Category: NPC Prompts

Meet Succubuns NPC Velveteen, the supermodel.


Velveteen is one of Burrowgatory's most famous models, known for hosting and appearing in all the hotest fashion shows. However, they've never made a public appearance in their bun form, creating an air of mystery around them...

You may complete one of the following two prompts to receive bonus carats, along with a special trinket item for your succubun in accordance with your choice.


Option 1: Fashion, Baby
Velveteen is in desperate need of a model with your succubun's general measurements for a runway that's about to start, and your succubun just so happened to be in the right—or wrong—place at the right time. Depict your succubun preparing for or participating in this impromptu fashion show.

This option must depict your succubun and Velveteen in doll form.

Rewards: Velveteen's Scarf

Option 2: Incognito
In the checkout line of a small, bun-only grocery store, your succubun notices that the bun in front of them with a covered face has ear patterns remarkably similar to the model on a nearby magazine... Depict your succubun recognizing the supermodel Velveteen in public—do they make smalltalk while trying to avoid spoiling their privacy, or openly ask for an autograph?

This option must depict your succubun and Velveteen in bun form.

Rewards: Velveteen's Magazine


These rewards go directly into your succubun's inventory. Once you succubun owns one of Velveteen's trinkets, you can earn a bonus 5 carats when depicting that succubun in a piece with Velveteen.

When you submit this prompt, make sure you put your succubun down as the featured character and select the reward you earned from the drop down beneath them! Only one bun can earn a trinket per completion.

Art Requirements: Minimum 2 full body buns OR 2 half body dolls (your bun and Velveteen), a simple background
Writing Requirements:  Minimum 800 words


Please submit your entry to the Prompt Gallery. (If you prefer to keep your art private, you may upload it to an external host and link it in Submit Prompt.)

This prompt may be completed once with each succubun you own.


Reward Amount
Carats 20
Velveteen’s Scarf 1
Velveteen’s Magazine 1

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