Part 3: Let's Try Again (Orryn x Fenris)

In Explicit ・ By Pooch
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(Orryn x Fenris)

Let's Try Again

Fenris bit his lip, wanting to apologize and ask for forgiveness once more, but struggling to get the right words out with how he felt currently. He had failed one of his two tasks.


Grasping Fenris' thigh, Orryn swallows everything that Fenris spills into him. All according to plan~ Poor Fenris really did not stand a chance against Orryn's mischief and his ability to toy with people.


Orryn slowly pulls himself away from Fenris, licking one last stripe before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand slightly. He straightens himself up and looks down at Fenris, a shadow cast over his face and his glasses glinting ominously in the dim light. "Fenris-" he says, with an amused expression on his face. He tuts his tongue. "Your task was quite simple, wasn't it. And yet, you had failed." He crosses his arms and shakes his head in disappointment. "You're lucky you're cute, because I am considering giving you another chance. Are you deserving of that? Another chance?" he asks, tilting his head in question.


It was hard to let himself fully enjoy the way Orryn had swallowed his cum and offered him so much pleasure, when he didn’t know what was in store for him. 


The way Orryn was looming over him left him completely tongue tied as he swallowed nervously. He was done for. He turns his head away in embarrassment as Orryn scolds him. “I…” he goes quiet. “I am not sure… I want to have another chance, but, I am not sure I deserve it” he mumbles quietly, laying completely still and still struggling to look at Orryn properly. “Please, would you allow me to try again? You can be harsher if you need to” he says meekly. “I just really want another chance, please, just one more… I want to do better” he was begging, hoping that his pleas would be heard.


What a precious sight. Orryn's eyes had stars in them, eager to continue playing with his newfound toy.


"Well. Since you've asked so nicely. I can definitely consider giving you another chance, little Fenris. And since I am so kind, I think I might have just the thing to help you out."


Orryn reaches over and takes something from the tray, turning back to the other. "Here we go." He leans into Fenris and attaches a cock ring unto him. "If you can't help yourself, you might as well be trained into submission. So.  Do not come without my permission. We will do this again."


No time is wasted, and Orryn gets to work once more, even if Fenris had just finished. "Open your legs, love. We'll try something else this time." He reaches over to pick up a bottle of lube. "Hopefully, you remember the rules this time."


Fenris hesitantly felt a sense of relief when Orryn offered for him to have another chance. Nodding at his words. Only for him to freeze slightly when the other bun went to grab something out of sight. 


He squirmed slightly when Orryn brought out the ring, staring at it unblinking as it shined in the dim light. “I-I won’t” he says flustered as Orryn puts the ring on him. He should be able to handle this, probably, he hoped. 


Fenris spreads his legs like before as requested, and then a little wider when the lube is brought out. “Please do whatever you like to my body, I can take it” he says as he searches Orryn’s face. He was not gonna back down, he had worked hard to get this far. “I can’t cum without your permission, and I need to keep my legs spread” he repeats, hoping it would make Orryn at least a little happy that while he might have messed up, at least he knew.


Orryn lets out a little laugh. He was just too cute.


"Yes. That's right Fenris" he says, patting his knee fondly. "I know you can take it. That's why we are doing these exercises." From under the tray Orryn pulls out an intimidating item though. It is a large dildo with ridges and a curved tip, definitely not meant for someone of Fenris' size. "We will be using this one this time. I'm sure you can handle it. You seem determined enough." He coats it generously with lube before settling once more at Fenris' entrance. "Relax, Fen-" he says gently as he presses the tip to Fenris' entrance. Orryn pushes the dildo forward, angling it to find the bundle of nerves he wanted to press to get Fenris to moan out so prettily for him~


He stared at the new toy as it was brought out in front of him, he felt a knot build inside him. He spreads his legs a little wider, it was gonna be fine. “That’s… big” he comments brain running a million miles per hour. He was captivated by the way Orryn was lubing up the toy. “Ye-yea I can handle it” he says, not even believing a single word that came out of his own mouth. 


He took a deep breath as Orryn lined the toy up with his entrance and laid back. Brow furrowing as it was pushed inside him. It took a bit for Orryn to find the sweet bundle of nerves where pain turned to pleasure, but once he did Fenris let out a shameful moan, loud and clear. He struggled to keep his legs spread for Orryn, legs trembling as they closed ever so slightly

Placing a hand on Fenris' knee, Orryn pushes his leg further open to accommodate the size. "Now, now-" he says playfully. "Already forgetting the rules? Let me help you out."


Fenris is offered no rest as Orryn continues the assult on his prostate. The dildo was such a tight fit, but it slid into Fenris due to the amount of lube Orryn had so nicely put. Fenris let out a lewd moan and Orryn smiled to himself, ready to hit that area once more. He slides the dildo out halfway before ramming it back in with a curious expression. "Keep your back on the bed~" he orders, moving his hand to Fenris' chest to keep his back planted down. "You need to take whatever is given to you. Be thankful for it."


Fenris shakes his head no, though he knew he was struggling to follow any of the rules given to him. “Sorry” he squeaks out. 


It was a struggle, it felt good, whatever Orryn did to him felt good. His back arching and his body writhing slightly as he took the toy repeatedly, over and over again especially once Orryn started being more firm with the way he was using the toy. It was a struggle to lay still, but Orryn’s hand helped him try to stay put. “Thank you Orryn” he exclaims between moans and mewls of pleasure, legs only starting to tremble even more as they kept going. The pleasure was a lot for him to deal with, confusing as all he could do was take. Sweat pearling on his body and the ropes feeling delightfully constricting, making sure he stayed in the moment.

Orryn made sure to pry Fenris' legs open whenever they would slightly close, eager to keep bombarding the other with pleasure, even when he couldn't finish.


"That's it, Fen-" he says encouragingly. "That's it." He couldn't help it, as he watches the other relax, he takes the dildo out almost all the way before ramming it back into the other mercilessly. It was such fun to play with Fenris, watching him try his best to keep still and be obedient. Even if Fenris did want to come, it would be almost impossible to given his strained dick was being held by the cock ring~


It quickly became too much, the way Orryn played with his body and expertly took him with the toy. The struggle of trying to keep his focus on his tasks started to get harder as he felt himself near the edge he couldn’t tip over. 


His moans went from wanting and eager, to almost strained  as frustration built up. He was hellbent on pushing himself further, taking more, but it was too much. The abuse of his hole was relentless and he started to whine before he decided to give in. “Please Orryn, please let me cum, please, I can’t handle anymore” he says desperately, the endless chase with no finish making him frustrated. He would probably cry if he didn’t find any release soon, he knew he had to take all that he was given and be thankful, but it was a struggle not just being able to give in.


Leaning in, Orryn offers him a soft kiss on the lips, eagerly eating up the pleas that Fenris was sounding out. What should he do... Give into the sweet begging, or completely ignore it...? Well. He wasnt that heartless, was he?


He does one more rough thrust in, watching Fenris moan, his back lifting off of the bed slightly before he pushes him back down. Precum dribbled out of his dick which was ready to come at any time. "Alright~" he says gently, moving his hand over to unclasp the cock ring around Fenris. "Come hard for me, Fenris-" he orders, giving Fenris' dick a long stroke in his hand, then another. 


Orryn had decided to offer Fenris some mercy that day. He didn't want to completely scare the other away after all~


Fenris struggled to pay attention to the kiss, even though the gentleness was appreciated. 


One more strangled moan as Orryn pushed his body to the breaking point. The gentle tone contrasted his own desperate and eager noises, but he clings to every word spoken. Once permission was given and with the few strokes Orryn was giving him, that was when the coil snapped. A full body tremor as he came, back arching into the bed, a feeling he would savor. 


He was slowing his breathing before he cracks his eyes open to look at Orryn. His expression completely calm. “Did I do good?” He asks quietly


Orryn smiles pleasantly, gently swiping some hair away from Fenris' face. "Yes. You did so good, Fenris~" he says with a happy sigh. 


As soon as Orryn had untied Fenris, the clean up was quick and efficient. He made sure to pat Fenris down with a soaked towel, happily running his hands over the rope marks on Fenris' skin. "I knew you could do it." he says, placing a soft kiss on the other's forehead.


"We have finished our first session, and although there is a long way to go, you have certainly impressed me. He says, playfully pulling Fen's cheek. "I'm sure you will improve, with the next session."


A small smile tucked at his lips at the praise and he relaxed, happy he had gotten it right the second time around. 


He was happy he could just enjoy being taken care of for a moment. Relaxing more and more as Orryn patted him down and untied the ropes. 


“I will keep striving to get better for you” he hums softly. He feels himself getting tired before he sits up and tugs slightly on Orryn’s sleeve. “Is it okay if I sleep here?” He asks, almost ready to pass out, he was definitely a sloth bun to the core.


“Of course.” Orryn pulls down the bed covers for Fenris to crawl back in.


“You’ve earned a good night’s rest~” he says, patting Fenris’ hair fondly. Even after all the fun and games, the little one needed to rest after all, so they could play more tomorrow.

Part 3: Let's Try Again (Orryn x Fenris)
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In Explicit ・ By Pooch
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Submitted By SimplyDefault for General Succubuns Submissions
Submitted: 1 year and 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 year and 1 week ago

Pooch: Co-writer
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