Part 1: First Meeting [Orryn x Fenris]

In General ・ By Pooch
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[Fenris x Orryn]

First Meeting

Fenris had only just joined the church and was struggling hard to get used to his new routine. Waking up early, working and helping all day, it was all a struggle to him, as someone who had just recently left his demon parent. The new schedule was not something he was accustomed to.


It was morning and they had just gotten through the first morning prayers all lead by Oleander. He told them how as members at the church it was important that they led by example and made sure to stay sinful, though, that it was also important that they made sure the things around church were always in order. Didn’t want visitors to turn around just cause things didn’t seem to be in order.


Everyone else sat seated quietly in the pews, listening to Oleander’s speech and prayers as he set the agenda for the day. As things were about to finish up they all sat back and did a silent prayer. Fenris, still struggling to adjust to his new life, couldn’t help but drift off to sleep. His new clothing were too comfortable, the quietness of the room, it was the perfect opportunity to steal a little extra shut-eye. So he sits there, head lowered, hands clasped together in prayer and naps, even when the other church buns leave the room, he stayed seated, fast asleep and far away in dreamland. His little flames flickering calmly around him as they kept him warm and cozy.


Orryn quietly peeks into the prayer room. The place was empty which could only mean one of two things. Firstly, that he was extremely empty which was highly unlikely. Or secondly, which was that he was extremely late and he had missed the whole thing which was the more feasible of the two.


He was just about to retreat, shrug and call it a day. Probably expect a scolding from Mercy. But from the corner of his eye he spies a new face, a sweet sleeping one at that. Oh. New meat. How delightful.


Orryn walks up to the newbie, hands clasped behind him. "Hello little one." he muses, tapping the other lightly on the shoulder to take him up. "Deep in prayer? Or deep in sleep...?" he asks playfully. "It seems like our lovely leader Oleander couldn't keep your attention. But don't worry. I'm no snitch." he says with a pleasant smile.


Fenris slowly blinks awake as he feels someone tap his shoulder. He opens his eyes and lift his head only to be met by an unfamiliar face. A small panic rises inside him, eyes widening as he looks around the room realizing that it was only the two of them who were left there. “I wasn’t sleeping” He exclaims a little louder than he had hoped to, before silencing himself. “I… uhm… I hello…” he mumbles flustered at being caught like this. He looks around again before looking at Orryn once more. “Do you think anyone else saw?” He asks, swallowing nervously, he had barely been here long and he was already slacking, he felt a little bad about it, but tried his best to cover it up.


Orryn laughs softly, a kind and happy sound. He offers Fenris his hand in a friendly manner to help him up. "If anyone noticed, Im sure they didnt mind. We tend to cut the newbies some slack, after all the schedule can be quite... brutal to newcomers." He remembered his first days when the seniors would let him sleep during sermons. Now. He gets chastised to hell and back for being slightly late.


He offers his hand for Fenris to take afterwards. "Im Orryn." he says pleasantly. "And I assume you're new around here. Welcome to the church, we are very lucky to have such a pretty addition to our company"


Fenris takes his hand and gets up, dusting his dress off and adjusting his hat. “Really? I feel really bad about it though” he mumbles, feeling a bit embarrassed even if Orryn had said it was okay. “I do think it’s a bit hard to get used to everything around here, have to wake up so early and do so many things” he sighs thought quickly corrects himself. “Not that I mind, I really want to help, it’s just a bit hard still” he nods quickly. 


Fenris shakes his hand as he looks up at Orryn. “My name is Fenris” he says with a small soft smile. “I uhm… I am still very new yes, I haven’t been here very long, but I hope that I will fit in well around here” he says sheepishly, trying to ignore the compliment. “Have you been at the church long?” He asks looking at him with curiosity, his tail flicking slightly in interest. “Is it a good place to be?”


Orryn takes Fenris' hand and brings it softly to his lips to plant a kiss on the back of it. "Fenris. A pretty name for a pretty thing." he muses.


"I've been here for a few years now, yes. A good place for bad people is what it is, we welcome all sorts of sinners after all." he says with a smile. Orryn tilts his head in thought. "But say... if you are feeling a bit guilty about your little nap awhile ago. Maybe it would help for you to do a penance or two. I am a priest after all. I could definitely help you with that." Orryn says, running a hand through Fenris' soft hair. "It is important that we all... strive to be the best versions of ourselves that we can be. And it is my duty to help each member out become just that." Orryn wants to laugh at the random bullshit he had just spouted out. But it was too tempting to try to worm his way into the minds of the small fry while they were still fresh and new~


Fenris’ flames does a little flicker at Orryn’s compliment and kiss to his hand, betraying his almost neutral facial expression. “You look… very handsome… too” he mumbles, glancing away shyly. 


He nods, he understood, as a member of the church he was supposed to be sinful. He tilts his head slightly as he listens to Orryn tell him how he could help him receive penance. “I-…” he goes quiet and held Orryn’s free hand with both of his own. “I really want to do this right, do you really think you could help me better myself?” He asks quietly, searching Orryn’s face, his own filled with hope. “I don’t want them to think I don’t take this serious at all, even if you say that it’s okay and that they think it’s fine I nap a bit while I adjust… I-… I would do anything if you were willing to help me” he says meekly. He had no idea what Orryn was about to lead him into, but he found it comforting the way he touched his hair. “Please”

He smiles sweetly. A dangerous thing. "Oh. But of course. I know you take this seriously dear, I can see it in your eyes." he says as he gently swipes some hair away from Fenris' face. "You will be the most devout believer, even rivaling that of Mercy. And I will help you be just that." Oh this newcomer was truly so adorable! And Orryn was excited to claim this sweet thing for his own. 


"We'll start your penance tonight, at my place. My room is in the west wing, second door to the left. I'd prefer if you knock first before you enter. Just a polite thing to do." he says, taking his hand from Fenris and adjusting Fenris' outfit. "This penance is serious. And if you are not serious, and you are not truly sorry for your acts this morning, then you should not come at all, do you understand...? I want to help you, but at the end of the day, it can only work if you want to help yourself as well." Orryn nods. Yep. That ought to do it. "So meet me at 9 o clock sharp, alright, Fenris? I see so much potential in you."


Fenris looks at him nodding, leaning into the gentle touch of the priest, doing his best to stay calm. “I will do my best, I will prove to you and everyone else that I really want this and I want to work hard” he says, trusting that Orryn had his best intentions in mind and that he would make sure he would be a great church bun. 


His focus is completely on Orryn as he fixes his outfit and tells him where to go and when to meet there. “West wing, second door to the left” he repeats, he would have to memorize that and not get lost. “I can knock, I don’t want to be rude, that would be counterintuitive” he says quietly. “I will be there 9 o clock sharp, just like you wanted and…” he grows slightly shy. “…I don’t want to disappoint you then, I hope I can live up to your expectations” he mumbles. The people at the church were so sweet and kind, Fenris was really happy he joined them if all of them were like Orryn and the other buns he had met before.


Orryns heart is pierced by Fenris. He just seemed so innocent. It had been awhile since he first joined the church, but Orryn was very certain he was not like this at all at the start of his church journey. He had been a menace through and through.


“Perfect.” he brings up a hand to gently caress Fenris’ cheek. “I’ll see you then.”

Orryn’s mind is too distracted by Fenris for the rest of the day. He was too busy imagining their time together later that night. Orryn waits around at his room a quarter before nine, quietly making himself some tea and waiting for the knock on his door.


Fenris leans into the gentle touch enjoying it for a moment. “See you” he says quietly before he heads away to start doing some of his daily tasks around the church. 

Part 1: First Meeting [Orryn x Fenris]
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In General ・ By Pooch
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Submitted By SimplyDefault
Submitted: 1 year and 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 year and 1 week ago

Pooch: Co-writer
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[Part 1: First Meeting [Orryn x Fenris] by Pooch (Literature)](
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