[GG] Shall We Dance? Levi/Botan

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Levi gave a little stretch, closing his eyes and leaning back unto his chair for a moment. It was lots of work, managing the online ins and outs of “Bunble”, the online dating app that Levi had started a few months in. His screen was still open and on it were the numerous emails he was fixing, looking for sponsors for his app. Levi was happy about the interest and attention people had to sponsor him, but he was quite antsy for a reply from one prominent person in particular…

Her name was Botan, and she owned the very prestigious make-up brand known for their lipsticks which came in a variety of colors and designs. She was a pretty thing, unbelievably charismatic and friendly, very much the polar opposite of Levi’s personality. They had met at a previous party and she had expressed an interest in Levi’s work and even promised to keep in touch yet… No email. Perhaps she was just being polite. 

Levi was about to get back to other business when suddenly, the doorbell rings. Answering the door, Levi is greeted by a large gift basket with a pretty hand-written note given to him by the delivery bun. He takes the gifts in and tilts his head, confused. Where… did this come from…? The basket was filled with fresh flowers and gifts of all sizes but his curiosity mostly stemmed from the soft pink letter which… smelled of peach. He gingerly opens it and realizes… it was a letter from Botan! She was to attend the Gossamer gala and had requested to meet Levi there. Whether it be for business, or pleasure was vague but Levi was honestly not against either. Turns out, he had something to prepare for this week after all.

On the other side of the Burrowgatory, and some time in the future… in an all-too fancy and pink room within a warren, the sender of such gifts is quite pleased with herself. If she had any more “points” one way while growing up, her horns might have curled off into a more vain sin. Her stack of letters and rising number of texts - all with a cute bell rattle each notification - had her flattered, but her heart is set on one tonight, as she gently leads the others to get satisfaction at a later time. Promise. This is a time where, if her delivery tracker is correct, her person of interest is getting his gift and hopefully knows that he’s going to get utterly spoiled soon.

Daydreaming again. Yes. She best get a move on.

The gala is a perfect place for their further discussion on their collab, and Botan is sure the idea of exclusive sneak peek of the colors, scents and sensations in her newest line could sweeten the deal further. More for him, more for her! And perhaps a lasting companionship after. The lady carefully goes between doing up her spiraling locks and finishing up her little press kit and overnight bag. Her face is next and more of her natural perfume is released into the airy atmosphere, complimenting her sheer gown that leaves little to the imagination. It’s elegant, hugs her curves and shows off her best assets! What’s not to fall for when the belle of a floral wonderland floats down the gilded steps of Angora’s venue?

Botan giggles to herself as she daintily takes a light, frosted pink colored gloss to start the night off well. She lightly smacks her lips and kisses her reflection in a silly attempt at imagining her mark on the receiving end.

“A gala to remember.” She muses to herself before shouldering her tiny, chain strapped purse and her box kit. From there she’s out the door saying ‘ciao!’ to her pets and steps out and into luxury carpooling paid for and by the host...

Together soon.

At the party, Levi nervously thumbed the lapel buttons of his coat, wondering how the evening would turn out. He wore his hair slicked back and neat, and it made him a little antsy feeling so… exposed somehow. His pale eyes scanned the room, thinking how silly it was that he was feeling so apprehensive. After all, Botan was known for being so charismatic, especially when she showed an interest in you. Levi was pretty undeniably sure he had caught her eye due to the extravagant gifts she had sent him, many of which he sported to the event at the moment.

He had on the cologne that she had sent over, one that smelled pleasantly like the cool ocean breeze. Probably something that had reminded her of his blue hue. Levi also had on a golden lapel brooch which he had carefully pinned onto his suit, one that he was sure cost an arm, leg and a tail. And lastly, a lovely silver ring with intricate carvings, which he wore in a chain around his neck. Levi again felt a bit anxious, wondering if showing off the gifts she had given would make him look too much of a “try hard”. It was against his nature after all, as he was one made of pride. But to be honest, he was willing to put that pride aside for just a moment, to secure a very very good deal with Botan. After all... He was wearing these gifts as a moment of gratitude rather than flattery, right?

The chatter soon starts to pick up as someone important had arrived. A beautiful lady with a rather revealing and sheer fit had arrived, gracefully moving across the floor. Her locks framed her face perfectly. Levi blinks in surprise. She had always been beautiful but wow… was she beautiful. Levi makes his way through the crowd to greet her, hoping she had not yet somehow lost attention in him in the few days they hadn’t seen each other. “Miss Botan-” he says pleasantly, taking her hand gently and pressing it to his lips in a kiss. “Looking lovely as always~.”

“Aha~ not to outshine our lovely hostess, buuuut-! I could try help myself…” Spoke the mistress of fragrance, smiling ever so sweetly at how charming this young man is in his own right. Maybe she really could have toned it down a bit, perhaps. But, in her mind, showing off how wealthy you are certainly could end up making Miss Angora look even better. Plus! Now her and her new business partner match!

Now, if the flowers that grew along her body could get any more blush, then they’d be glowing. She giggles some before her hand gradually slips away, reluctantly, as she returns the compliment in full, brushing her fingers along his arm.

“You, my dear, are just as handsome as I imagined you’d be, if not more, than through a screen. The gifts I gave you pale in comparison… and I’m glad you love them.”

From there, a sly glint flashes in her eye, as she makes a quick proposal to start their evening.

“Shall we enjoy a little of this fine soirée and what it has to offer? Or is it business first before pleasure?”

“Business is always a pleasure with you, pretty miss-” he muses, offering his hand to her gently to start the dance. “But we can definitely stay and enjoy the evening for a while before attending to the more serious matters.”

Levi and Botan glide onto the dance floor, a pretty couple of pink and blue. He gives her a soft smile and a courteous bow, as was custom to start the dance. He takes her hand once more and pulls her close focusing his eyes on her face because her dress was… rather… sheer, that he couldn’t help but feel his eyes wandering elsewhere at times. She looked and smelled absolutely delicious. Botan twirls gracefully around the dancefloor, and Levi wonders how many opulent galas and balls she had already been invited to previously. Was it really ok for a neophyte such as him to be seen with such a prestigious figure? Levi smiles to himself. Of course it was. He was doing his best to climb the ranks, after all.

The music picks up and Levi takes Botan into his arms once more, their movements in sync.  “They’re all watching you-” he says with a small laugh, realizing how many eyes were on him and his partner.

“Likely because of the one who’s steering our trip through the music.” She grins, smug and shimmering with one of her favorite shades. She’s glad that it paid off for how extra she went on with the outfit, the gifts, and perhaps a nod, a hint, of fashion forwardness in her partner. Though she came as many bun would, teasingly showing off the goods, she feels extra interested in seeing Levi’s body. Be it legs, arms, backside or even full frontal… but in due time. For now, she twirls and routinely floats back to the man, sometimes catching those curious eyes on her intimate and elegant shape.

A painted hand slides up his arm and squeezes, just to get a feel for what’s underneath. Her lips come close to his ear, and softly whispers.

“Perhaps they are jealous of you…” She has a tiny laugh, dancing ever so closer to him and enduring their bodies and hands are in as close of contact as lovers would dare to have. There’s no shame in it, at least to her, with her legs carefully striding with his lead and her bosom pressed against his solid chest for this moment together. It’s temporary, as the music is fast paced, but his touch on her has her quickly get excited for the future.

“Of course they’d be jealous of me” Levi muses. “After all, Im dancing with such a beautiful partner~”

Levi twirls Botan around one final time as the music ends, and the couple bow, an elegant and courteous bow at each other. The attendees applaud and cheer and Levi applauds his partner too. “Another flawless performance.” he says with a smile. “But the night is still young… How about, maybe, we can find ourselves in a second act. And this time… a more private performance..?” Levi offers his hand to Botan, leading her away from the dance floor, his tail swinging in mischievous delight.

It was time, for act two.

[GG] Shall We Dance? Levi/Botan
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In Prompts ・ By SimplyDefault

Roleplay between myself and SimplyDefault! Levi and Botan meeting, flirting and dancing!

Submitted By mieldyne for May I Have This Dance? 2023View Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 year and 1 month ago

SimplyDefault: Roleplay Partner
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[[GG] Shall We Dance? Levi/Botan by SimplyDefault (Literature)](http://succubuns.com/gallery/view/4554)
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