Bunny Love | Movie Night

In Prompts ・ By golden-boy
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They did this somewhat often, as least as often as they could manage. Sometimes their lives got busy- or as busy as they could be in burrowgatory, but they still set aside time to spend with each other- even if it meant blowing off some other tasks. Captain was sure he had some sort of sailing lesson to go to, and Viceroy said something about cancelling a reservation at a high-end restaurant, but neither of them could mind enough to care. Sure, both of those things sounded bad at first- but to them, knowing they'd be visiting their friend Midicus and enjoying a carefree time with friends was well worth the exchange. It wasn't like they could truly let their personalities shine around strangers anyways.

They seemed to be late to the party anyways, even if they did move their schedules around as much as they could manage. They heard giggling behind the door to the mansion before either of the two buns could even hold out their hand to knock on the large set of doors. "Damn, how did Otere get here before me? They sleep like a rock, and yet they got here on time? I can't believe they even know how to wake up for an alarm..." Viceroy chuckled. "Maybe you should be less of a lazy ass, if your sloth partner got here before we did." Captain huffed in return. "And maybe you should be less of a chatterbox. The whole reason we got here when we did is because you can't walk and talk like a normal bun. Plus, it sounds like your boyfriend got here before we did too, so I'm not alone in the being late bit." The achromatic bun growled a little, but without any real bite, laughing as soon as he got it out. With that exchange passed, the doors opening and revealing the red-eared succubun on the other side.

"You know, I'd appreciate it if you two didn't fight in front of my doorway. We've got a movie to watch you know." Midicus huffed out, his smile betraying his tone as he looked at his two friends. "Come on, Otere and Kallisto already helped me set up the pillows, we got popcorn getting ready in the kitchen, and we haven't actually picked which movie out of a group we're gonna watch yet- bet you two can fix that with your... big opinions." A scoff came from Viceroy, a hand going to his chest. "Why, what is that supposed to mean, Midicus?" The red bun only giggled in response, turning around and leading the two into the house. Both of them already knew what it meant, but Midicus would never say it out loud- he had enough pride to not insult his friends at his own doorway.

Midicus had been right on all accounts, popcorn was being made, the couches usually by the entryway were completely devoid of pillows, and the usual signs of movie-watching weren't anywhere to be heard. Lights were still on, and though the dedicated movie room was set up for their usual sleepover-style movie party, the light of the television was clearly still on some sort of selection screen. From the angle, he couldn't tell if it was Bunflix or that private video collection service that Midicus' boyfriend had set up the last time he visited town. The blue bun looked at the clock. They were an hour late, and they still hadn't started a movie? Captain had personally been a bit confused on how a movie could not have been picked yet an hour in, at least he had been confused until his ears caught the two voices from the other room.

"I told you, Kallisto. I'm ambivalent. That means that I do not mind either way. Midicus doesn't care what we watch, so you have to make a decision." Otere started, yawning loudly after their words. "Ohhh, but I hate making decisions! You know I hate it! They're both such good movies too! Barbun as the Princess and the Pauper AND Barbun as Rapunzel are both good, but also Barbun in the Nutcracker is a classic, even if we're months away from it being in season!" Captain and Viceroy swore they sighed at the same time. Picking movies was never really either of their partners' strong suits. "You really made Kallisto choose between Barbun movies? You know he loves all of them too much, that's like asking Murmur to pick his favorite children." Viceroy shook his head, and Midicus couldn't help but giggle again. "Well, that's why I'm glad you two are here! I totally didn't make all of the options Barbun movies so that you two would have enough time to get here...Now, you guys help them pick out the movie while I go get the popcorn ready!" With that, he ran off back to the kitchen, which started to smell of popcorn and heavily manufactured butter.

Viceroy walked into the room first, and before Kallisto could whine for his help, he spoke. "We're watching Princess and the Pauper. If we're not tired out of our minds after that, We'll hit Rapunzel, and if we still somehow have energy after two Barbun movies, we'll watch Nutcracker. If we somehow get through all those tonight, we're watching a Cheetah Buns movie tomorrow morning." He explained, and Captain shrugged behind him. "Whatever you say, King Viceroy. Would be unwise of me to try making you rethink watching a Cheetah Buns movie." The blue bun laughed, moving to his place next to Otere. "What took you so long, my sea? I missed you..." Otere asked, quickly wrapping their arms around Captain and snuggling their face into the crook of his neck. He gave soft kisses to the other's neck, enough to fluster him a little, but nothing more. "Ah, You know. Viceroy just doesn't know how to shut up sometimes and we ended up talking way longer than we should of, sorry I took so long, my star." Viceroy scoffed loudly. "Oh, so blame me again, will you? You forget that I cancelled a fancy dinner with myself to be here!" To that, Kallisto whined again, this time without interruption. "You would've gone without me?" He pouted. Viceroy hummed lightly, sitting down next to him and pulling him close. "What? No, of course not. I was just making a little joke, my emperor. C'mere." Kallisto snuggled up to Viceroy, making a happy noise feeling the warmth of the other's body against him. Viceroy moved to kiss his face multiple times over, allowing the shorter succubun to giggle happily.

"Wow, guys. PDA in front of your friend with no boyfriend to snuggle up to, truly cruel and unusual punishment for bringing you all here." Midicus jokingly complained, walking into the room and shutting off the light as he passed by the switch. "Alright, I assume you guys figure out what we're watching first? I got enough popcorn for all of us, so if we run out before the movie ends, I'm blaming the gluttony bun." Viceroy let out a very quick 'hey!' of offense at that statement. Midicus sat himself down between the two couples, handing the remote to Captain as he was the closest. "Pauper, Rapunzel, and then Nutcracker. Viceroy wants to watch a Cheetah Buns movie in the morning, and if we do that I want to watch an action flick later tomorrow. I haven't figured out which one yet, but I'll let you know in the morning." He explained, starting to fiddle with the remote. The pride bun of the group smiled brightly. "I knew I could trust you guys to make a decision. In fact, I didn't even know we were hanging out all day tomorrow until you told me just now." Captain stuttered. "Ah, well if you don't want to, I'm not gonna force you all to-" Kallisto was the one to interrupt this time. "Don't worry, Captain! Me and Viceroy don't have anything planned for tomorrow, and I think it'd be nice if we all hung out more!" Midicus nodded. "Yeah Cap, calm down a little. If you and Otere want to continue hanging out tomorrow, I'm sure we'll all stick around. Hell, maybe I can even call my boyfriend and we can play some Final Heresy XIV together." Captain smiled. "Aw, thanks you guys!" Otere nodded, but slowly moved to grab the remote out of their boyfriend's hand. "That's all very sweet, but can we please start watching the movie now?"


"You know, I think they should make a version of this movie where Preminger wins, and also where Princess Annelise is actually just Ken dressed up as a prince. Prince Annelin, or something." Viceroy mused. Such a thought was replied to with multiple sighs. "You just say that because you like men and think Preminger is hot for some reason." Midicus snarked, rolling his eyes. "And!? Is that so wrong? I'm sure Kallisto would agree with me if he was awake, just because he's a little bit of an idiot and evil doesn't mean that he can't be hot! In fact, I think it's his cringefail personality that makes him hotter than a normal villain!" The taller bun argued. Captain just shook his head. "I can't believe I'm friends with someone wish such low standards. Though I guess that's to be expected considering some of the buns I saw you were interested in back in the day." Viceroy gasped aloud. "Why, How dare you Captain! I'll have you know that my standards in men have always been incredible! It's not my faunt that you don't understand the intricasies of how pathetic men can be both interesting and attractive!" Captain scoffed with a smirk. "Oh, I'm sure."

The two began to argue, and Midicus decided to not pay attention in favor of looking over to the two's partners. Kallisto was resting against Viceroy in a stretch, softly exhaling in his sleep as he reclined against his boyfriend, somehow careful enough to avoid knocking into the gluttony bun's horns. At the other end, Otere was holding themself up as they slept, a peaceful grin plastered on their features as they were completely unaware of the argument going on between the other two, their tail wrapped around Captain's as a less intense manner of keeping close to him. Midicus had to thank something that those two were such deep sleepers, because of course, before an argument can get quieter, it had to get louder. Midicus could barely even hear the movie over the two buns going at each other verbally. They did this a lot- their media discourse often getting a bit violent sounding, but never actually going far enough for physical blows. They were friends at the end of the day, they bad been friends long before Midicus knew either of them- and apparently their aggressive words were just another way or showing that they respected each other. Midicus didn't exactly understand it, but he was kind of grateful for that fact, actually.

Eventually, Captain just shut his mouth, adjusting his sitting position and looking towards the male in the middle. The silence only lasted a minute, most likely because Captain had just been needing some time to think of his next move. "But Midicus knows I'm right, don't you Midicus?" Captain looked expectantly at the other bun, but Midicus shook his head lightly, keeping his smile bright. "I'm staying out of it, Captain. If you think you're right, that's your choice. Plus, I haven't known Viceroy as long as you have, so you're kind of the expert here." Viceroy let out a laugh, leaning against Kallisto in a small attempt to relax. "Ha! See, that means I'm right." Captain growled. "No it does not."

However, before they could start arguing again, the movie started a musical section, which, as the group had agreed time and time again, were strictly silent time. Kallisto had gotten upset from missing a song too many times for them to allow anyone to speak during one, and Midicus was grateful that the rule was in place now moreso than any other time. Even if Kallisto wasn't awake, it was second nature to shut your traps during songs by this point. He knew they would just start arguing after the song ended, but at least a few minutes of quiet between them were heavily appreciated.


When the movie was over, everyone was asleep, leaving the credits to roll uninterrupted. None of them had actually expected to get to the second movie, especially with the pillows on the ground and the close proximity to others. Those two things were enough to make them pass out on the spot, no matter ho hard they tried to stay up. The popcorn was gone, thankfully, not allowing any imps tamed or otherwise to mess up the floor- that was unless Crawly showed up and tried to lick the last bits of butter out of the bottom of the container, which Midicus hoped he wouldn't. The television was stuck on a prompt to select a new movie, perfectly dim enough to make the room have just enough light for someone to see if they woke up. The movie platform would select a new movie automatically eventually, but it'd most likely just be another Barbun movie, which wouldn't cause any complaints.

Captain ended up laying on Otere and Midicus in equal amounts, and in turn Midicus was laying slightly on Kallisto, who was in turn laying on Viceroy. They had done this a few times on accident, ending up as a pile of buns or dolls on a set of pillows. It was almost expected at this point, sort of the go-to sleeping position when all of them had a sleepover together. Some of them would complain in the morning, particularly Midicus and Viceroy, but none of them minded, really.

Midicus groaned slightly in his sleep, ears twitching, almost as in reaction to the sleeping sounds of Captain and Viceroy... or, more accurately, their sleep talking.

"I do not have bad taste..." Viceroy yawned out, eyes still shut.
"Your taste in everything sucks..." Captain grumbled, similarly still asleep.
"Says the one who drinks... beer..." Viceroy continued, before snoring for a good few minutes.

Midicus rolled over in his sleep, face to a pillow and upper arms resting on his own ears. Yes, they would argue like this all night in their sleep. And yes, if you asked, Midicus would say he was glad not to be conscious for it.

Bunny Love | Movie Night
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In Prompts ・ By golden-boy


Submitted By golden-boy for Bunny Love
Submitted: 1 year and 2 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 2 months ago

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