Loafkis and Cheese and Rangers, Oh My!

In Prompts ・ By SlimeBoss, Fire
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Though only in its’ second year, Hutch’s Imp Training Camp had certainly upped the ante. Full obstacle courses with numerous stages, tons of species-specific panels, and more treats than ever led to a cornucopia of delight for imps and buns alike. the air outdoors was still hot as ever, but full trees and a few convenient tents kept the buns from being too uncomfortable. As Vander weaved his way around jumping hoops and demonstrations, his orange loafki Dorbeeto purred contentedly in his arms. Vander’s best friend - no, girlfriend - no, whatever - Tori had convinced him to give imp training a shot. Loafkis are special imps in that regard: oftentimes they’re not destructive or bad-mannered, they simply don’t do anything at all. Vander loved Dorbeeto all the same, but training him to do some tricks for his stream would definitely earn a few subscribers.

After passing an impressive display of impup herding and one for teaching corvats to talk, finally Vander found his people. Loafkis of all varieties were lounging about on cushions the ground, on their owners, a few had even formed a small cuddle pile which had many dolls taking pictures. Dorbeeto watched from Vander’s arms, slightly curious but not moving much. Another doll seemed to also have just arrived on the edge of the group, with green and yellow loafkis also wrapped in his arms. Vander wasn’t shy in his own circles but venturing out to something entirely new was… well, a little intimidating. He approached the doll and noticed his shimmery rainbow scales and ears, certainly an aesthetic. “I’d love to see one of these fuzz balls do something actually cool, like skateboard or a backflip.”

Davey was hoping imp training camp would come back again— considering he missed last years. But this time he actually caught it! Parmesan and Sage Derby also seem to have been feeding off his excitement all week. The two rascals wiggling in his arms at all the fun looking imp-toys and possible playmates.

“Calm down calm down you two… Playtime is soon,” He soothes his loafki, trying to find the perfect place to settle. His lil babies never really have associated ‘training’ with ‘work’ before. They’re always so excited to do new things; as excitable as lounging loafkis can get at least. 

It takes Davey a full second to realize somebody is talking to him. Oops- 

“Hm?” Davkovich turns his head to Vyrus. Skateboarding? Backflips? 

“Oh!” He laughs, facing the gluttony buck as his loafkies wiggle some more, “I think maybe one of mine could, if I had the right sort of treats waiting for them.” Because his hands are full Davey adjusts his glasses with his shoulder. The movement is awkward but the sloth bun seemed to have not have cared. Big smile still on his face. Agh he’s here! The three of them are going to have so much fun.

Vander chuckles, this doll seems to be here for a true purpose (unlike himself). "Hell yeah, I'd love to see that." He bends over slightly to observe the yellow and green loafkis, which are infinitely more excited than Dorbeeto is. "You got a pair of live ones here, dontcha?" The orange loafki sniffs at the other loafkis and purrs. "Dorbeeto don't do much outside eat all the good snacks, sleep, and loaf. 'S why we're here, to see if they can really motivate him to do somethin' cool." A presence on the makeshift stage draws his attention away, as a doll with a black loafki stands in the middle and adjusts a microphone. The doll explains the basic goals of the loafki training, and suggests everyone find a partner to practice the first exercise with. Vander eyes his opposite. "Wanna pair up, uh... shit, I don't know your name."

Davey feels a sense of pride hearing his imps get complimented, spiked tail swishing behind him. "Davkovich-- but you can just call me Davey," Once again he awkwardly fandangles his loafki around in his arms to offer a hand to shake. "What's your name? These two loafs are Parmesan and Sage Derby!" He just got here and he's already meeting new people, excellent! He hardly even had to try, which is a bit disappointing, part of him was looking forward for the elaborate social-searching.

“Nice ta meetcha Davey, and Parmesan, and Sage Derby.” As Vander reaches out to shake Davkovich’s hand, Dorbeeto sways in his arms and perks up. “Food names are great, I see you’re a man of taste as well.” He winks at the bad pun, keeping the bad jokes loose and flowing is part of his charm. 

The doll on stage directs everyone to take a few imp treats from a volunteer passing around the group. Vander grabs a handful, and Dorbeeto actively strains to try and grab them, managing to wiggle out of Vander’s grasp. The orange loaf tumbles clumsily to the floor and Vander laughs. “You’d rather want some snacks than ta make new friends? That’s rude dude.” Dorbeeto’s eyes pass between Vander and Davey, tail swishing happily at the prospect of food and friends.

Davey makes a little panicked sound when the loafki falls, but relaxes when he sees how unbothered it is. 

He sets down Sage & Parme, letting the two waddle up to Dorbeeto to say hi. 

“Eating good food with someone is a great way to make friends,” Dave comments, getting some treats for his imps as well.

The three loafkis intermix and mingle, sniffing and making small sounds at one another. Dorbeeto immediately rubs against Sage Darby and Parmesan isn’t far behind the snuggles. For some reason the imps’ bright coloration reminds Vander of citrus fruit, and his stomach growls at the thought. 

“Yeah, you’re right there! I could go for a bite myself, maybe these are…” Lost in thought for a moment, Vander shakes his head to clear away what would be considered bad manners in public. He smiles at Davey, sharp teeth on wicked display. “Tell ya what, let’s do a little friendly wager. I bet Dorb can learn at least two more commands than Parm and Sage, and if I’m right, we grab a bite to eat, sound like a deal?” 

The instructor now back on stage starts with the most basic command of all: sit. They recommend using a command phrase that is unique to the individual pet, and Vander has just the right idea in mind. Miming the instructor, Vander stares at Dorbeeto, still mesmerized by his two new friends, and makes a fist, shaking it downwards. “Dorb, look here. Let’s power up!” He pushes Dorbeeto’s abdomen onto the ground and gives the orange loafki a treat. “Let’s power up, that’s a good job.” Dorbeeto tilts his head curiously before standing up and walking to Davey, rubbing against the doll’s leg.

A big smile spreads across Davey’s face, sharp teeth poking through his grin as well. 

“It’s a deal! I know some good places nearby,” Davey doesn’t care about losing or winning, in his head he’ll take Vander someplace to eat anyways. 

‘Sit’ should be easy enough! He hasn’t had to teach his loafs that command because they sit everywhere anyways. He was thinking of what specifically to do before he hears ‘Let’s power up.’ It smacks his brain for attention, realizing it was Vander who made the reference. 

Davkovich’s big friendly smile only gets bigger, reaching down to give Dorbeeto a few pets. Since the baby seems to want attention. Parmesan and Derby feel left out and scuttle closer. Looks like he has their attention now, which’ll make this easier. 

“You a Rabebe Ranger fan?” Davey asks, sounding downright giddy. Tail wagging unabashedly happy behind him.

“What, you planning on losin’? Who’s to say I don’t wanna eat at a hole-in-the-wall that only serves day-old chili?” Vanderbilt chuckles again, Davey is on his wavelength for sure and here he was thinking that going to an imp training event would be a drag! Dorbeeto’s attention has been fully diverted to Davey as well, his new friends all snuggling to get some attention from their owner. 

“Oh hell yeah dude! Rabebe Rangers go hard AF. Ever since that first season with Mecha-Thulu I’ve been hooked.” Vander strikes a few poses from the show in a way that would be cool for a fan convention, but cringe in public. Luckily, he doesn’t have an ounce of shame in his body. Dorbeeto sees the grandstanding and returns over to Vander, sitting without being told to. “See I’d love to do a cosplay of Cerulean Ranger, but I think my horns would get in the way. Who’s your favorite?”

“I’m not planning on losing, just I don’t think I actually lose anything if I do lose,” Davey says sweetly, though he’s just being honest. Davkovich resists the urge to correct Vander on how Ultra Mecha-Thulu Odyssey technically isn’t the first season… 

“The Saffron Ranger !” Davey breaks up one of the imp treats into three parts. Watching his loafies waddle and nuzzle excitedly. 

“He’s always been my favorite, though the recasting was a little. Mmmmm…” Davey laughs nervously, anyone privy to the newest show would know how rough the downgrade was.

“Heh, I gotcha. Sweet, well then good thing Dorb won’t have to work too hard.” The instructor has moved from teaching ‘sit’ to ‘lay down’, and Vander pushes Dorbeeto over, turning his fist gesture to the side to mimic rolling. “Alright boy, great job Rangers, great job Rangers.” He tries this a few times, and Dorb seems completely lost in thought, too empty-headed to parse for a specific reaction. Vander chuckles and looks at Parmesan and Sage Derby nuzzling, at least they’re having a good time.

“Saffron eh? Yeah, I saw that news when his actor got switched, he seems like a totally different dude now… don’t like their dynamic. But the new fusion powers were so cool, I was like, ‘well this is fresh so it’s all good’.” His stomach growls. “I miss when they’d go for pizza at the end of the season, now it’s all like… salads and grain bowls and shit? Man… I’m hungry.” Dorbeeto perks up while hearing that and whines for a treat, which Vander tosses to him absentmindedly.

Davey isn’t sure what to respond to first. Idly repeating the training tactics after me managed to get ahold of his Loafkis attention.

“I personally prefer salads over the pizza, too much gluten can sap the energy out of me,” Davey encourages Parmesan to sit, pressing a hand to their rump, “Sit,” He repeats it to Derby. When they stay there, he gives them a tiny piece of a treat.

“Thinking about this is making me hungry too…” He realizes.

“It’s funny, we both got food on the brain. Our loafs are named after food.” Vander smiles at Davey, their kinship seems a reward of its own even if Dorbeeto doesn’t end up learning any tricks. He motions to Dorbeeto to sit and lay down, which he does immediately. Vander wasn’t paying full attention to this development but gives the orange loafki a treat anyway. “Tell ya what, why don’t we wait for one more command to make it look like we’re payin’ attention, then we go grab some grub, sound good?”

"Sounds great!" Davey beams, the loafkis instantly abandoned their sitting position and begin demanding more treats. Davey sighs in fondness and points, "Sit." He says firmly. Only Derby actually sits down, Davey tosses a bit of treat at the green loaf with a proud imp-dad smile. "They seem to be picking it up quick either way!"

Vander smiles. At the end of the day, getting to know a new bun and seeing other cute loafkis really warms his heart. The instructor begins to teach ‘roll over’ which Dorbeeto was already doing. “Hey lookit that, Dorb already knew that one.” Vander tosses a treat high in the air, and Dorbeeto rolls on the floor to catch it with his paws before engulfing it. Vander tosses the final few treats he has in gentle arcs over to Sage Derby and Parmesan. “Well, looks like we’re tied. I imagine that means we share an appetizer at this place.” Vander scoops Dorb up, the orange loaf mewling in protest. “Sound good Dorb? You wanna grab a bite to eat with our new friends here?” Dorbeeto mews happily and begins purring and nuzzling into Vander’s chest. “He might still be hungrier than I am!”

Davey picks up his loafkis as well, making sure they’re all snug against him as they squeak in surprise. He can train them a little more at home, seems this imp meetup has been far more prosperous than expected— he’s made a friend! “Well let’s not keep him waiting,” Dave reaches out and pets little Dorbeeto with a big smile.

Loafkis and Cheese and Rangers, Oh My!
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In Prompts ・ By SlimeBoss, Fire

Davey and Vander have a little friendly wager over which of their loafkis can learn the most tricks, with lunch as the prize!

Thank you so much to SlimeBoss for the roleplay, I had a blast writing and thinking of antics for these critters to get into. :D

Submitted By Fire for Spirit of Competition
Submitted: 1 month and 4 days agoLast Updated: 1 month and 4 days ago

SlimeBoss: Roleplay Partner (Davey)
Fire: Roleplay Partner (Vander)
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