Drinks & Giggles

In Prompts ・ By SlimeBoss
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Brooke sighs and leans her head to the side, resting it on Ophio’s soft shoulder. 

The air is filled with the delicate hum of a harp and the occasional, hauntingly beautiful notes of a flute. Colors are rich and vibrant, with spectacular outfits and decorations in deep greens, purples, golds, and silvers. There’s the scent of blooming flowers and the subtle hint of incense weaving through the air.  The tables, draped in gossamer fabrics and adorned with flickering candles, are laden with a variety of fancy foods. Brooke sees the food tables roll on for what seems like dozens of yards from the view of her balcony. From this elevated vantage point, the intricate details of the masquerade are plainly visible: the delicate lace of a mask, the sparkle of jewels. All light glinting off the warm chandeliers and marbled tiles. 


It’s beautiful. 

And she’s bored out of her fucking mind.

 “ Ugh, “ Brooke chuffs against Ophio’s shimmering pale skin and buries her face in her littermate’s collarbone.


“What troubles thee, Brooke? thee w're so gleeful minutes ago…” Ophio hums, giving the teal perky ear in her face a cheeky little peck with her lips. Brooke’s ear flicks in response, Ophio laughs, moving the campaign glass in her hand to the other to more easily pet her, “I can't finish mine own drinketh with thy ear in mine own visage, Brooke.”

“I’m just, like, I dunno,” Brooke says, standing straight and leaning against the balcony railing, gazing down at the sway and flow of the dance floor. “I already took all the pictures I needed to take.” She pulls out her smartphone and waggles it around. “I already sampled all their baby-sized, billionaire food.” This earns another soft laugh on an exhale from Ophio.

And I already dressed up in my bombass, sexy gown.” Brooke does a small, demonstrative spin, as if Ophio hadn’t helped her pick it out. Ophio still claps politely as she twirls.

"So then what is wrong? Thee've already proven thy status by attending. I bethought thee'd enjoyeth the spoils of riches…” Ophio finishes off her glass of alcohol, setting it aside. 

Brooke pouts at Ophio before throwing her head back to groan, “ I wish Ezekiel was here!” She announced, bouncing her knee, “What’s the point if I can’t be spoiled, beautiful, and rich without him?”

“Aww,” Ophio shakes her head, “Then I has't valorous news f'r thee, Brooke.  Thy outburst wast perfectly timed to bewray mine own hoyday for thee,” Ophio guides Brooke’s attention to the extravagant front gates of the masquerade.  Brooke’s eyes follow Ophio’s, gasping softly as the fondest shade of red slips past the crowd to search the dancefloor, “Oh my gosh!” She squeals, shaking Ophio’s arm, “You had another ticket??” Ophio invited her as her plus one, so Ezekiel had to stay behind. But apparently not!

“Nay, not jump. Wend asketh that gent, we schemed together, pulled some strings,” Ophio smirks, gently nudging Brooke away, “Go go, have thy fun.”


Brooke rushed down the steps, holding her dress not to trip as her heels clicked against the tiles and fine, polished wood.  Ezekiel spotted teal ears peeking over the heads of the guests, a playful smirk spreading across his face as he adjusted his suit. He couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement, he loves surprising her. He loves surprising his Brooke. Zeek snagged a glass of champagne from a passing waiter, Zeek also slicked back his hair with a casual grace, buzzing with happiness as he made his way through the crowd.



. . .
After a moment the two laugh, drawn together like magnets Zeek wraps his free arm to pull Brooke against his front, “Surprise, babe. Don’t I look good?”

“Mmmhmm,” Brooke adjusts Zeek’s glasses, giving him a peck on the lips, “You look classy, sexy.”

“Yeah, I know. Nothing in comparison to you, though” Ezekiel raises his brows and takes a sip of his drink and Brooke watches him suspiciously.

“...You’re going to get drunk, Zeeky,” She goes to take his drink but Ezekiel playfully moves his hand out of reach. 

“I’ve literally just taken my first sip, babe, let a man have some fun,” Ezekiel pouts at her.

Yeah, and you’re a lightweight,” Brooke rolls her eyes, tail swishing all displeased, “You’re going to be drunk in thirty minutes, I bet,” She hmpfs.


As the night wore on, Ezekiel continued to indulge, the champagne flowing freely and his laughter growing louder as they chat and socialize with the party. Brooke watched with a mix of amusement, irritation, and concern as he became increasingly animated, his movements more exaggerated. Telltale signs. For fucksakes. What she gets for letting him drink more than one glass.

“Zeek, baby, maybe it’s time to slow down,” Brooke suggested, her hand resting on his arm, “Or maybe we should just go home,” Her hand slides down so she can hug his arm, holding Ezekiel steadily and idly feeling his strength through his suit. She plants soft kisses on Zeek’s cheek to calm him, which works. Ezekiel quiets down and focuses on her. 

“Orrr, here’s another idea… You get drunk with me, hmmmm? Ophio can have us chauffeured home and then we can get all warm and snuggly on the cooouchhh…” Ezekiel says with the most charming voice he could muster while tipsy, “It’s a party, isn’t it? Aren’t you a party girl ~ ?” He waggles his brows, getting Brooke to giggle at him.

“You’re all cute and silly when you’re drunk, Zeeky,” Brooke reaches out and grabs a glass of champagne for herself, “Fine, you’ve convinced me…”


They both proceed to get gloriously drunk as the clock marches forward.

Clinging  to each other for balance, giggling like adolescents. Brooke’s arm was looped around Ezekiel’s waist, and his hand rested on her hip, keeping her close. “Heyyyy we should go find Ophio and tell her we’re drunk,” Brooke says, muffled as she nuzzles her face into Ezekiel’s neck, “Like ‘heyyy pookie, I know you got us invited here using your own reputation and good will but uhhh… we’re both sooooo drunk right now at your prissy, fancy masqaurade–’ “ She interrupts herself with laughing and hiccuping, Ezekiel joining her snickers as he pats her back.

“I dunno… Looks like she already knows,” Zeek points as he leans the two of them against one of the pristine pillars for support, planting a sweet kiss on Brooke’s temple.

“ Well, that makes our lives easier, huh?” She briefly meets Ophio’s gaze before deciding she doesn’t care for her amused glare from across the ballroom, going back to giggling and being comfortable in Ezekiel’s arms.

Drinks & Giggles
1 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By SlimeBoss

Some brief and small practice for Ezekiel & Brooke's relationship-- as well as some interactions with Ophio and Brooke!
Hoping to do more later.

Submitted By SlimeBoss for Cham-painView Favorites
Submitted: 4 months and 31 minutes agoLast Updated: 4 months and 13 minutes ago

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