Booze & Booty [Six]

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“C’mon Little Flower, there’s no need to be so sour ~” 

Six’s scowl deepened at the Pride’s sing-song voice. “I told you to stop calling me that.” 

“You did, didn’t you? And yet you still keep coming to see me.” Detritus smiled down at him, the tiny mushrooms on his tail wobbling as he swayed it back and forth in amusement. The Pride’s depressed looking Inkap sat on a counter nearby, staring at Six with sad white eyes. 

Six couldn’t stop his lips from curling into a snarl. “Do you have what the boss fucking asked for, or should I tell him you’re finally outlived your use to us?” The day he got the word that he’d never have to come to this makeshift clinic again would be the best day of his life.

“Now now, don’t be like that.” Detritus looked at the Inkap. “Make sure our friend doesn’t run away while I’m not looking, okay Agaric?” At that, the Inkap seemed to stare at Six even harder as Detritus disappeared into a back room. The Gloomy imp had false ‘rain’ dripping from its cap and tail, the ‘water’ disappearing before it fell far enough to get anything wet. 

How does that even work…?

When Detritus returned, xe was holding a small jar of a dark purple substance that looked quite viscous. He held it out to Six, but the taller Doll pulled it out of his reach at the last second. “Don’t get into any fights on your way home, Little Flower; you really don’t want to get any of this spilled onto your skin.”

“Don’t pretend to be invested in my well-being, it's irritating.” Six snatched the jar of ‘none of my business’ from the Pride and tucked it securely into the small black backpack that he’d brought along.  

Detritus held his hands up in a mocking gesture of surrender. “Who says I’m pretending, Little Flower?” Six’s irritation grew even further as the glare he shot xyr way only made the Pride grin even wider. “Pleasure doing business with you, come again! ~”

Six slammed the door on his way out. 

It was several hours later, and Six had been dismissed for the night. Six didn’t believe in luck, but he had to admit that despite how much he hated the infuriating doctor, being sent to pick something up from Detritus wasn’t the worst of the missions he’d been given in the past.  

He didn’t realize his feet had carried him to the Rabbit Hole until he was on its doorstep. Usually Six preferred to buy a bottle of liquor directly and drink in the privacy of his room at the base, but apparently tonight was different. At least the bar seemed slow tonight; as he stepped in, he glanced around and made note of the mere four other buns in the building. 

“Hi there!” The bartender called out to him cheerfully as she polished a glass. It was the usual one, her trademark purple hair and skimpy black uniform marking her as Angora’s favourite just as easily as if the Gluttony doll wore a name tag on her chest. ‘Hops’, they called her. 

“Hello,” Six greeted her simply as he approached the bar. “A Mint Tulep, please.” 

“Coming right up!” 

Six turned to survey the bar again; a young couple giggling to each other, a worn-down looking bun that had definitely been here awhile, and a doll out on the terrace that he only noticed now with this new angle.

“Here you go!” There was a clink as Hops put the glass containing Six’s order down on the counter. 

“Thank you.” He reached out with his credit card and pressed it against the machine Hops held out to him. He used his tail to gesture towards the terrace. “Can I smoke out there?” 

“Yes sir, that's fine.” She smiled up at him before picking up her polishing cloth once again. 

Six went out through the elegant glass door to the terrace, taking a slow breath of the cool night air. Judging from the smell wafting over to him from the other doll - an Envy, he realized as he got closer - they were also enjoying a cigarette. Placing his drink on a small table, Six pulled out the silver cigarette case from his back pocket. He took one out and tucked the case back in his pocket

Before he could grab his lighter, however, the Envy doll turned towards him. Her green eyes glinted as she held up her own lighter, tiny flame flickering. “Need a light?” 

Six raised an eyebrow and wordlessly held his cigarette out, lighting it and taking a long drag before thanking her. 

“No sweat.” She grinned as Six exhaled. “Marlburrows?” 

Six smiled slightly, showing a fang. “Smooths. The only ones worth smoking.” 

The Envy doll held up her nub of a cigarette in a ‘cheers’ gesture. “A bun with taste.” She took one final drag of her cigarette before putting it out and dropping it into a nearby ashtray. “Have a good one.” 

Six returned the ‘cheers’ and turned away, looking out to watch the buns and dolls going about their night. He heard the Envy open the door leading back into the bar, as well as Hops call out ‘Time to head out, Jackal?’ before the door was closed and he was left in relative silence again. 

The Greed doll took his time with his cigarette before starting on his drink. As soon as he took a sip, Six found himself nodding slowly in approval. He’d not had one of the Rabbit Hole’s signature cocktails in months. His Flora seemed to appreciate the Mint Tulep as well somehow, the petals on his face and tail fluttering softly. 

He’d only been outside by himself for about ten minutes before the door opened up behind him. Six turned to see Hops coming out with a tray, a full shot glass and a fresh Mint Tulep balanced on top. 

Balance was apparently a key word here. 

Before she could explain, Hops tripped over who knows what, squeaking in surprise. It took Six no effort at all to put his drink down in time to catch her against his side, his other hand reaching to stabilize the tray she held. Hops looked up at him a little breathlessly, and blushed as she laughed. “Sorry! I can be a little clumsy. You have amazing reflexes!” 

Six helped her regain her footing. “Part of the job.” He answered simply, not giving the bartender any additional explanation. 

She nodded, not pushing. “Well, anyways, these are for you.” Hops placed the shot glass and Mint Tulep beside the glass he’d put down only moments before. 

“I… Didn’t order anything else.” 

“They’re from Jackal! Ah - “ Hops gestured at her head, indicating horns that stood upright unlike her own. “That was the Envy that was out here with you before. She said she was feeling generous, and that you looked like you’d had a long day. The shot is one of her favourites!” 

Six’s memories flicked back to his earlier conversation with Detritus. “In a way.” He glanced back towards his small collection of drinks. “Is she here often?” 

Hops nodded. “Often enough, yeah. Why?” She frowned as Six held out a handful of carats. “What is this for?” 

“For her tab, if she has one. Or for you, I don’t really care.” Six wasn’t about to go home feeling like he owed a favour to a complete stranger. 

“I… Okay, if you insist.” Hops nodded to him, taking the carats and her now empty tray and heading back inside. 

Six looked down at the now-crowded little table and sighed softly. Today had been one of the less irritating encounters he’d had with Detritus; it must mean something if a complete stranger could tell he was annoyed. Regardless, he’d now ‘paid for’ these drinks, and it’d be a shame to let them go to waste. He picked up the shot glass first, giving it a wary sniff. It didn’t smell like anything he recognized, but Six figured that a bun that smoked Marlburrows must have a good taste in liquor as well. He put the small cup to his lips and tipped his head back, taking the shot in one fluid movement - and immediately regretting it. Six was glad nobody else was out on the terrace as he coughed. His eye twitched as he reached for a Mint Tulep to help wash down the taste. 

Note to self: if you ever see the Envy ‘Jackal’ again, do NOT trust her alcohol recommendations.

Booze & Booty [Six]
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In Prompts ・ By FlytexofxFancy

This is the fastest I've done an NPC prompt for a bun (( I've had Six for like 2 days ))

Submitted By FlytexofxFancy for Booze and Booty
Submitted: 2 months and 6 days agoLast Updated: 2 months and 6 days ago

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