The Honey and Her Honey Pot

In Prompts ・ By Limi
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"Hey, Manis...?" The bun glanced up from her desk where she was jolting down ideas for her products and toward one of her employees. "I, uh...have an odd question??" Their nervous tone reached her ears and Manis offered a kind smile.
"Ask away please."
"Uh. Do you have any memories from before you came to Burrowgatory...?" At that question, the honey gluttony sat back with a thoughtful look covering her normally cheerful face.

"I have several......" She admitted as she reflected on her young years especially with her littermates, Reverie and Mosaic. Really her years spent with them had shaped her into who she is now. For most part. "I was one of buns raised by Murmur" she smiled "He was such excellent demon..."

"Come here, children....It is time for a story." Murmur's soft voice called out and Manis, a young yellow bun with dark crystal patches all over her body, glassy tips to her ears and gossamer wings attached to her body jerked up with a wide toothy grin, and reached for a pink bun's hand to drag along "Come on! We gotta sit next to Mosaic if we want the BESTEST seats!!" Together they hurried over to climb onto Murmur's lap and moved over to settle down by the sickly blue and starry bun who blinked up at both of them.
As other buns began to scamper onto the demon's lap, Manis could hear him chuckling softly at the young ones before starting to speak of a story.

"Manis?" She snapped out of her memories and blinked at one of her employees before chuckling "Don't worry about me dear. Go focus on the inventory please. I have to finalize next few experimental flavours..." They nodded and hurried off; leaving Manis to her sweet memories.
It wasn't that she did not want to share, it was that she treasure her memories immensely and she loathed to tarnish them by speaking of it. They were so special to her.

"Manis please don't climb" "Manis, do climb that shelf!!"
Two voices reached her ears and Manis stuck her tongue out as she stared up at the honey pot several shelves away and out of reach. Beside her, the blue starry bun whimpered softly as the pink bun bounced on his hooves on the other side of her.
Then. Slowly. Manis began to climb, starting with the stack of books Murmur had set down earlier. Then it was the first shelf.
Mosaic whimpered and Reverie whistled as she scaled the stacked bowls onto second shelf. Scaling onto third shelf wasn't hard as there was convenient model statue placed neatly for Manis to climb.

"ONE MORE SHELF!!" Reverie screeched and Mosaic covered his eyes as Manis managed to somehow scale her way up onto the shelf where the golden honey pot was at.
"GOT IT!" She cheered as she stumbled her way to the large tempting pot. Then. She SOMEHOW managed to scale to the top.
"THE LID ISN'T ON!" Manis shrieked before losing her footing.
Mosaic screamed and Reverie cheered as the golden yellow bun fell into the pot.

Upon hearing the scream from the young starry bun; Murmur came running only to skid to a sharp stop at the sight of a very pleased Manis feasting on honey while stuck inside the sticky jar.

"Oh my children...." he chuckled fondly as he reached for the jar "You silly child....How did you manage to get into this pot....Here let me" Murmur reached in, scooping Manis up into his hand and pulling her out of pot as she protested loudly.
"Come let's get you cleaned up" he chuckled as he scooped Mosaic and Reverie up in his other hand.

The bath afterwards had NOT been pleasant and Mosaic had sulked at her for few hours as Reverie had found it hilarious. Her repeated antics with honey pots was one of reasons she had grown gluttony horns after all.
Smiling as she remembered fondly the chaos she had gotten into as a young bun. Getting up and stretching her limbs out; she winced at a particular sore spot in her lower back. Leaving her things behind on her desk; she headed outside to enjoy the fresh air.

"Manis, honey, dearest, beloved, we have come to grace you with our presence~!" Manis sighed as she heard her littermate call out for her; his silky teasing voice reaching her ears.
"I'm not lesbian enough for your gayness" she retorted as she spotted Reverie; Mosaic sighing softly at their banter; already wishing for a book.

Manis approached Mosaic first and knelt down to give him a gentle hug "So good to see you~" she hummed as she pulled away to get to her feet before tackling Reverie into a tight hug that had him laughing.
"I was just thinking about you two. Do you remember that one time I scaled like five shelves just to reach a honey pot and ended up needing a bath?"
Mosaic sighed as Reverie lit up at the reminder of that day.
"You had to get a bath and got both of us so soaked from all your wriggling!"
Manis pouted at the mention of the bath. "I hated baths!"

The Honey and Her Honey Pot
1 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By Limi

....Manis pls.

Submitted By Limi for Childhood MemoriesView Favorites
Submitted: 3 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 3 months and 3 weeks ago

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[The Honey and Her Honey Pot by Limi (Literature)](
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