[PROMPT] A Walk Through the Gardens

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Signing up for the Church of Sulfur's blind date wasn't the difficult part, nor was visiting the venue, a brightly colored greenhouse garden, that was chosen for him. What *was* difficult for Arsene was whether or not he was overprepared or underprepared. Every new date had their own worries and he could only imagine what sort of encounter he would gain from them. It would be fine if it was in an area he knew or in a disclipine he knew (in this case, fighting and sparring). A greenhouse, though?

A sigh escaped him as he flipped the small Matentines calling card through his fingers; Fennix - Pride Horns. Well, at least he had something in common with this bun. He stood at the center of the garden, careful that his hellfire wasn't close enough *to* anything. He would hate to set the whole garden ablaze, after all. Not that he thought his hellfire *could* actually harm the plants here.

He stood peering over the buns coming and going and continued to flip the card through his fingers like a card trick. Surely his date would show up soon enough, right?


If Arsene was worried about being unprepared, Fennix was certainly and undoubtedly woefully so. How is it that he found himself running late on a date that was put together for him from the Church? Had he slept in? Had he just forgotten?

Quite the contrary, he made sure to be ready as he could and set out early for the day. However, he messed up the address, and after a few moments of waiting checked again to realize he was supposed to be at the very garden Arsene would be found in.

Fortunately, his preparations beforehand only meant he ran a few moments behind. And once in there, began seeking out the one on the card he was meant to meet.

Arsene - Pride Horns.

He'd begin to seek him out, seeming to be flustered already after the morning he had.


Lulled into a sense of ease, Arsene thought he might doze off while standing, waiting for his date. It wasn't even that he was waiting long either but more so that a peaceful place like the greenhouse garden was so unlike the world he came from. It seemed like there was always something for him to do, somewhere to be, people to manage. Here? He was taken in by the beautiful nature around him and he couldn't help but relax.

His gaze flickered over to a fretting individual just a little ways away, sensing their distress from where he stood. Not one to leave a bun worried and frazzled, he approaches them cautiously, hoping he would be able to help them somehow. Were they lost? Or lost someone? Whatever the case, Arsene would settle it.

"Excuse me," He murmured as gently as he could, stepping into their view with a careful expression. "Is everything alright? I hope you don't mind- I didn't know if you were troubled so I thought I'd offer my assistance, should you require it."


As Fennix allowed himself a moment to be flustered, he was surprised to find someone reaching out to offer assistance. A very tall ~~and attractive~~ someone.

He has to look up to meet the other's gaze. For those who don't know him, his eyes constantly leaked out tears regardless of the emotional state. So to the stranger, it looked more like that he was shaken to tears due to the later arrival.

"Oh, thank you," he offers back in a gentle voice. "I'm here with the Church for a date, and just ran a bit behind. I'm sure I can find them on my own."

Fennix reached into a pocket and produced an identical card to Arsene's own...only one branding his name on the other side. Ah yes, these two would be spending an unforeseen amount of time together today.


The tears did startle him certainly but Arsene wouldn't be deterred by them. If the other was calm, so was he. It wouldn't do Arsene any good to rush to conclusions, especially to someone he just met. When the other spoke, he figured he would let them be and leave them with a considerate nod. That is, until he produced a card similar to his.

"Ah, so you're my date then." The teal bun murmured, an amused smile creasing the corners of his lips. He takes a careful sidestep before offering his much larger hand to the other for a formal greeting. "Fennix, right? Nice to meet you. Hopefully you like gardens? Honestly, I think it's a nice change of pace than what I'm used to...being in the city is good but it's nice to get away from it and just stop and smell the roses. Er. Literally and figuratively."

He cleared his throat to that, embarrassed by his play on words.


"It seems I am." Despite wet eyes, a genuine smile appeared on his face. Bro the church gave him a hella cute guy, how _could_ he be upset? "It's a pleasure to meet you Arsene.

"I have to say, the garden is quite a good pick." He continues, voice soft but warm and expression kind and gentle. "I tend to spend most of my time in the city, I think the garden is a lovely change of pace."

He stopped a moment though, not sure if he were to offer a hand. They _just_ met a minute ago. And hand holding is the most sinful action that could ever be.


"The pleasure is all mine, I assure you." He chuckled and begins to lead the other through the garden. Granted, Arsene wasn't sure *where* he was going but he figured they'd just enjoy what was around. "I have to agree. Most of the work I do- well. I don't *hate* it or anything but it can leave a guy feeling restless."

The pride bun doesn't elaborate further and instead, stops in front of a particular patch of almost bright, tropical looking plants. They seemed so exotic yet so comforting, he almost wondered if they were magical or something. The scent wafting from the petals was sweet, almost like a perfume of sorts.

When he finally turns to notice the other, he offers Fennix a gentle smile and extends his hand for him to hold, just in case. "Ah, it would be better if we kept close, yeah?"


What a mind-reader. An incredibly handsome mind-reader. When Arsene offers his hand, he blushes, tail giving a swing before he took it.

"Thank you."

His voice comes out a soft whisper, surprised at the offer it seems.

"I can understand the work sentiment." He continued, with a bit more confidence in his tone. "It seems like every bun I meet has some interesting job. And then there's me, working an office job."

I suppose work needs to be done regardless. But office jobs and the bun that looks like he crawled out of Davy Jones' locker? Quite an interesting combination.

"The garden is lovely, truly. You won't hear any complaints from me."


“Don’t mention it.” He shakes his head and continues down the path. The lull of the garden was relaxing and it didn’t hurt that the company was good either. Hand in hand, Arsene continued to keep the pace with Fennix but then chuckled at his job comment.

“There’s nothing wrong with that. Honestly, if it works for you, it works right? Mm, I feel like if I had a choice…or, I suppose, if I did things differently…maybe something like that would have been preferable.” He hummed, trying to imagine himself in that situation. Arsene wondered if he would be the same bun he is now if his life was different. There were some experiences he might have changed but as for the rest of them? No, he couldn’t live his life thinking about ‘what ifs’. Still, he offered a sheepish smile to the other. “Which is why it’s important to take these sort of breaks, I suppose. And to spend it with good company helps too. I think.”

Arsene continues to lead them through the rest of the garden and after some time walking, leads them to an area with benches and a little vendor selling drinks and snacks. “Wait here.” He instructed the other before grabbing them both water bottles and sandwiches from the vendor. The pride bun returns with the treats and hands half to Fennix.

“After all our walking, would be best to take even more of a break, hm?”


Fennix was just enamored being led around by this handsome man. If Arsene told him to jump, he'd do it. The church knew what it was doing, he'd never doubt them again.

After a bit, Arsene asks him to stop. So he does, waiting patiently and finding himself getting comfortable nearby as the other walked over to grab them lunch.

He smiles warmly as he comes back with some water bottles and goodies. Which he gratefully takes, the smile never leaving his face as his tail flicks.

His eyes scanned things over quickly, and quickly finds a bench that he motions to. It seems they'd have a nice time together, keeping a low profile and learning more about one another.

Hopefully they'd meet up again. Fennix wouldn't complain.

[PROMPT] A Walk Through the Gardens
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In Prompts ・ By apothecarum, mikmik121

Word count: 1.5k 

Submitted By apothecarum for Blind DateView Favorites
Submitted: 4 months and 3 days agoLast Updated: 4 months and 3 days ago

apothecarum: RP Partner
mikmik121: RP Partner
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[[PROMPT] A Walk Through the Gardens by apothecarum, mikmik121 (Literature)](http://succubuns.com/gallery/view/27333)
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