Sweets Talk

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The Paradise Café was certainly living up to its name; offering a serene atmosphere to all that dined within. Various succubuns and cherubuns that occupied the establishment either greatly taking to their treats or company. One such of the former having entered; baring a rather solemn expression as she gazed upon the other patrons.

Vivace quickly got within the line to order, scanning the available seating around her. Her expression shifted to one of disgust when eyeing another bun that had in her opinion- foul fashion sense. The clashing colors, the gaudy accessories, and ugh- socks with sandals was such an offense.

“Not everyone can have taste I suppose.” She huffed quietly, shaking her head in some measure of disappointment. Returning her focus to the menu so that she could attempt to forget the insulting attire. 


“You’ve got that right,” Ari mumbled, the words coming out of his mouth before he could stop them. He preferred his doll form, but the message he got from the Church of Sulfur earlier today mentioned that his date would be in their bun form, so there he was. He was a little early for their set meeting time, so he was taking a long look at the menu and wondering if he should try something new. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop… But those bracelets are so chunky they make that bun’s hands look tiny.” 


The sudden comment had been unexpected; Vivace turning her gaze onto the source. Very clearly attempting to judge the other succubun- coming to the conclusion that they were simply much too plain to do so. It would have been a waste of breath to even try.

She did look back to the tacky individual, her eyes shifting towards the bracelets in question. Finding herself nodding in agreement that they were quite overbearing. Only turning her head slightly back towards the pink lust bun.

“Apology accepted- no harm, no foul.” Vivace attempted to be pleasant as she rather not sour the sweet experience that was the café’s treats soon. “You are right though- it also obstructs the tattoo they seem to have. Something transparent or slimmer would have been a much better fit to show off the design.” Clicking her tongue in further disappointment. 

“Ohh, good eye, I didn’t even notice the tattoo.” Ari took in the bun beside him. She had intricate swirling designs on her body and ears, and most of her fur was a soft cream colour. “I was too focused on those pants. I could easily think of multiple different styles that would flatter their legs better.”

Ari took his phone out of his bag, glancing down to check the time. It was nearing when he was supposed to be meeting his date, but somebun at the Church must have dropped the ball, because he didn’t even have a loose description of what his blind date might look like. 


“Thank you, I tend to be very detail oriented.” Pausing as she considered her next words- noting how the other bun was glancing towards his phone. Her attention brought to the counter as she uttered a quick ‘excuse me’. She quickly placed her order, slid the appropriate amount of pay, and took a numbered stand to put upon her table. Not wanting to delay those behind her more than what was necessary.

“It’s not often I find another with taste, perhaps we can chat more. But if you have other plans, good day.” Vivace gave a small bow of her head then decided to sit at a booth by the window. Setting the stand in plain sight before taking out a small journal to jot down some notes in.


Ari nodded a goodbye at the other bun, amused by her formal way of talking. He stepped out of line to let others by, preferring to wait a bit longer to see if his date would show up; hopefully they had enough details to pick him out of the crowd when they got there. 

Two, three, five minutes passed; it was now firmly past when his blind date was supposed to be there, and Ari couldn’t stop his tail from lashing in annoyance. Giving up, Ari went up to the counter and placed an order, taking his numbered stand over to the table where the bun from earlier had situated herself. 

“Hi again,” he started, laughing at his own expense a little. “It seems my plans for the afternoon have fallen through. Do you mind?” He gestured at the empty seat across from the stranger. 

Vivace had not actually expected the lust bun to join her but didn’t seem bothered by it. She did extend a sort of invitation for more conversation after all. Plus she hadn’t gotten too involved in her writings either so it wasn’t too much of an issue.

“I do not- a shame to hear of your plans.” Extending what polite condolences she could. Knowing that she would have been plenty annoyed if her own were canceled suddenly. But now that she had some form of company who seemed to share one of her interests- it wouldn’t do to not make introductions. “I’m Vivace, nice to make your acquaintance.”


“Vivace? That’s a pretty name.” Ari wondered offhandedly if his mannerisms would come across as flirting even if he didn’t mean them to. Oh well, she wouldn’t be the first ‘she’ I’d had to break the news to. “You can call me Reverie.” 

He gestured at the note book in front of her “Work? Or play?” Vivace gave off a certain air of sophistication that made Ari assume her work would have something to do with upper class buns, which obviously interested him. And if not? That would be even more interesting. 

Thank you, yours has a nice ring to it as well.” Paying the compliment with one of her own. The mention of her journal almost had her reflexively bring it closer to her. Being both proud and protective of the jottings within. It was a simple question though, there was no need to act rashly.

“A bit of both.” Vivace answered simply; distracted when her Decaf Loptte and slice of cake was brought to her. Though her expression remained neutral, her tail showed her delight with its gentle swaying. Thanking the waitress before she elaborated just a bit. “I am a musician and I was going over potential lyrics to a new song.” Taking a careful and quiet sip of her drink, having a hint of a smile on her before she continued.

“You wouldn’t happen to have an interest in music as well as fashion do you?” It would be quite a genuine surprise if such were the case. But there was no harm in asking either. 


A musician! Somehow that didn’t surprise him at all. He tried to think if he’d ever heard of her before; Vivace didn’t seem like a common name, or a fake one, but then again he wasn’t really in the know enough to properly gauge her popularity.

 “I think ‘interest’ is a strong word for it,” Ari admitted. “I don’t know much more about music than the average bun. I like to think I have good taste but I couldn’t comment on the ‘art’ of any particular song, you know?” Ari tipped his head slightly, studying her. “Are you a singer? Since you’re writing lyrics? Or do you just focus on instrumentals?” 

“That’s a pity.” The pride bun played it off as a light joke though was a tad disappointed internally. She did enjoy seeing the perspective of fellow musicians but that was not in the cards for her today. Shaking her head that she was not a singer additionally; having entertained the thought here and there though lacked a coach at the present time.

“The latter- my specialty being the violin.” While Vivace did enjoy speaking of her talents, she was admittedly curious about her company. Waiting until she had properly swallowed a bite of her cake before speaking again. “If I may ask; where do your interests lie then?”


Ari laughed before he could stop himself, but quickly covered his mouth with his hand. He was about to answer Vivace's question when one of the baristas came by to drop off his order; a strawberry cream pastry and an a monstrosity of an iced 'coffee'. 

"Sorry, I wasn't laughing at you. It's just that my interests are a lot less sophisticated than yours." Ari reached up and tapped one of his Lust horns meaningfully. "Let's just say I spend a lot of time in my doll form." 


Vivace was quick to narrow her eyes at the laugh, softening her gaze when Reverie cleared up her assumption. The gesture towards his horns only further added onto her hidden disappointment- a lot less sophisticated indeed. But they were a lust succubun after all- she supposed she couldn’t necessarily judge too harshly.

“We all have various interests.” She simply shrugged, taking another sip of her drink. “We still potentially share one with fashion and another with treats?” Gesturing with her cup towards his order. 


“I love sweets,” Ari confirmed the question behind her gesture. “I work at a cafe, and no matter what I always have something after my shift.” He spun his pastry around so Vivace could see the strawberry cream inside. “My favourite flavours are strawberry and chocolate, but I hate coconut. Do you have any specific preferences?” He picked up his pastry and took a bite as he waited for her response. 


Seeing Reverie practically brighten up with the conversation turning to sweets did earn a small amused hum. Learning he also worked at a café did tempt her to ask where; wondering if she had stopped by his particular establishment and had missed another until now.

“I can understand disliking coconut, I don’t particularly favor it either.” Scrunching up her nose merely speaking of it. Though the texture bothered her more than taste. “I do like chocolate as well, anything flavored with hazelnuts I find delightful too.” Simply speaking of such had Vivace tempted to go order another treat but took another bite of her cake to sate her.

“I’m not too highly selective in my sweets otherwise.” Shrugging as she went back to her coffee temporarily. “Would chocolate covered strawberries be a favorite treat you get to take home?” Making a semi playful guess from what she had been told.


"Ohhh, hazelnuts are good too, especially paired with chocolate," Ari mused. 

At Vivace's eventual question, Ari smiled almost shyly, nodding. "You guessed it. I don't have them very often though, because I like to have them for special occassions." His tail tip wagged back and forth happily as he remembered the last time he had them. "There's a place fairly close to my house that decorates them with different colours of chocolate instead of just dipping them; they're practically works of art on their own."


Vivace hadn’t actually thought her guess would be correct, having another amused hum at such. Her own tail started to sway somewhat with the description that followed. Even if the treat wasn’t her favorite, it did sound rather interesting to check for herself one day.

“Would you mind telling me where it is? If what you say is true, seeing some edible art sounds like it’d be within my interests.” Plus should it be good- just having another sweet establishment to add onto her growing list of them was never a bad thing in her eyes. “Perhaps any other recommendations you have as well?”


“Oh of course, I don’t gatekeep sweets,” Ari said playfully. He gestured at the pen Vivace had been using to work on her song lyrics. “I could write a few down on a napkin if you want? I’m also happy to just text them to you.” Ari tipped his head thoughtfully. “Actually, I don’t have anything else planned until later in the evening, so I could just take you to one, if you want.”


The pride bun was ready to offer the pen when Reverie also offered to show her the way to the establishment. Her schedule was clear for the day as well- there was no harm in it she supposed. Eventually agreeing to the little trip, after they finished up their current treats anyway.

She savored the last bits of her cake and drink before they departed for sweets elsewhere. It was surprising where an aimless day had led her but she wasn’t complaining. Happily beginning to indulge in many strawberries along with her company once they arrived. Politely thanking him for the pleasant afternoon and for showing her to such a hidden gem within Burrowgatory to enjoy.  

Sweets Talk
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In Prompts ・ By Alivi, FlytexofxFancy

Making the most of a cancelled date ~

Submitted By FlytexofxFancy for Blind Date
Submitted: 4 months and 5 days agoLast Updated: 4 months and 5 days ago

Alivi: Vivace
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