[PROMPT] Seventh Heaven

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Burrowgatory was a hub of activity since Matentines began and Atlas, the sloth bun that he is, was not impervious to its busy hum. It was the one time in the year that mating was encouraged and celebrated, ushering new litters for Murmur to care for before they would join them in Burrowgatory. Atlas didn't necessarily have an opinion on that either way but he also didn't mind fulfilling the needs of others even if that wasn't his particular endgame.

His journey led him from the outskirts where his home reside to a shopping district within the inner city. It was Matentines themed for blocks, enticing buns to enter their stores with their partners. Atlas, however, was headed for a little park nestled in between all that, hoping to meet up with his blind date. He had no information about them, naturally, but he was given a small, pink business card with only the number "7" written on it. The sloth bun assumed whoever he was to meet would have this same number, or maybe same color? He would have asked Oleander for more clarification but the priestly bun seemd to have other matters to attend to.

When he finally made his way to the small park, he stands closest to large, heart-shaped balloon that was weighted to the ground. Even for a bun of his size, he tried to make sure he did not inconvenience anyone else who might be in the way. His green eyes scanned the area, wondering who among them was supposed to be there to meet up with him. He stepped forward, just a little, in case his attempts at blending in were too good.


Powder fiddled with the envelope in their hands, giving it another look for the umpteenth time as if the number would change if they let it out of their sight too long. It was far from their first date, of course, but what could they say? If the little heart shaped horns atop their head didn't give it away, they were a fan of the season - and not just the the naughtier activities it came with.

Not that they'd say no to those, either.

But that wasn't why they were out today, hurrying down the sidewalk and trying to see over the horned heads around them. As if the Church could set up blind dates and not have them take part. The idea was romantic - an anonymous match, a rendezvous, and in an adorable little park no less. Powder slipped the little envelope into their bag as they came to the entrance, gave themselves one last little look-over and headed in. The letter had mentioned a heart shaped balloon to mark the spot to meet their date, but for as large as it was, their gaze settled on a larger - and more familiar - someone instead.

"Atlas, darling!" What were the odds? The far smaller bun called out to him as they approached the balloon, tail curling happily behind them. Powder hadn't realized he'd decided to take part, too. Whoever got the big guy, they thought, should feel lucky. A sweetheart, a giant, and cute to boot - though perhaps now wasn't the time to be fawning over Atlas. "Waiting on a date, too?"


A voice, gentle and soft, like fragrant petals scattered upon a fresh bath, like comfort, like home, rang out and Atlas knew. He knew immediately who it was and turned as if upon instinct to face his favorite muse, his beloved companion. Atlas peered them over, concerned for their wellbeing not out of worry but out of habit. The sloth bun was always so careful to look them over, to spot any stray hairs out of place or buttons unbuttoned that it was second nature at this point.

Perhaps he stared a little too long and forgot to reply, quickening his words as to not appear suspicious.

"Mm. Yes." His reply is shy, as if he were caught doing something he wasn't supposed to or perhaps that he would much rather spend time with Powder instead.

"Wanted to...make new friends...maybe." Atlas murmured, rubbing the back of his neck before pulling out the card with the number "7" to show them; not one to hide anything from the other. "Could...find mating partner but..." He trailed off and if his horns could droop, they would. His tail does it for him instead, seemingly sinking to the ground beneath them.

"...would rather...keep to myself..." He huffed, his face warming at his own admission. There was more to it but words were *not* his strong suit and he didn't want to keep Powder for long.

"Hope I'm not keeping you...hope your date arrives soon..." The monochrome bun cleared his throat and offered the doll bun an encouraging smile.


The drooping of his tail doesn't escape them, nor Atlas's quiet huff as he slowly explained. Of course, not wanting to jump right into making kits with a stranger was fine, but Powder couldn't help the little pout they made in response to the other bun's wilting demeanor. Had someone said something, or been rude to him..? They took the envelope from him and replaced it with their own far smaller hand, giving him a reassuring squeeze.

"Well - I'm sure you won't have any trouble with that. Who wouldn't care to be your friend, darling?" Their pout was quickly replaced with another smile up at him, a mischievious look in their eyes, and giggled. "Just as well you aren't looking, though. I wouldn't be able to get to the shop through all the suitors."

"But you aren't keeping me." Powder reached for their bag, strap hung over their shoulder, delicately holding Atlas's envelope between their fingers as they pulled out their own. "In fact - they're supposed to be meeting me -"

Powder looked at the two envelopes in their hand, blank sides facing Atlas, numbered towards them. "7" and ... "7". Powder blinked. They spread the two further apart, as if concerned they were seeing double, but no. They were indeed identical, and they felt a small flush rise to their cheeks for such a thing not occuring to them sooner.



The comfort of Powder's words were like a salve to his bruised, fragile ego. Atlas was uncertain he'd ever know how to match their kindness or if his presence could offer even a modicum of safety the way theirs did. A smile manages to tug at the corners of his lips and with a tail swishing lowly as he managed to turn his gaze towards them. Imagining a line of suitors for for Powder's attention only amused the soft-hearted sloth bun. He couldn't blame them but if the other ever needed a sturdy companion- Atlas was more than willing to keep the others at bay.


He watches their expression shift from surprise to- embarrassment? He turns to the side just for a moment to peek, only to see what they saw: a pair of "7"s. The same surprise also renders him speechless before he turns to the other, blinking it back as best he could. So, his date was... Powder?!

Though the pair spend enough time together unprompted, the very idea that they'd spend a blind date together for the Matentines season made Atlas feel especially warm all over. His heart skipped a couple beats and his own pale face brightened red in color.

"Ah-" He wants to laugh, overjoyed that it is them for some reason. Still, he's merely caught off guard by their expression before he centers himself. "At least I didn't make you wait..."

"You didn't, but- suppose I did." Colour rushes to Powder's cheeks, the rosey blush already there only serving to make them even more flushed. They pull their gaze from their matching envelopes back to Atlas, feeling a small wave of relief at the sight of his face, kind and just as red as their own, and can't stop the small giggle that follows.

Of all the buns in Burrowgatory, hm? It was a surprise, sure, but far from an unwelcome one. More than welcome, actually - the realization made Powder's tail curl as it settled in, embarassment at the situation giving way to a warm, giddy feeling, and they let their hand hold the other's all the tighter.

Powder glances to the little envelopes before putting them in their bag as carefully as they can, not wanting to crush or bend them - they'd be a cute memento of the holiday, if Atlas didn't mind them holding on to them after the fact. They fasten it shut before stepping closer to him, not bothered by the fact they had to crane their neck to meet his gaze. They were very much used to it, after all.

"I'll see that I make the wait up to you, darling."


It doesn’t take long at all for Atlas to reach for Powder with arms outstretched. He easily fits his arms around their delicate form and lifts them into his arms, grinning from ear to ear. Perhaps they’ll get looks from onlookers and the soft murmurs but he doesn’t seem to care; he never does when it involves them. The joy is palpable, blooming fresh into every nerve of the sloth bun’s body. It takes him a long moment before he lowers the other–though he still steadies them into his arms, careful not to let them go too soon.

“Have…no doubt…” He agreed with a soft chuckle. It takes him a moment before he recognizes the look in their eyes and at his own implication does he clear his throat and avert his gaze suddenly. If there was anyone he would spend the season with for this reason, the only person he trusted implicitly was the lust bun so it made sense right? Atlas knew the other wouldn’t mind and would most likely indulge him on his. . . urges.

Before that and before he melted onto the sidewalk from embarrassment, he reaches for Powder’s hand and entwines their fingers together while also wrapping his tail around theirs.

“We should…make the most of the date voucher. We should get something to eat and then maybe…” He trailed off sheepishly before leading them off, hoping that was enough to get his point across to his beloved companion.

[PROMPT] Seventh Heaven
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In Prompts ・ By apothecarum, starking

Word Count: 1.7k

Just a couple of sillies who realized their favorite person is their blind date! 

Submitted By apothecarum for Blind DateView Favorites
Submitted: 4 months and 4 days agoLast Updated: 4 months and 4 days ago

apothecarum: RP Partner
starking: RP Partner
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[[PROMPT] Seventh Heaven by apothecarum, starking (Literature)](http://succubuns.com/gallery/view/27184)
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